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Monthly Archives: January 2018

Wednesday’s Agenda

500 Main Street redevelopment parcel expanded. Trash contract to be awarded.  Resolution still not published, though.  (I have an OPRA in for the bids but haven’t received it yet.)

Could Be The One

We’re up here looking at it.

Last Week

That Christine Is Quite A Woman

When TAPinto stories come up in a Belmar web search, the picture rarely matches the story. BTW, the BelMar pot shop is in Bellevue, Washington. Also BTW, this is the actual Christine Cardellino:

This Guv Won’t Veto

D’Jais DJs hosting inaugural concert   Extended season looking pretty likely

Snow Job

Matt’s bragging again. I know Belmar always does the bestest, most fantastic job of everything, but just for yucks I decided to take a ride this morning and see how some of our neighboring towns are doing one week after the storm. First stop Spring Lake: Sheesh! What are they doing over there? Next stop […]

Settlement In Belmar Man’s Fest Death


$40 Million To Kivvit


Next Week’s Meeting Wednesday


Icelandic Glacier?

Or the corner of 5th and Ocean? Somewhere under there are sidewalks.