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Monthly Archives: March 2014

Weekend Trough

. But the day after a council meeting is usually pretty strong.  Incidentally, the video of the meeting has over 40 You Tube views as of this morning.  *Update.  As of 6:00 PM Thurs 59 views.

Council Meeting Of March 4, 2014

A Healthy Sign

From the Wall Street Journal: Private Insurers Start to Offer Flood Coverage Companies Remain Wary as Congress Hesitates on Plans to Raise Premiums for Government Program . Private insurers are dipping a toe into the U.S. market for flood coverage, with a handful of companies now competing with the U.S. government to sell policies to […]

Sure, You Can Trust The Government: Part Whatever

In case you haven’t heard about this one. From Port Authority officials: Battle over toll hikes was all for show . ……………….The thing is, a former Port Authority official told The Star-Ledger, “It was all bullshit.” From the start, the fix was in, said that former official and five others who occupied key Port […]