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It’s pretty clear that the town and school is getting way more taxes then previous. I can’t imagine why anyone would be upset at this PILOT program
Where is the school getting money from this?
People are slowly waking up to the fact that the school[s] are a giant ongoing swindle.
This payment structure deal was struck by Doherty, correct?
Thank you Dave for responding to “Local”. Might want to change that handle to “Benny”
Oh how I wish I was a benny and didn’t know how things worked! It’s a fun and beautiful town, especially with the summer activity. But we have to get a handle on these runaway PILOTs. What we have now could be the tip of the iceberg. Look on a map at the entire redevelopment zone. The potential for many more PILOT condo buildings is huge. I’m not against more activity (as long as we don’t add development to our ocean ave.) While development creates more traffic and the need for extra resources, the least it could do is generate revenue for our aging school building.
Woodbridge Mayor uses Common Sense
The damn schools(various towns) with those snot nosed brats should be merged into one big snot hole school. At least that is what Tom would say. I think he is correct
Aileen, why don’t you go live in Woodbridge where their 2017 tax rate was 10.007??? Your kidding right. Sure, why doesn’t the town just raise taxes another 21.7% next year and then we can afford to give our school system 25% of the pilot revenue. Or perhaps our politicians could slash the budgets to protect us from increasingly higher taxes. Nah, that makes too much Common Sense. Vote these people out, again, till we get this right.
#4…. Why should “Local” change their handle to BENNY…. “Local” is most likely a misinformed Belmar resident that keeps voting for poor performing candidates… LOL…
Actually, if you look at the tax paid by this development it is significantly larger than the tax revenue yield of the previous structure. This increased tax revenue does go to the school(SO the school is getting more than preconstruction). Please do not comment, if you are not smart enough to understand a PILOT program. Read up and get back to me kids.
I can see these jerks sitting around thinking up a good line to tell the gullible taxpayers about the “schools” – the room is quiet and all of a sudden one of them yells out, Pilot Program. They all beam with excitement and say in unison – [ Yeah, Pilot Program – That’s the ticket]. Here’s how to look at anything to do with these crummy schools. Everything the powers that be have to say about the schools is a lie. If you keep that in front of your mind, you’ll be Okay.
Local,since you seem to have the answers ( while you insult those who may not understand pilots, or who have a different understanding then you)please explain how/ where this pilots rate schedule shows school funding.
As far as I know this contract was negotiated under Matt Dorehtys administration and none of his pilots had monies designated specifically to the school.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I throughly wish to be enlightened.
#7 We are not Woodbridge, but Woodbridge has illustrated that the town CAN share PILOT revenue with schools. Certainly I don’t want to raise taxes, which is precisely why I want PILOT money that’s given to the municipality to be shared with the school. If they don’t, fewer residents will carry the school tax burden which of course is unfair. Next time a developer presents a plan, the mayor and council should consider sharing with us and that will guide how they negotiate the deal with the developer.
#9 The revenue paid may very well be more than the tax revenue from the previous occupants on 10th Ave. We’d have to see the difference on paper. But one thing I know is true: it’s revenue, but not actually taxes. PILOT stand for payment in lieu of taxes. It’s a discount for developers in order to lure them to build in our town. Legally, the PILOT does not have to be shared with schools (like taxes are). I asked Matt Doherty to negotiate a deal where the municipality shares, but alas, he did not. If you want to prove me wrong, call the Belmar Board of Ed and Mayor Walsifer for confirmation.
Hey local, learn what pilot programs are. Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. None of the Pilot money in belmar went to (or will go to) the school. The revenue over the previous structure’s tax is irrelevant because the new building IS NOT PAYING TAXES. Doherty loved it because he could keep playing his favorite record about keeping municipal taxes flat. All those new condo units bringing the possibility of children in the school and not one penny goes to the school. It’s a joke.
Doherty didn’t give one crap about this town. Only himself.
Just so you’re clear Mr Local. The Payment, (the P in the pilot acronym) goes to the town. However, the town uses that money for its municipal budget. None of it goes to the school. And we’re talking about, what? 96 new units across town?
So maybe you should learn about the pilot program before YOU comment.
Belmar could have negotiated for some of that money to go to the school but MD didn’t want that. He’s a snake oil salesman and you are a snake oil consumer.
#13 Correct!!!
Please check the dates on the Agreement & Schedule (2019)… then … go to the M&C meeting and ask questions.
#9 We’re all waiting patiently for either an apology or at least a ‘wow! I can’t believe I didn’t realize what a pilot program means after acting so arrogant’.
Either one will do as soon as you’re ready.
Oh, and when you see Doherty or McGovern or Nicolay (kids in the school) or Brennan (works for the school) you can ask them to their faces why they thought that allocating none of the pilot money for the school was a good idea. I think you’ll find that they know as little about the program as you.
Gene gets it! Do the research, I will not spoon feed it to you, sorry. When you finally dig into it, just reply-MyBad, and no apologies will be necessary.
Ok. I read it. Spoon feed please.
It’s an LTTE agreement (long term tax exempt) The LT part is 35 years and the TE part means it’s tax exempt. Says that it’s an approved tax exempt project (with annual service charge) all over the 57 pages.
Also, Matt himself at a meeting stated that yes, the town gets revenue but the school gets nada. I think his reasoning was that there may not be any kids living there. Priceless.
So if you want a ‘my bad’ (which I’ll happily give) please just give me the page number where it says the school gets its share. Thanks
Eugene. In reading above document it references ordinance 2017-09 entered into and voted on and approved March 21, 2017 by mayor and council.
Doesn’t that mean that the contract was made and agreed to at that time?
Doesn’t the borough have to abide by the terms those contracts?
Or am I missing something?
I cannot find Doherty’s signature anywhere. An agreement should have two signatures, and I only see DePeppe’s. Walsifer signed it on page 28 without a date, and the date on the front page is incomplete, March, 19.
The 5th and 10th ave deals are traditional PILOT deals. They were negotiated by the Doherty admin and they didn’t carve out money for the school. Unless Mark scrapped the original deal w Depepe, and in reading the above I see no evidence of that, the school will get nothing at worst or less than they got with the previous race revenue at best.
Must be one of those incomplete agreements found by the new administration and hopefully rectified now. What else is lurking in the shadows?
Local, please point out where it says the schools will do better under this pilot. Everything I’ve read including the pilot for dummies and the above document and the things that the previous admin said indicate that none or a very small percent goes to the school. I know you didn’t want to spoon feed it to us but please do. I want to know who to thank for scrapping the original deal wDoherty.
On another note, there were 2 properties purchased to build these apartments – the eastern property had buildings that had to be razed and was about one third of the total property now, and the other property was a municipal parking lot – about TWO thirds the size of the total property. The buyer spent $2,400,000 on both properties. Want to guess the cost of the Belmar municipal parking lot?
I heard it was something stupid around 150 thousand?
$150k and and an envelope of …. for the town parking lot?
Let’s make a deal folks. You support me in my campaigns and I’ll (fill in the blank).
The man is a sick twisted narcissist that should be in an orange jumpsuit picking up the trash that the bennies toss as they leave town.
Local, what are your thoughts? Good deal? Because if so, I have a bridge for sale.
Aileen 100 Really? That is absolutely sickening. Who signed that deal? How do they have the right to sell a piece of town property without letting the residents know? Anyone would have bought that land for 100. We don’t find out until after the fact and deal is done. Worse than I thought.
Terrible deal, never said it was a good one. The town is getting more money for schools than pre construction. So the PILOT program is a great tool for towns to develop properties that otherwise would not.That is what I am saying, to be clear. The percent of money is in the hands of your elected officials. So don’t blame the PILOT program or the Developer.
No Vickie. I must have brought up this scam deal 10 or more times as it was being done yet no one took note. Again, should this not have had to go out to a public bid on a town asset?? Perhaps a legal mind can explain why not. Oh, and by the way, DePepp did pave a parking lot for about $20k as part of the scam.
I was focused on the town sharing revenue with the school and didn’t even question how much the town would get for that property till it was too late. Not that I could have done a single thing about it of course.
Anyone know the cost of the senior center on 7th? Couldn’t we lose that since we have a municipal gym and a library? I don’t think the programs there would be eliminated, just moved to the other two locations. It’s crazy to have 3 buildings for community programs given our huge debt, huge tax increase.
And, the kick in the groin was, at the time of this “sale” (scam) we were going thru our town wide re-assessment. So how the powers to be had the spheres to assess individually owned, private properties at three times the value of this “deal” is beyond me. Again, no one cares. Vote these people out please. Vote Bean and Levis.
Just the numbers … +
The assessed value of the 10th Ave municipal parking lot was $744,600.
Assessed value of the 7th Ave Methodist land & improvements is $2,150,000. Currently, the property is listed as ‘Church – tax exempt’.
No longer a ‘house of worship’, the owner should pay taxes … just like the rest of us.
Walisfer and his team need to work much faster and smarter.
#33 – The rule of thumb is that any time you hear the crummy school being referenced in any way, figure you have been, are being, or will soon be robbed. The school is at the bottom of a multitude of wrongs perpetrated against the citizens/taxpayers of our town.
#31 Local- Who is blaming the Pilot program or the developer? As was pointed out many times, Doherty is to blame and the rubber stamp council morons. Money from a PILOT program CAN go to the school if it’s negotiated that way. This deal wasn’t.
And show us where it says anywhere in any document that the school is getting anything. You keep saying that but you offer zero proof. Meanwhile there is ample proof the the school is getting nothing. Show us the money.
Stop with your ‘small print’ nonsense and offer proof of your claim.
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