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Monthly Archives: January 2011

The “Specail” Improvement District Budget

Belmar Business Partnership Specail (sic) Improvement District BBP/SID CY 2011 January 1 to December 31 .   CY 2011 Comments INCOME     SID Assessments $168,000.00 based upon specific formulas set by Board, S/C Sponsorship $0.00 May be obtained via programs -only expend if receive Other Income $0.00 In kind donations, ie. Rent Grants $0.00 […]

Libertarian State Of The Union

If only……..

Finally Talking About Bankruptcy

I’m sure all of you read the paper and are aware that bankruptcy is finally being seriously contemplated for states such as New Jersey, Illinois  and California.  These three, and a few others, have for years been electing irresponsible jerks to power who have run up debts that can never ever be paid.  We can not be obligated to […]

Sparks Fly At First Meeting Of Our Newly-Seated Council

Democrats hoping to head over to Connolly Station for an early start celebrating the swearing in of newly appointed councilwoman Jennifer Nicolay had to be pretty unhappy Wednesday evening.  Strong public dissent against various actions (and in one case, inactions) of our leaders extended the meeting well past ten o’clock.  The first matter of contention was […]

“Solar Power Eclipse” WSJ Op-Ed Today

From today’s Wall Street Journal: Not long ago, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick was calling Evergreen Solar a “symbol” of his state’s economic future. Symbolism would appear to be overrated. Evergreen announced last week that it is shutting its Massachusetts plant and will lay off 800 workers. That’s the same plant Mr. Patrick had state taxpayers […]

No Wonder Things Are Such A Mess!

This is frightening, but not particularly surprising, since pretty much everything going on in government today is frightening. Check out this story from yesterday’s WorldNetDaily: . YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORK WorldNetDaily Elected officials flunk U.S. Constitution quiz Select group clueless on basic questions over Electoral College, who declares war By Drew Zahn WorldNetDaily   In a […]

Christopher Matlosz, Hero

The brutal execution of Lakewood patrolman Christopher Matlosz is a reminder to everyone, myself included, of the dangerous nature of police work, particularly in high crime areas like Lakewood.  By pointing out that tow truck drivers have a higher rate of on the job deaths than police officers I by no means wish to minimize […]

Tow Truck Tragedy

From : Worker crushed, killed by flatbed while clearing snow at North Brunswick towing business . NORTH BRUNSWICK — A worker who was cleaning a truck at a North Brunswick towing business was killed Wednesday morning when he was accidentally crushed by a flatbed that was being lowered, police said. Thomas Serinese, 47, of […]

How Does One Commit A Tragedy?

Am I the only one who objects when acts of pure evil, such as the Sept 11 terrorist attack or yesterday’s carnage in Arizona are referred to by the media and by politicians as “tragedies”?  They are not tragedies.  They are murder.  Accidental deaths are tragic.  Fatal diseases are tragic.  I would not call murder “tragic”.  (Unless maybe you […]

Gouging Is Good

When politicians demonize and prosecute  “price gougers” they demonstrate a lack of understanding of the importance of the price mechanism in allocating goods and services when demand is suddenly greater than supply.  We witnessed this behaviour most recently with Rible and Angelini bashing tow operators for some of the prices charged during the blizzard. Perhaps no one is better than the great economist […]