And knew what it allowed!
I have the original redevelopment contract signed between Chefs International and the Borough:
Click to open in Google drive:
Section 6 B says they must comply with the CAFRA permit that is attached as “Exhibit E”
“Exhibit E”:This is the permit that has nothing to do with what they actually built or are building. Chefs is completely in breach of the redevelopment contract they signed. Is it going to be enforced?
When you read the leases and contract with Chef’s International and how plans were presented to the planning board the emphasis is on the Seaport Redevelopment and Chef’s agrees to be the redeveloper. BUT ( 3 big buts ), ROSI, GreenAcres and CAFRA. To date the redeveloper has never furnished the plan as it will actually be on the 1.04 acres that have now been totally bulldozed and how the building or what is planned satisfy CAFRA. The lease signed by the mayor and Robert Cooper leases 1570 square feet for $125,000. per year. If as stated for approval by planning board on Jan. 12,2015 the deck area that extends beyond the 1570 sq.ft. bldg will seat an ADDTL. 243 customers, it would stand to reason that our mayor is giving away ROSI, GreenAcre public parkland to Chef’s for nothing. In the same lease he gives Chef’s the Boat Trailer Parking Lot by K-Street for nothing. Our mayor’s generosity is as impressive as his grasp of the laws.
Since the Mayor likes to give things to his friends for virtually nothing ie the restaurant.We the people should refuse to pay our quarterly taxes, do you think that might get his attention?
Wo wo wo – are they gonna have a LIQUOR LICENSE!! Yee-ha where we gonna go if your over thirty you over DA hill!!
#2 No. It will only make you delinquent in your taxes.
It only gets worser and worser. Duh!!!
Not much happening since they demolished the existing marina building. Was a stop work order issued?
we’ve been aware the k was void for months.
Is the lease valid or in default?
#4 so what if 1000 of us don’t pay taxes Matt is out of business. Oh I forgot he will get a Bond for the missing money, sorry bad idea.
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