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Oh no!!! Now what? Hope it’s not my backyard.
That’s just an average fence. The guys will jump over
Fabulous response. Thank you for this blog. It is a true blessing to Belmar.
Nothing has ever been corrected so swiftly. Kudos to SBE.
Great job…… but it doesn’t address the root of the problem. That should be the town’s issue to deal with, otherwise these patrons will move on to other backyards.
#2 – You give these yung guys too much credit. Nine tenths of them couldn’t get over that fence.
#4 – Realistic occupancy limits, if for anything, public safety.
saw them installing this late friday afternoon
#3, Be realistic, these under the influence zombies can’t walk straight let along jump/scale a fence. They are more likely to pull over the garbage can and squat like last weeks Me piggy.
What goes in must go out and it’s just going to happen in a more public space.
This is just dealing with the symptom and not the cause.
Personally I think behind a dumpster is better than a front yard although one young lady did use the front yard option anyway in the video. You will see more of that.
Operation Undercover Boss needed. Where is Colleen when you need her?
Wow Jim Bean did more for the town putting together this video than Walsifer has done on council yet!
I am happy to see the property secured. This blog brings issues to the forefront. Together as a community we can address issues that reflect all of us and find solutions,one at a time. If the patrons use any neighboring properties as their bathrooms we follow up with the next step to stop residents from being violated.
P.S. I only wish they could have made it more aesthetically pleasing . This is someones neighborhood and there are ways to make it blend in better. Yes it’s an improvement but not being able to look through to see the dumpsters would be even better. It makes me wonder when this property was approved , what were the specifics to hide the dumpsters. New facilities gate dumpsters in with shadow fencing to diminish unsightly garbage to the public.
Hi Vickie, I don’t know South Belmar /Lake Como requirements but I know that couldn’t have given a rat’s behind about the 16th Avenue alleyway or the 18th Avenue one eitherr. Don’t think many will use their stores for any purpose other than relieving oneself and not $$$
Perhaps those two guys erred when they merged the Police Departments and reduced the total compliment by 20 %. You remember them, Matt and Brian, they once ruled their towns and duped a lot of people. McDirty and McWilton, they did that hit and run then sucked some butt to get political State jobs leaving their supporters hanging by their jock straps. Disgusting.
#15 yes, duped the residents for personal political gain. What else is new? Revolution was the theme of the 60s. So how to organize and make the will of the people heard? Party loyalty is A trap and tool of those in power. The vanguard always wins and reaps the rewards while the little people suffer.
This is a nasty situation but we must face reality and I think the town shudd put up Porto-Sans at strategic points around the Borough to attempt to alleviate this problem (not in front of somebody’s house). Of course, this will lead to drunk people knocking them over but it’s worth a try.
#17- WRONG. WE do not need to turn Belmar into a trashy third world town. A port-a-potty in front of your home will only encourage this behavior. The ONLY solution is a STRICTLY ENFORCED ZERO TOLERANCE, Police enforcement. GO TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DEMAND IT. Enough is enough. Perhaps those running for office should replace their political placed lawn signs with signs stating, NO URINATING ZONE signs, placed on lawns.
Put the Porta pottties in the parking lots of Bar A and DJais
Djais has Porta-A-Potties… too stinky for Nature boys/pigs!
Our neighboring town is putting pressure on an out of control bar, why isn’t Belmar doing the same… See link below… https://patch.com/new-jersey/manasquan/parker-house-risked-losing-license-report
Summer Timer, shouldnt you be up in Bayonne? It is Tuesday.
#21. Check the Campaign financing. Might find answer there. Follow the money
21 – The Belmar bars own the politicians.
Fence update. Captain Cox stated this fence pictured is temporary to address the immediate concern and a new fence to hide and better conceal the garbage will be going up after it is built. {also securing property to keep individuals from entering] great job everyone and a thank you to all involved!
Vickie, you were succinct in explaining the shadowing fence effect achieved at Marigolds and how it would also work at the Sunrise location. Thank you for all your good works in Belmar.
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