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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Too Rich!

AshBritt CEO Randy Perkins runs for Florida House seat…   * Finds political donation process “disgusting”!!     Taxpayers of Belmar wish he had seen the light sooner:     Since his donors don’t even want the $2.7 million back, and now with his change of heart about how powerful interests buy political influence to […]

Last Week

We Took Their Cars?

Administration Stonewalling On Helicopter Info

A couple of residents have OPRAed the Borough for information about the arrangements for the helicopter landing.  They received the kind of responses we’ve come to expect from this administration and the kind that have resulted in so many successful OPRA complaints made against Belmar.   Here is the response: Our public officials don’t use […]

Some Helpful Advice

Borough Tripped Up By OPRA Request

With the permission of the Coast Star: Rest of the story here.

Bean/Seebeck Strike A Nerve

First of all, Bean didn’t run for re-election, he ran for mayor and came pretty close to winning.  And Seebeck got more votes than Matt in 2014. Second of all, what Doherty doesn’t mention is that Ayala never made a political contribution before in his life, not to any of Matt’s previous races or anyone […]

A Not Very Resolute Resolution

In Hiding

August 2 meeting cancelled.

Ocean Ave 4th Worst