There had been a lot of discussion on these pages and in other media about the abuse of the authorized messenger provision in our election law. After witnessing the 2014 absentee ballot circus in Asbury Park, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon…whose district includes Asbury Park…introduced an important reform that would limit the number of ballots that assisters and authorized messengers would be able to collect from ten, as it was at the time, to two. After reconciliation with a Senate version of the bill, the reform was enacted with the limit placed at three. BTW, Assembly candidate Jim Keady, who lived in Asbury Park two years ago, was at the center of the 2013 absentee ballot circus there.
Anyway, this is the first election with the new law in place and as you are all aware messenger ballot abuse has been an issue here in Belmar too. I received an excel sheet of the Belmar messenger and assister ballots turned in to Freehold as of yesterday. Only 3 1/2 pages! That’s a big change from last year. Let’s see how the new law has affected things…at least so far.
54 total ballots cast, compared with something like 250 last year. (They still have Monday though.)
Nine of the fourteen messengers work for D’Jais. Ten if you count Matt.
One batch, submitted by D’Jais employee Lindsey Gumann caught my attention:
Did Christopher Razzino vote twice? Probably not but we better check on Monday.
BTW, Gumann uses a Freehold address but her Facebook says she lives in New Brunswick.
You have to live in the same county as the voter whose ballot you’re delivering.
Ok, on Monday another list of absentee ballots should arrive and are received by who, what and wherein the borough of Belmar. What happens to the delivery of final Voters by Mail verification lists on Tuesday? Does the County provide the final list to Belmar? If so, at what time is that final VBM list received in Belmar or anywhere else in the County and upon receipt, by whom is it delivered, whose paid job is it to receive such data and in addition how such Final VBM data is disseminated to interested individuals for perusal by the paid board workers to do their hobs and verify that a voter is in fact voting for the first time in person at the polling place?
Admin- Are the dates that these ballots were turned in available? One person whose ballot was turned in is recently deceased and another has been in the hospital for a few weeks with a major illness. I find it hard to believe that person was worried about the pavilion vote so much that he had Mayor Doherty drop off his ballot.
#1, you ask too many questions.
#2, you might find what you’re looking for here.
She lives in Freehold but goes to Rutgers in New Brunswick.
Hmm. Says she works in Manhattan. Part-time?
Ask me no questions I tell you NO lies.
FB says Graduated from Rutgers 2014. Perhaps she’s a Grad student now.
Some of Mr. Murray’s voters he is “assisting” dont know what day it is i feel bad for telling the truth, very unforturnate.
I am going to wear my Hillary button, maybe they will let me vote twice.That is 2 for Dave!
So according to NJ law, Delores Young’s vote should not count?
Interesting, I thought the same thing about a few of the signs I saw in town. Using disabled person’s and closed summer rental properties just for selfish window dressing purposes tells knowing neighbors how desperate their scrupples can be in governing Belmar. USERS
Model marketing employees usually on the road touring in season or to events all over the country. Agency’s have in house employees as well, very few because jobs are posted on line with video interviews of prospective employees. Depends on the company’s clientele. Think of the kids who used to hand out cigarette
samples to beachgoers. We used to tell them to stay away from the children in our midst. You know, don’t give those cigarettes to minors. I have no idea what’s marketed in Belmar on the beach nowadays. At the mall they also have the gorilla marketing in your face marketing of dead sea skin products that they push on you Yucky jobs.
You failed to point out that Jack Pringle was a messenger for several people. Even Pringle’s own family is voting against him! LOL
Laughing – Where do you see who was voted for? I don’t see that. Just two ballots delivered by him as messenger.
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Isnt that the same Sean Connelly that is related the the Home By Summer winner Teresa Keefe. And married to the ex Principal of belmar school. Who was also the recreation director at one time. Wow the connections are all there
#17. Hi, it’s the former Assistant Principal and Ex Rec Director. No, that is not the same Sean CONNELLY. Last name spelled differently and we live on 13th Ave. Make your connections elsewhere and do your homework before you make accusations. Have a great night.
Ratzo Rizzoli smells something new in the air. Must be the sweat of the Engineer putting the ARM on doorbells over the weekend.
Do you ever get the creeps when these characters darken your door at election time? Kinda like those robo calls disturbing you and the family at dinner time
Why does it cost less to taxpayers to put their recycling at the curb vs bringing yours and your neighbors recycling to the RECYCLING center in Belmar?
Excuse me Dave, but I am a woman. So you’re saying that not every vote from a D’jais messanger is pro-democratic?
1- Sorry for assuming you were a man
2- Of course I don’t know how anyone is voting but myself. The thing is Belmar has a very strict pay to play ordinance regarding attempts by establishments with liquor licenses to influence elections. Here we have a single night club whose employees represent 65% of ballot messengers this year. Last year they admitted to delivering 250 ballots, 10% of all ballots cast. So you think that’s perfectly normal and nobody should be asking questions?
Dave, again you are on the MONEY
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