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“Hi Honey, How Was Your Day At The Office?”

“I can’t talk about it.  That would be a conflict of interest.”

Office email exchange with Executive Director William Dressel of the taxpayer-supported New Jersey State League of Municipalities:


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Maggie 11-06 12:48

Bill 11-06 12:51

Bill 11-06 1:57


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Maggie 11-07 9:01

Maggie 11-07 12:11

Bill 11-07 12:15

Maggie 11-07 12:18

Bill 11-07 12:22

Maggie 11-07 3:06

Bill 11-07 3:09

Bill 11-07 3:28

Maggie 11-07 3:36

Lori 11-07 3:47

Bill 11-07 4:09

Maggie 11-07 4:14

Bill 11-07 4:17

Maggie 11-07 4:18

Bill 11-07 4:20

Maggie 11-07 4:28

Maggie 11-07 6:07

(It went out.)

League letter


Meanwhile, down the street in Belmar:

Colleen email


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Maggie 11-08 8:35

Danielle 11-08 11:25

Danielle 11-08 12:10

Bill 11-08 12:24

Taran 11-08 12:34

Maggie 11-08 1:05

Bill 11-08 1:13

Maggie 11-08 1:16

Bill 11-08 1:23

Maggie 11-08 1:28


Fast forward to May 8, 2014

From the Asbury Park Press:

Belmar lawsuit over Sandy debris inching toward trial


Belmar officials could soon be called to testify in a lawsuit alleging the borough illegally fired a contractor within a week of bringing them in to remove the borough’s Sandy-mangled boardwalk.

John de Rouville signed a $100,000-contract with Belmar on Nov. 3, 2012, just days after superstorm Sandy had made landfall, to grind up and haul the remnants of the wooden planks and pilings that once made up the town’s boardwalk, according to de Rouville and the lawsuit he filed in December in Monmouth County. A few days later, the two parties agreed on a $165,000 deal to continue their debris removal work.

“And then on Friday morning (November 9) we were approached and told that we had to cease and desist by noontime,” de Rouville told the Press on Wednesday.

He said the borough gave him no indication that his work was unsatisfactory, but Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty said the borough sees it differently, calling the lawsuit “frivolous.”

“Their contract was terminated because of lack of performance,” he said Wednesday.

Belmar next entered into a no-bid contract — as they did with de Rouville and legal under emergency circumstances — with AshBritt Environmental, the Florida general contractor with a business connection to Doherty’s family and the state’s company of choice for debris removal. De Rouville said he believes this was no coincidence.

“You second guess yourself and wonder ‘What did we do? What didn’t we do?’ and then you see in hindsight that it was purely political,” de Rouville said.

Doherty denied de Rouville’s assertion.

“It’s important to note that they were not terminated because of AshBritt,” the mayor said. “One had nothing to do with the other.”………………………..

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jim Bean would like to know what’s going on.

Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 10.35.18 AM

He is told who is running the show here (and it’s not Bill Young, as claimed.)

Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 10.35.13 AM


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Safe to say that what you present here certifies the letter I received from her as BS…thank you.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 7:27 am | Permalink
  2. Shrugged wrote:

    Nov 3 John de Rouville is hired to clean up Belmar

    Nov 6 – Maggie Sells Ashbritt and Conti to the league of municipality. A sample contract is sent out.

    Nov 7, morning, Maggie and Co. push League of municipality to email all Mayors sample contract

    Nov 7 afternoon, Belmar is already on board with Ashbritt. Maggie and Laura Matos are copied on Belmar town emails as an FYI. (No council members are included in email)

    Nov 7 evening, the email goes out from league of municipality to all Mayors about using Ashbritt through Maggie Morans company.

    Nov 8 John de Rouville is fired in Belmar

    Nov 9 Belmar signs no bid contract with Ashbritt. Bill Young signs it because the Mayor is concerned it might look like a conflict of interest.

    If Maggie has no dealings in Belmar, why would Mayor Doherty even ask Bill Young to sign the Ashbritt contract? It was the worst natural disaster Belmar has ever seen, according to Matt Doherty, so everything was no bid, but Mayor Doherty did have plenty of time to consider the political fallout if he signed that Ashbritt contract? The Doherty-Moran family is ethically challenged and they are spending our money.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 9:37 am | Permalink
  3. DR. ZAIUS wrote:


    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 11:47 am | Permalink
  4. Fed Up wrote:

    During the immediate aftermath of Sandy, when so many of us were flooded, without heat, electricity, processing the devastation that occurred, and its impact on our family and lives. It is good to know that the mayor’s wife Maggie Moran was spot on trying to personally gain financially and politically without losing a step. Had she spent half her time advocating to truly helping rather than manipulating for a position of power and money it would have made such a difference to so many.
    It is reprehensible that the mayor fired a contracted company so his wife could profit and Belmar is now embroiled as a defendant in a lawsuit which clearly appears to have merit for the plaintiff and will cost taxpayers money. Was this wheeling and dealing the reason the mayor was too busy to create a record of names of individuals that received gift cards thereby misplacing close to $10,000. If this is the tip of the iceberg, Belmar is in for a ride straight down a very slippery and expensive slope. The more I learn of what has happened to Belmar and its residents the more I recognize this administration does not prioritize its taxpayers and “their” personal agenda is priority one. We are not looking for a charismatic snake charmer, just an elected official that will speak for the people with a clear path of fair and equal representation.
    Maggie Moran you are not a victim. Everything said about you is documented by your own emails and those to others. There are many victims in Belmar, many residents hurt financially, abused verbally and continuing to suffer the wrath of abusive of power of this administration. However, you are most certainly not one of them. Do not write to us with false claims, you did do business in Belmar. During a time when we were vulnerable, there is a conflict in your behavior and your company’s influence in Belmar. Do not claim otherwise. You effortlessly use political friends on both sides for whatever financial gain it derives but you do always gain something. Your relationship with LIUNA stands firm. You are joined together supporting each other and interfered in our local taxpayer issue regarding the 7 million dollar bond vote. In a sneaky underhanded way, one hand washes the other but money always is always the driving force.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 11:50 am | Permalink
  5. Pootsie wrote:

    David, once again, thank’s for all the info.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 12:03 pm | Permalink
  6. ms.perspicacity wrote:

    “Ethically challenged” – that sums it all up. (As well as profiting from a disaster.)

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 12:45 pm | Permalink
  7. Skipper wrote:

    I guess most of you do not know that the huge black and white 100 plus foot yacht that was docked in Belmar Marina owned by one of these Conti companies.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 12:58 pm | Permalink
  8. VITO CORLEONE wrote:

    Michael: How did things get this bad?

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 1:29 pm | Permalink
  9. Robert wrote:

    We need to get a town government that is focused on the general welfare of the TOWN!!!! Move to reduce the number of rentals (both seasonal & yearly), and improve the infrastructure for the people that live here…..

    Why do we care if we are vote #1 or #5 beach? Why do things to get more day trippers in to the town? Focus on those that live here…..

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 5:10 pm | Permalink
  10. Guest wrote:

    The current mayor would be better off working at Great Adventure where crowds are welcome and needed.Please let us return to being a small town.Almost every change Doherty wants is geared to bringing more traffic congestion to our small town.

    Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 9:28 pm | Permalink
  11. Joy DeSanctis wrote:

    This was the original email sent Nov. 2 from the NJ League of Municipalities before Maggie Moran became involved.

    November 2, 2012 – STORM DEBRIS REMOVAL
    To assist State government and local units on an expedited basis with storm cleanup, the NJ Division of Purchase and Property executed a contract for debris removal with AshBritt, Inc. (State Contract # AG-0630). The company’s services will supplement other State, county and municipal cleanup efforts on an as-needed basis. If you are in need of an emergency vendor to remove storm debris from public properties and public rights of way, or if your current vendor is not available or unable to adequately address your emergency debris removal needs, your local unit may contract with AshBritt, Inc. under the terms of this contract. However, it is important to note that this contract is optional; your local unit does not have to utilize the contract or the services of AshBritt. For questions, please email

    Monday, September 22, 2014 at 12:39 pm | Permalink
  12. Anonymous wrote:

    Joy DeSanctis

    you’re smart…

    Monday, September 22, 2014 at 3:59 pm | Permalink
  13. Tulip wrote:

    FYI In questioning 2 employees about gift cards and waiting for answers I was told that my name was not on either list this also included why I was not included on the fire lists since I had electricity and was not on the lists. I was told to speak to the B.A.about it. I made an appointment with her and was told I had electricity and wasn’t on the lists. She also told me I probably shut my power off at the meter to qualify for a gift card. Moral of the
    story: there were lists she had them in her hands. I rest my case.

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 12:17 am | Permalink
  14. Guest wrote:

    I was also told I was not on the list, even though they were calling me I got nothing, I had no power for 4 weeks.

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 10:20 am | Permalink
  15. blurred lines wrote:

    why do we have parties anyway? before pringle became mayor i don’t believe the town had democrats and republicans. i think it was changed during his mayorship. why don’t we go back to those days and focus on the town? there aren’t very many of us so why the fighting across party lines?

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 3:14 pm | Permalink
  16. Guest wrote:

    Who is fighting across party lines? I am just fighting to keep the hard fought zoning in place that the mayor wants to change for his friends new beer hall at Belmar gym. No to more liquor licenses on Ocean avenue.

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 7:51 pm | Permalink
  17. Anonymous wrote:

    Well it is “all about the people and not the politics” according to the new billboard posted on 11th avenue for Doherty and Brennan. Yeah right. Can we get rid of this guy already?

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 8:25 am | Permalink

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