Courtesy of Joy DeSanctis.
Today Belmar residents Jim Bean and Mike Seebeck appeared at a hearing before the Local Finance Board of the Department of Community Affairs in Trenton. They provided testimony attempting to prevent the mayor from obtaining an emergency waiver on the $350,000 down payment required for the 7 million dollar bond ordinance to construct pavilions at 5th and 10th Avenues. This was originally on the agenda for the April 15th council meeting, which was postponed twice.
They testified on the need to prioritize infrastructure issues and to separate Taylor and the 10th Ave pavilions so construction of the 10th Ave safety building could be started right away using the insurance payment received. (It was the only building insured.) They stated the Taylor pavilion could be placed on temporary hold until the more serious issues regarding flooding at Lake Como and other infrastructure matters are addressed.
Councilman Bean testified that the financial structure of Belmar’s current budget is fragile, with many issues unsettled relative to receiving FEMA and/or other grant monies. He cited the fact that there is not enough money in the budget to fund the down payment. He also pointed out that many residents do not realize bond debt does not start to become due for several years after the bond ordinance is approved, and are unaware of Belmar’s significant debt. He asked to wait for more FEMA money to come in before moving forward and to come back in 6 months and see financially where we stand on debt before jumping into another $7 million for non critical structures.
Mr. Seebeck testified that Belmar’s debt, including the 4.5 million the mayor borrowed to balance the 2013 municipal budget, will be a burden on the taxpayers, and building a new Taylor pavilion using an emergency appropriation was not necessary.
Testimony was read from several Belmar residents’ emails sent to the DCA opposing the waiver of the down payment. They were made part of the record.
Unfortunately, the Finance Board approved the waiver, withholding only $50,000 down to be paid by the borough.
Here we go……….. CORZINE ECONOMICS!
Luv Ya Gene:
But you can do better than this. Your insight, analysis and yes, your wit are so much in demand right now in this “dude” Bengazi world of 30 and 40 somethings. Time for the elders to kick ass! It is so beyond the one night wonders and all about solutions for saving what is left of our Republic. Therefore how should those who disagree respond to today’s decision.
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