The Board of Adjustment is responsible for reviewing variance applications, hearing appeals of the decisions of the zoning officer, and ruling on such other matters as the law allows. Property owners within 200 feet of properties that are the subject of applications before the Board of Adjustment are notified of the application. All plans and application documents are on file with the Board Secretary and are available for inspection and review during normal business hours at least 10 days prior to the hearing on the application.
All taxpayers, residents and other interested parties are welcome to voice opinions, concerns or support during the public comment portion of the hearing on the application.
For questions please contact the secretary at 732-681-3700 ext. 225.
Who We Are
The Board of Adjustment consists of 7 members and 2 alternates. The members are
John Lisko
John Hutchinson
Mark Fitzgerald
Bob Cupoli
Tom Brennan
Manny Fowler
Judy Young
Phil Greig – Alternate
Charles Ross – Alternate
The Board of Adjustment Attorney is Kevin Kennedy, Esq.
The Board of Adjustment Secretary is April Claudio.
The Board of Adjustment meets on the 4th Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the courtroom in the municipal building.
The entire town should be sent notices of proposed projects of the “condo” variety! These are extreme changes and will have major implications for all of us! These developers must have gotten the nod from someone to spend the time and money to work up these plans.
Jul 1, 2015 – Uploaded by joaquin garcia moncada
Off subject. I hope you’ll enjoy this. It’s good for the soul to hear such music.
#7. Yes that is true about newspaper publication. but the scope of these types of changes should be a town wide issue that is openly addressed with ALL the public DIRECTLY informed. The website should contain all the plans and applications long before the the meetings The cost of direct contact should be a cost for the developer.The residents have to scramble to inform more people. It is not only those that live within 200 feet of the proposed property that will suffer the consequences. I live sandwiched between both the 12 and 15th projects and had no idea these were being considered. There is also another on 10th and A I believe in the works.
Watch the last meeting on this blog. April asks for something about zoning asking for clarification on a request changing the way structers can be placed on lots. That may be about the 10th project. But it is NOT CLEAR what she is talking about. Again there is no open discussion of M n C.
Don’t forget 111 10th avenue CONDOS.Application has not been approved yet so SHOW UP! They think they are doing us a favor by getting rid of a nuisance summer rental. Giving us 10 or 12 CONDOS. Was there heat in rear so all 12 were year round nuisances? I don’t think so. So instead of conforming with 2 beautiful houses you’re going to get more density. The presentation was laughable. No consideration for garbage, air conditioning units etc. They withdrew the application but will be re noticing everyone. Unfortunately this blog may not be here to communicate with each other. That’s our first problem.
BElMAR Inn =48
Belmar Beach Hotel=16
111 10th = 10or 12
ALL IN RESIDENTIALS AREAS coming to a lot near you
#6 It was NOT on the calendar when I looked yesterday. Whoever maintains that calendar put it on there after I looked. Perhaps someone told them after reading this blog. Was it you? There are other items on there now as well. My glasses are fine.
It’s over Johnny!!! Those Union workers will keep busy with this project. This place , Belmar, will look like Miami soon. Get out now. I hear NH is great. My kids want me to go to FL. Uh maybe I’ll stand and fight. As long as there are aspirins available I’ll stay and fight the interlopers.
Seems to me they don’t care who wins the next election, as long as these things are pushed through now while they have the power.
Can’t un-approve anything.
South side, Northside ,Rhode Island Point, I hope we are all on The SAME side. EVERYONE SHOW UP TONIGHT,and Thursday night. Then we all show up to the next town meeting and demand accountability. We all have more in common than we realize .Don’t let them separate us so the few have power.
no matter what side you fall in this matter, Bill Shipers, opening the floor for discussions and comments was above and beyond any requirements of an applicant.
Call them
Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is responsible for reviewing variance applications, hearing appeals of the decisions of the zoning officer, and ruling on such other matters as the law allows. Property owners within 200 feet of properties that are the subject of applications before the Board of Adjustment are notified of the application. All plans and application documents are on file with the Board Secretary and are available for inspection and review during normal business hours at least 10 days prior to the hearing on the application.
All taxpayers, residents and other interested parties are welcome to voice opinions, concerns or support during the public comment portion of the hearing on the application.
For questions please contact the secretary at 732-681-3700 ext. 225.
Who We Are
The Board of Adjustment consists of 7 members and 2 alternates. The members are
John Lisko
John Hutchinson
Mark Fitzgerald
Bob Cupoli
Tom Brennan
Manny Fowler
Judy Young
Phil Greig – Alternate
Charles Ross – Alternate
The Board of Adjustment Attorney is Kevin Kennedy, Esq.
The Board of Adjustment Secretary is April Claudio.
The Board of Adjustment meets on the 4th Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM in the courtroom in the municipal building.
The May 23rd meeting is not on the calendar webpage. I guess they do not want anyone to know and attend.
Mcdirty’s still go roads to wind down.
#1…. Tom Brennan is an elected official and should be removed from the zoning board membership list
The entire town should be sent notices of proposed projects of the “condo” variety! These are extreme changes and will have major implications for all of us! These developers must have gotten the nod from someone to spend the time and money to work up these plans.
#2 you need glasses take a better look at the calendar it’s on there for 23rd. I guess that conspiracy is nothing more then FAKE NEWS.
#5 I think the rules require publication in the newspaper, for that purpose to notify any other potientially interested parties
huapango de moncayo con dirección de alondra de la parra – YouTube
Video for huapango de moncayo con dirección de alondra de la parra – YouTube 9:59
Jul 1, 2015 – Uploaded by joaquin garcia moncada
Off subject. I hope you’ll enjoy this. It’s good for the soul to hear such music.
I count 61 condo’s being proposed. That’s a huge amount of new people and their cars in the area. R.I.P. the old Belmar we knew and loved!!
#7. Yes that is true about newspaper publication. but the scope of these types of changes should be a town wide issue that is openly addressed with ALL the public DIRECTLY informed. The website should contain all the plans and applications long before the the meetings The cost of direct contact should be a cost for the developer.The residents have to scramble to inform more people. It is not only those that live within 200 feet of the proposed property that will suffer the consequences. I live sandwiched between both the 12 and 15th projects and had no idea these were being considered. There is also another on 10th and A I believe in the works.
Watch the last meeting on this blog. April asks for something about zoning asking for clarification on a request changing the way structers can be placed on lots. That may be about the 10th project. But it is NOT CLEAR what she is talking about. Again there is no open discussion of M n C.
Don’t forget 111 10th avenue CONDOS.Application has not been approved yet so SHOW UP! They think they are doing us a favor by getting rid of a nuisance summer rental. Giving us 10 or 12 CONDOS. Was there heat in rear so all 12 were year round nuisances? I don’t think so. So instead of conforming with 2 beautiful houses you’re going to get more density. The presentation was laughable. No consideration for garbage, air conditioning units etc. They withdrew the application but will be re noticing everyone. Unfortunately this blog may not be here to communicate with each other. That’s our first problem.
BElMAR Inn =48
Belmar Beach Hotel=16
111 10th = 10or 12
ALL IN RESIDENTIALS AREAS coming to a lot near you
The Steam Roller is slowly WINDING down Belmar streets with the Millenial’s projects. They don’t want to purchase property!
These property owners create a nuisance and then they hold the community hostage for their greater profits. Interesting strategy.
Don’t forget the summer rental home at 903 ocean is being converted to 5 units year around condos.
#6 It was NOT on the calendar when I looked yesterday. Whoever maintains that calendar put it on there after I looked. Perhaps someone told them after reading this blog. Was it you? There are other items on there now as well. My glasses are fine.
Fight the condos. Keep Belmar free of over crowding.
This small town needs to prevent developers from destroying quality of life here.
It’s over Johnny!!! Those Union workers will keep busy with this project. This place , Belmar, will look like Miami soon. Get out now. I hear NH is great. My kids want me to go to FL. Uh maybe I’ll stand and fight. As long as there are aspirins available I’ll stay and fight the interlopers.
Seems to me they don’t care who wins the next election, as long as these things are pushed through now while they have the power.
Can’t un-approve anything.
South side, Northside ,Rhode Island Point, I hope we are all on The SAME side. EVERYONE SHOW UP TONIGHT,and Thursday night. Then we all show up to the next town meeting and demand accountability. We all have more in common than we realize .Don’t let them separate us so the few have power.
no matter what side you fall in this matter, Bill Shipers, opening the floor for discussions and comments was above and beyond any requirements of an applicant.
What’s with the stop signs on 16th Avenue ? Dumb as hell !!!
#20. That is because the scope of this project is way above and beyond the zoning and master plan.
I couldn’t make the meeting last night. Would someone kindly inform me if anything was decided? thanks
I have a tape loading to Youtube
#20 …. Bill Shipers ‘opened the floor…’ at the Belmar municipal building where he has no right, or authority, to ‘open the floor’
if the applicants want to ‘open the floor’ they should rent the Taylor Pavilion or a private hall
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