I keep hearing rumors about construction mistakes made at the 10th Avenue pavilion so yesterday I OPRAed “any and all reports, up to today’s date, pertaining to the construction and opening of the 10th Ave pavilion including any building inspections and code inspections and any certificates of occupancy.”
The request was fulfilled within hours…thank you April…but I did expect to receive quite a lot more paperwork than this.
There has to be more than this. Anyone out there know what I need to specifically OPRA to find out why the plumbing failed its inspection last June and whether it’s been fixed and why only temporary COs are being issued? And to also find out if there is some problem with the windows in the tower as I keep hearing and if the absence of a fire escape from the tower is a problem as I also keep hearing?
OPRA the engineers daily reports, all engineers notes, all correspondence between the engineer and Contractor(include email). Hell, we paid top $$$ for this, we should see what we got.
The Construction Official(s) can only perform inspections when requested …. not usually a rainy day.
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