94.4% impervious lot coverage???? That leaves a yard about the size of your living room for all resident animals to relieve themselves. Ridiculous. Not good for environment, or the neighbors yard. Don’t you try this at home.
#2 During a hurricane, ocean waves will just wash over and flood other property…Like the potential hazard of the big parking lot behind Borough Hall, water just missing flooding the municipal building during the last hurricane. And the birds cannot dig for worms.
The fact that impervious coverage is an environmental issue doesn’t mean the DEP handles it. And Sierra Club is not a governmental agency. Belmar has existing rules about the % of coverage on lots. The long list of variance requests is ridiculous. Make them follow the existing rules.
As I recall, the Sierra Club was instrumental in persuading Doherty to have the boardwalk constructed with Trex, not the expensive endangered rain forest wood that he thought would be so wonderful. I think they more or less “threatened” a demonstration or some event to show their disapproval. Not that this issue is equal to that, but, just sayin’.
The variance meeting will be continued tonight at 7pm. It was a long meeting last night but everyone needs to attend tonight. Something is not right! William Shepard is the sole person in Llc Inc which has a “contract” to purchase the Belmar Inn. The terms of this contract was skirted last night. The property is assessed at 2.2 million is this what will be paid? It was shut down by the town for numerous violations. What will it cost to get it up to code? I recently sold my mothers house that was assessed at 495,000 for 325,000 because of the condition it was in. Isn’t that a possibility with the Belmar Inn? Shepard’s justification for the dense condo is the high cost of purchase. I do not believe he will be paying 2.2 million. Either way dense condo buildings have no place on residential streets of Belmar. Everyone keep the pressure on.
I have never seen our town lawyer give an hour presentation on how to have a BOA meeting!!!What the hell was that?,besides hoping the room would begin to clear out from boredom. Anyone that has never attended a meeting I’m sure could conduct themselves as adults. The chairman could easily guide people thru the meeting as it progressed. The Belmar Inn has so many violations if reopened it is our town duty to follow thru keeping a close eye they abide by all the laws.
I thought the “Inn” was going to make major renovations? Did somebody lie to residents of Belmar again?
94.4% impervious lot coverage???? That leaves a yard about the size of your living room for all resident animals to relieve themselves. Ridiculous. Not good for environment, or the neighbors yard. Don’t you try this at home.
#2 During a hurricane, ocean waves will just wash over and flood other property…Like the potential hazard of the big parking lot behind Borough Hall, water just missing flooding the municipal building during the last hurricane. And the birds cannot dig for worms.
Impervious coverage are really environmental issues for DEP and Sierra Club.
The fact that impervious coverage is an environmental issue doesn’t mean the DEP handles it. And Sierra Club is not a governmental agency. Belmar has existing rules about the % of coverage on lots. The long list of variance requests is ridiculous. Make them follow the existing rules.
As I recall, the Sierra Club was instrumental in persuading Doherty to have the boardwalk constructed with Trex, not the expensive endangered rain forest wood that he thought would be so wonderful. I think they more or less “threatened” a demonstration or some event to show their disapproval. Not that this issue is equal to that, but, just sayin’.
It is so important for people to show up at this hearing to voice their concern for the magnitude of this project.
#5, read between the lines.
Variance request list is entitlement at its worst. Follow existing town rules.
Stop the traffic congestion and destruction of a friendly neighborhood by these condos.
Keep Belmar wholesome and stop tall buildings that congest small areas and overwhelm neighborhoods.
Today’s the BIG day!
Sell out the residents for the tax rateables and a lucrative investment. Sound familiar
What happened last night?
The variance meeting will be continued tonight at 7pm. It was a long meeting last night but everyone needs to attend tonight. Something is not right! William Shepard is the sole person in Llc Inc which has a “contract” to purchase the Belmar Inn. The terms of this contract was skirted last night. The property is assessed at 2.2 million is this what will be paid? It was shut down by the town for numerous violations. What will it cost to get it up to code? I recently sold my mothers house that was assessed at 495,000 for 325,000 because of the condition it was in. Isn’t that a possibility with the Belmar Inn? Shepard’s justification for the dense condo is the high cost of purchase. I do not believe he will be paying 2.2 million. Either way dense condo buildings have no place on residential streets of Belmar. Everyone keep the pressure on.
I have never seen our town lawyer give an hour presentation on how to have a BOA meeting!!!What the hell was that?,besides hoping the room would begin to clear out from boredom. Anyone that has never attended a meeting I’m sure could conduct themselves as adults. The chairman could easily guide people thru the meeting as it progressed. The Belmar Inn has so many violations if reopened it is our town duty to follow thru keeping a close eye they abide by all the laws.
#13 it’s Shipers FYI
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