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Monthly Archives: June 2014

A Mayor Can Change His Mind

And in this case I’m glad he did. Some of you may recall that a few meetings ago our mayor announced his intention to make a major change to the way Belmar applies zoning laws, from a way that prohibits all but what is listed as permissible property uses in our code to one that […]

Jeffery Tucker On Porcfest:

From the blog of the great libertarian writer and publisher Jeffery Tucker, who I had the pleasure of having breakfast with Sunday morning.   The plane was late to leave New York, as usual, so I didn’t land in Manchester, New Hampshire, until 1:00am, and I still had two hours to drive to get to […]

Porcupine Group Photo

Herding Free Staters is about as difficult as herding real porcupines so this is the best that we could do.  The photographer of the official photo (Karen took this one) was standing at the top of the hill and yelled down for the people who were standing near the tent to move to their right, […]

Unintentional Censorship

We’re all  having a great time up here at Porcfest.  I’ve learned a lot and have seen a lot of great speakers and we’ve all made new friendships.  Even my little dog Sophie is making lots of friends The only downside is that the internet here is like something out of Green Acres.  (It must […]


Spring Lake’s New Pavilion

Less than $7 million, including demolition of the old one! 3 large swimming pools! Food concessions! Expanded toilet facilities! New elevator! No bonding required! .

Nine Hours Later…….

Arrived alive. The bumper sticker on the ex-police car says “NO MORE LAWS!”

Travelling Light

Only the bare essentials.

Off To Porcfest!

Tomorrow morning we’re leaving on our annual pilgrimage to the promised land.  No not Israel.  New Hampshire. Yes, this week is Porcfest, the annual gathering of the Free State Project porcupines. The Free State project is a plan to move 20,000 pro-liberty activists all to New Hampshire so we can concentrate our efforts on creating […]

A Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy Theory

I think they must have recently added the term “conspiracy theory” to the Democratic crisis management playbook.  When the evidence is on your side argue the evidence.  When the evidence isn’t on your side call it a conspiracy theory. I’ve been following politics for a long time and don’t recall the term being used by […]