Posted online yesterday:
It’s for the Lake Como outflow project and the Streetscape project.
Here is the bid solicitation:
Posted online yesterday:
It’s for the Lake Como outflow project and the Streetscape project.
Here is the bid solicitation:
May be of interest to Lake Como pipe project beneficiaries ….
Thank you Gene. I will add it to the post.
It was never told to us that the project was contingent on an EIS that a little bit of a hump for sure.
All pay to play firms wait just a bit to apply then it’s all clear.
I should have posted this to explain an EIS
It’s not that it is insurmountable but seems it should have been done already. That is my experience it is usually done earlier not later just in case of issues. I am not 100% confident about this entire project.
#3 …. TICK …. TICK …. TICK …. what happened to the “Shovel Ready” grant criteria? …. the project is moving forward at glacial speed.
The monster CVS pharmacy at the corner of 18th Ave and Route 71 will be dumping more stormwater into Lake Como before the permits for the pipe are submitted.
#3 Gene you haven’t seen anything yet wait till they develop the junk yard down the road, also possibly of Clayton Yard closing and developed. The water runoff has to go somewhere. One of the reasons for the flooding of Manville was due to the massive townhomes in Bernardsville and surrounding areas.
Wayne as well. BelMARIANS alert your neighbors. This is a small community of approximately 6k year round residents and an additional 50k summer visitors. We are not a big city ala Newark, Jersey City or Elizabeth. Residents moved to the shore for the ambiance and community spirit that dried up in their hometowns.
No more bells whistles, lies or uninformed miscommunications from the council. Get out the voters. Bundling three projects at one time was just smoke and mirrors to get the palace on OCEAN AVE Don’t be stupid again.
SOUTHERNERS, your diligent neighbors told the truth about the bundled ordinance that forced the referendum petition. Thankfully you didn’t fall for the planning board shill’s malarkey.
qualification request states “supportive engineering services” does that mean two engineering firms on these projects? Just wondering
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