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Coast Star Story About Me

Nice write up by Molly Mulshine about my bid for Assembly in today’s Coast Star.

Libertarians nominate Schneck for Assembly

By Molly Mulshine

C Street resident David Schneck has been nominated by the New Jersey Libertarian Party to run for a three-year term on the N.J. state assembly to represent the 11th legislative district in this November’s election.

“What I’m going to do is be a reliable vote against any new spending, any new programs, any new restrictions on our personal freedom or privacy,” Mr. Schneck said. “I just want to try to gum up the works.”

Mr. Schneck is a regular at Belmar Council meetings, and ran unsuccessfully for council as an Independent in 2010. As a Libertarian, Mr. Schneck favors small government and lower taxes, and advocates that politicians should have less power than they currently do.

As an assemblyman, Mr. Schneck would try to do away with state income taxes, he said.

“Up until 1976, we didn’t even have an income tax and we did just fine with just a sales tax,” Mr. Schneck said. “So I think we should just get back to that.”

Mr. Schneck also noted that no other state in the country has more pending laws than New Jersey does, and he would like to change that.

“They have over 6,000 proposed laws in the docket for the 2011 legislative season,” Mr. Schneck said. “The next highest state is Illinois [with] 3,087 … The average of the other states is a little over 1,000.”

One piece of legislation Mr. Schneck believes to be unnecessary is the new anti-bullying law authored by Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, who will be Mr. Schneck’s opponent [along with Assemblyman Dave Rible] in the 2011 election.

The bullying law “is holding the schools responsible for finding out about bullying among the students, so if bullying occurs and the school doesn’t know about it, that’s the school’s fault,” Mr. Schneck said. “There’s going to be lawsuits. Someone’s going to get bullied and the districts are going to get sued because according to the law, it’s the school’s responsibility.

“Already, [students are] spending time in anti-bullying classes instead of math classes,” Mr. Schneck added. “In India and China, the kids are learning math, trigonometry and calculus, and our kids are doing recycling projects and learning not to bully. How are we going to be competitive with them?”

Mr. Schneck is a technical writer for Continental Auto Parts, LLC, and lives in the borough with his wife, Karen, and their two daughters, who attend St. Rose.

“I’m not looking to be re-electable, and I’m not going to hold my finger up to the wind,” Mr. Schneck said. “I’m just going to do what is the right thing, based on my principles of leaving people alone as much as possible.”


Molly must have been quite impressed with me as she seems to want me to stay in office 3 years instead of the assembly term of 2 years.  Let’s get me elected first and I might consider staying around an extra year.

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