Summer bummers ain’t over yet

Not actual scene
So it’s 4:43pm on the lovely Belmar Boardwalk an you come upon a car parked up against the boardwalk (across the street) from the Mayfair Hotel. You notice something strange, like the back side of a mans (aka his bottom) a bit up in the air and the not so young lady’s legs in a kind of awkard position. Windows are open, so as you (I mean I) pass by say “Are you kidding me”? “Not here. Not in broad daylight. Not at the Belmar Boardwalk”. So they stop, tell me to carry on “they’re on their honeymoon (doubt it) and didn’t thingk they’d be caught. I suggest the old adage “get a room”. She, the lovely not so young lady, suggests I get some “cock” and then I wouldn’t be bothered by seeing this. Again, it’s in broad daylight”. I say “I think I’ll call the cops.”. Now they hurry to drive away and the nice man says “Good luck. Her dads the Mayor.” I laughed as I was pretty sure Mayor Doherty doesn’t have grown children that just got married. I think I might have heard about that.
Found the white car, plate #XXX-XXX parked in front of the Belmar Inn about 30 minutes later. Why hadn’t they just started in there?
Reason for sharing as maybe the town should have some officers on foot patrol on the boardwalk until the tempature drops below 30. Either it will be too cold in the car or at least you won’t have hundreds of people walking the boards and have the opportunity to have this memorable experience.
If you live near Bar A….
Wait until the morning to put your recycling out.
Dog abuser
Jackass in the light blue shirt went to the beach and left his dog for 3 hours in a very hot black Audi parked on Ocean Ave. Windows cracked open only slightly.Glad someone called the cops on this jerk.
Family turns resident’s yard into a park.
Too lazy to walk back to where their car is parked, they are all sitting on the retaining wall of an Ocean Ave resident and waiting for whoever went to get their car I guess. They had a stroller, a cooler, chairs and umbrellas piled up on the grass and one of the kids was kicking a ball around on the lawn. I know the family that lives in this house and at first figured they must be friends of theirs but when I got closer I noticed they were speaking Portuguese to each other.
Homeowner: “Could you (vomit) on the street instead?”
2:00 AM on a Tuesday night. Click on it to see the video.
Could someone take out the trash?
Could someone pick that up?
Glad he didn’t
Anchor becoming a nuisance
Click on the image to see the video.
Note that you can see the senior building on the left. (Where’s Gene Murray when you need him?)
Traffic chaos at drawbridge
Black pickup and silver sedan couldn’t apparently didn’t know that the drawbridge was open (because that giant new building blocks the view) and used left lane to pass all the cars in the right lane that weren’t moving. When they realized the cars weren’t moving because the bridge was up they just stopped in the left lane to wait for the bridge to go back down. The green light for 5th Ave should have allowed drivers in left lane to turn left onto Main St or go straight across onto River Rd. Instead nothing moved and multiple cars started honking. Finally the silver Toyota Highlander, the gold Chevy Uplander and several cars behind them gave up and pulled into oncoming traffic to get out of the mess.
Unholy noise at Saint Rose
This looks like a nice place to take a nap.
16th Ave Saturday night
Cop should get ticket.
A reader reports:
Here is what happened today 2:17pm at 9th and Main St.
Green light for me to cross heading west..Im in the crosswalk ..took a few steps then luckily stopped looked to my left…2 cars ran the red light..first car followed by police car…
no lights on…police car was literally tailgating other car..I hollered at the police car “Red Light!! ” The officer turned to look and drove off.How can we rely on Belmar police to enforce the laws when they themselves break them?
Are our police truly police officers ? Didn’t they take an oath to “Serve and Protect”
their communities?Something needs to be done immediately to “pressure” the police to enforce laws in Belmar to make it a safe place to live.
This herd will be heard!
Driving 101: Don’t get stuck on the tracks!
Took this picture Saturday, July16th…note the black jeep idling on the railroad tracks…traffic at standstill. Red light on Rte 35 and 8th Ave heading west.
Catstrophe waiting to happen should train come in either direction.
Typical traffic scenario every weekend in the summer. Traffic enforcement non existent.
More dummies:
Check out silver car squeezed between two other cars near tracks..more cars on track..
Darn as soon as I turned tablet off police car turns headlights on to cross River Rd heading north…crosses 8th then turns them off.. “Taking advantage of their position
too important to patrol traffic..”******************
Boardwalk Blockage
“Boardwalk completely blocked by drum group, hula hoopers, and chairs. Drumming can be heard 3 blocks away. And see if you can find a cop in pics – not one in sight.”
You’re Welcome
Posted 07-12-16
Lucky Man!
Posted 07-12-16
Just like the NYC Subway!
Guitar case was open for donations. Photographer witnessed two specials walk by and do nothing.Posted 07-11-16
The Good Housekeeping award goes to…..
103 16th Ave
I am glad to report that I was contacted by the owner of the property and told that the garbage would be cleaned up. At the owner’s request I have pulled down the images.
Posted 07-11-16, updated 07-12-16
Nice quiet neighborhood
18th and Ocean, the night of July 3Posted 07-11-16
Send your submissions to:
Where did the vegetable trucks go on Paynoe Plaza on Sat morning. I heard they were told there is no room for the farmers that have been there for the last ten years??????
Yes….we are missing Hauser Hills Farm.
Yes, they had been at Pyanoe Plaza every Saturday for the past 11 years from mid May til end of October. Great bunch of hard working high school and college kids..look forward to them return every summer to hear about their school year and young lives. Hausers produce was picked the very morning they sold it…Unbelievable prices. Yes, they were told no room for them..That is B.S. I have walked thru the market past three Saturdays…There is plenty of room..the exact location were they set up for past 11 years is empty. Support Hauser Hills Farm! Support NJFARM FRESH! Stand up..let your voices be heard! Bring Hauser Hills Farm back THIS summer!
103 16th Ave, owned by a Doherty donor so don’t expect any tickets to be issued.
Is it Richard Tarzian?
115 and 117 16th ave, I believe are owned by Barry Zimmerman and or kopalco Dave.
These are 101 and 103. Tarzan owns 101 for sure.
#5: wrong owner.
Yes, we need Hauser Hills farm stand. Why eliminate something wholesome and healthy?
And why are the town bus trips so limited this year?
And they didn’t want BEACH TOWELS hanging on the front porch!
Marketing Mogul mad about mayhem? Shameful going on three (3) weeks of dangerous, hazardous condition existing on property. I’d be thankful for trying to protect my fellow man. Try 10:30 am tenants screaming expletives about neighbor’s complaints about noise, etc., at their porch on Saturday and Sundays after they spent their money to pay for a party house.
Good 4u taking post of trash off. If that is a rental, the landlord probably wasn’t aware of the condition.
He wasn’t
In future can’t believe code enforcement or police or politically contacted when they say the LANDLORD was informed of violations and/or adverse conditions on their property. Guess that goes for their employees and employed professionals and managers. Maybe a knock on their doors with a little basket of goodies would work to your advantage in getting the trash and dangerous conditions cleared out instead?
Can the folks sit on the beach and the entertainment set up on the bump out? Easy solution to accessing the boardwalk. Ocean will carry the surroud sound of the percussion instruments. It’s Common Sense.
14. That should be tried
Do we have any leaders who are brave enough to take the initiative to guide the process referenced in #14 suggestion?
#16. I would suggest to reach out to the VERY QUIET Republican endorsed candidates for Belmar Council, the experienced and hardened Mark Walsifer and the idealistic and naïve Josh Vallario to see if they will lead. Otherwise, you are up the —- creek.
Regarding “Lucky Man” 19th Avenue Beach – is that a ho house? Who is that pimp in the middle?
Rumor has it that last Sunday around 2am (monday) a vehicle was stuck on the tracks and struck by a train in Belmar. I hear it was a drunk driver.
#19 yes true at 16th ave. crossing
Driving #101 – Don’t reveal your location. They’ll retaliate against you. You’ll get a porta potty near your front door.
Drunk driver left the vehicle on the tracks? Is that a first or is there a recognized history of that (car driven onto tracks) happening in summer every year?
A bridge should be built out of Belmar onto route 35. Don’t know how but Avon has a bridge that works well for them. Engineers should think aheadzz
Do we have an Evacuation plan. Yesterday and last Saturday we examples of extreme gridlock on Main Street and exit roads from the beach. Be it sunny or stormy we have an exodus problem.
No police available to direct traffic flow about or onto highways. Fire alarm, forget it, jump into the ocean.
We wanted to go to Stop and Shop yesterday afternoon and we couldn’t get out of Belmar.
Now Transit cops have been notified of the pack animal crossings enmass unimpeded by local police!
Wasn’t able to grab a photo last night. Anyone see the traffic mess at the movie on the beach? What a disgrace that not one officer can be placed to direct traffic. Such a shame public safety doesn’t come before profit???
It’s just a kids movie gall darned. It’s not like directing exotic beauties to and fro the bars while on the beat. A guys got to have some advantage under the circumstances.
Vote Doherty for Freeholder- get that mess of a mayor outta town ASAP !
Strollos need to hire security to help patrons pull into and out of parking spaces in cases like this. More common than not.
Strollo shouldn’t be forced to pay for a job that the Belmar PD should be doing. Sorry don’t agree
Anyone worried about getting out of town for an emergency or other. Just call ur private helicopter but be sure to donate to Matt so it’s ok
Gene Murray heh heh what a clown
#33 You have to give Matt credit, his team from Claire to the council, and others were hand picked for their ignorance and easily bamboozled with his charm. That way, he is in his own mind looks smart.
Do we need a “keep main st clean and quiet” committee
Coast Star article on West Nile virus infecting 3 in Wall. Those are the REPORTED CASES.
Standing water, garbage and anything that holds stagnant water, even a cap full, can cause an epidemic if we don’t act responsibly. Make sure summer neighbors get rid of their trash, etc. DUNKIN DONUTS TRASH BINS
How about late night outdoor vomiting near bars, does that increase Zika risk
#37, You may be on to something. Possibly the council can force bars and restaurants to have their own vomitoriums on premises. It worked well 2,000 years ago at Rome, why not Belmar. I can see the imbeciles/morons (I mean that only in the best way)on our council wrestling with that issue at a meeting.
We passed this Ocean Avenue + 2ND corner property while stuck in traffic. Two children were running back and forth on the 2.5 to 3 foot stone wall while the adults were ignoring them viewing Pokemon park. In addition to trespassing by the non-attentive adults, it was clearly an accident waiting to happen. Homeowner insurance rate increase potential.
Down hill, shame to see that the new Anchor Tavern in the center of town is allowed to play amplified music outdoor on the street corner,this will do wonders for home sales in the north end!
#39 – Needs a sign “Curb your dog AND YOUR KIDS”
I’m happy to know that the garbage has been cleaned up.
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