These are reasons why Belmar is in debt and will never catch up!!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 9:29 am|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
Cinelli, in a newly created position, gets how much vacation ?!!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 10:02 am|Permalink
Benny wrote:
5 weeks vacation nice benefits
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 10:20 am|Permalink
Guest wrote:
I notice a lot of retired law enforcement we hire in BELMAR,2nd careers.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 12:04 pm|Permalink
Aileen wrote:
It says Mr. Cinelli gets 25 days vacation (or 3.5 weeks), no pension, no health benefits and no overtime. In my 18 years of dealing with inspectors throughout Monmouth and Ocean county, I can say he is by far the most reliable, smart and hard working inspector. So I’m fine with paying his salary.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 1:00 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
It seems to me by hiring retired law enforcement officers the town doesn’t have to pay for health insurance benefits which ultimately saves taxpayers money.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 1:22 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
#5- Aileen. 25 vacation days is 5 weeks.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 2:03 pm|Permalink
Guest wrote:
So the reason for the take-home car was because Kirchenbaum is the Emergency Management Coordinator? Well, I see nothing about Being Emergency Management Coordinator in his Business Administrator employment contract, which clearly provides for the take-home car. Also, he is permitted to use this car for his “personal use”? Another cover up and giveaway by this new Mayor at the taxpayers expense.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 2:58 pm|Permalink
Guess What? wrote:
Guess what….anyone else who you’d rather elect, as well as the emerging political opponents will do things like this that will make people upset if they get elected. Every single politician makes promises that they will never fulfill. This mayor and council INHERITED 36 MILLION in debt, a broken sewer system, lawsuits, various other engineering and infrastructure issues and state compliance issues up the wazoo. The Dems (McDirty, Queen of Mean, and Magoo) literally drove Belmar to a near state takeover! Anyone else who says they would have done better than this mayor and council are doing is blowing smoke up your ass to better their position for power. They would have raised taxes too after 8 years of no tax increase. Give me a break, but better yet, give the current mayor and council some breathing room. We just had a very good summer weather wise, let’s see what they do this year and moving forward before we pass total judgement.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 4:35 pm|Permalink
watchman wrote:
#9 Exactly! Too early to pass judgment, but to be critical, certainly. Watch and point out what seems improper and “off”. The new people on the dais at least seem to listen and do not limit speakers to five minutes to make their points. And watch out for political plants, like senior building residents who are staunch Democrats who want to undermine the new administration.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5:13 pm|Permalink
Aileen wrote:
Oops – I get it – I was counting calendar days instead of weekdays. Thanks.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5:36 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
I’ve decided to allow 9/11 to only include positive things that bring people together. Agree to disagree again tomorrow. God bless all of you and your families #NeverForget
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5:50 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
9&10, can you tell me where this mayor and council made budget cuts ? Tired of listening to this story over and over again, that it’s all Matt’s fault. Where are the cuts ?
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 6:09 pm|Permalink
Guest wrote:
8 – We were duped again. Oh well, we’ll hopefully see 2 of them gone after November.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 6:17 pm|Permalink
Missy Manley wrote:
#10…Times are changing…you would fall off your chair if you knew that many of the seniors voted in the present administration…the senior building is no longer a Democrat factory.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 6:52 pm|Permalink
OLD MAN wrote:
Agree with you Cut the dam budget. It’s our money!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 7:05 pm|Permalink
Tom Dilberger wrote:
#8 – Yep, but we’ll gett’em next election. I’m voting for Jim Bean and one of the dingbat dems. That’ll show’em to lie to us.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 7:56 pm|Permalink
Guess What? wrote:
#14 You are right. I agree there should have been some cuts. Hopefully there will be soon. But I don’t see how making a ton of cuts immediately without first analyzing how the machine works after the Doherty dust has settled would be a practical, ethical or necessarily financially smart move. If major cuts were initially made I’m sure some mistakes would have been made that would have caused some unforeseen issues that some of you would undoubtedly be calling for the mayor and councils heads for. The acting chief, who failed his test and still collects OT however? It is completely unacceptable that he still is on the payroll.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 8:21 pm|Permalink
Guess What? wrote:
#14 And Guess What? It is ALL McDirty and Queen of Means fault. You must be part of their Kool Aid Crew, trying to get their constituents to take back some of the power they once had.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 8:29 pm|Permalink
WHAT! wrote:
#18 Did you say that Acting police chief Houseman failed the chiefs test and is still employed AND making overtime? If that’s true my vote changes to a new regime.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
For those of you that are sick of hearing about how this is all the fault of Matt, Coll, Brian, Jen, and Tom; I got news for ya, too bad. I’ll tell you what, since we had to put up with lies and corruption and name calling and bullying for 8 years, I promise to stop going after them in that same amount of time. However, it could all stop tomorrow if they made a public apology about all the unethical things they did while in office. If you talk to them at all, ask them to do that please. I promise not to hold my breath. The two democratic candidates refused a ‘meet the candidates’ forum. Why do you think that is? It’s because THEY know that they will be eaten alive by the public based on the sins of the father. Having said that, you two republican candidates better sharpen your pencils and enact some substantial budget cuts and stop the Doherty/Moran style political theater or the voting choices outlines by Mr Dilberger above will be the outcome of this election.
If the Acting chief Houseman, Hiseman, Huseman, whatever the spelling may be, isnt gone by November election. My entire neighborhood will be voting for Bean and a Dem.
Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 12:16 pm|Permalink
Belmar Salvage wrote:
Think what’s involved in Salvaging a Ship (Belmar) that was Sunk. Bring in the Insurance Adjusters, Evaluators, Estimators, slow moving Governmental Authorities and more importantly the Law. Proceed to dig that Ship out of the muck. Evaluation of net worth only Starts thereafter. ***Only After the crazed Captain and his crew were relieved of his Command could Recovery of “Belmar” start to begin.
Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 12:48 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
#7 and Aileen: 6 days in his work week. A WINS!
Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 12:49 pm|Permalink
Stipend wrote:
Don’t be fooled by these salaries. These guys, mainly Campbell, get stipends for every little extra thing they do. Beach, marina, oem,etc. Its a shell game waiting to be uncovered. No pi there DPW superintendent ever got an extra dime.
I don’t know what everyone is griping about. Let’s all get jobs with the boro!
We can all suckle the municipal teat. Then, instead of being upset about a tax increase, we’ll be happy about a raise. Who’s with me??
These are reasons why Belmar is in debt and will never catch up!!!
Cinelli, in a newly created position, gets how much vacation ?!!!
5 weeks vacation nice benefits
I notice a lot of retired law enforcement we hire in BELMAR,2nd careers.
It says Mr. Cinelli gets 25 days vacation (or 3.5 weeks), no pension, no health benefits and no overtime. In my 18 years of dealing with inspectors throughout Monmouth and Ocean county, I can say he is by far the most reliable, smart and hard working inspector. So I’m fine with paying his salary.
It seems to me by hiring retired law enforcement officers the town doesn’t have to pay for health insurance benefits which ultimately saves taxpayers money.
#5- Aileen. 25 vacation days is 5 weeks.
So the reason for the take-home car was because Kirchenbaum is the Emergency Management Coordinator? Well, I see nothing about Being Emergency Management Coordinator in his Business Administrator employment contract, which clearly provides for the take-home car. Also, he is permitted to use this car for his “personal use”? Another cover up and giveaway by this new Mayor at the taxpayers expense.
Guess what….anyone else who you’d rather elect, as well as the emerging political opponents will do things like this that will make people upset if they get elected. Every single politician makes promises that they will never fulfill. This mayor and council INHERITED 36 MILLION in debt, a broken sewer system, lawsuits, various other engineering and infrastructure issues and state compliance issues up the wazoo. The Dems (McDirty, Queen of Mean, and Magoo) literally drove Belmar to a near state takeover! Anyone else who says they would have done better than this mayor and council are doing is blowing smoke up your ass to better their position for power. They would have raised taxes too after 8 years of no tax increase. Give me a break, but better yet, give the current mayor and council some breathing room. We just had a very good summer weather wise, let’s see what they do this year and moving forward before we pass total judgement.
#9 Exactly! Too early to pass judgment, but to be critical, certainly. Watch and point out what seems improper and “off”. The new people on the dais at least seem to listen and do not limit speakers to five minutes to make their points. And watch out for political plants, like senior building residents who are staunch Democrats who want to undermine the new administration.
Oops – I get it – I was counting calendar days instead of weekdays. Thanks.
I’ve decided to allow 9/11 to only include positive things that bring people together. Agree to disagree again tomorrow. God bless all of you and your families #NeverForget
9&10, can you tell me where this mayor and council made budget cuts ? Tired of listening to this story over and over again, that it’s all Matt’s fault. Where are the cuts ?
8 – We were duped again. Oh well, we’ll hopefully see 2 of them gone after November.
#10…Times are changing…you would fall off your chair if you knew that many of the seniors voted in the present administration…the senior building is no longer a Democrat factory.
Agree with you Cut the dam budget. It’s our money!!
#8 – Yep, but we’ll gett’em next election. I’m voting for Jim Bean and one of the dingbat dems. That’ll show’em to lie to us.
#14 You are right. I agree there should have been some cuts. Hopefully there will be soon. But I don’t see how making a ton of cuts immediately without first analyzing how the machine works after the Doherty dust has settled would be a practical, ethical or necessarily financially smart move. If major cuts were initially made I’m sure some mistakes would have been made that would have caused some unforeseen issues that some of you would undoubtedly be calling for the mayor and councils heads for. The acting chief, who failed his test and still collects OT however? It is completely unacceptable that he still is on the payroll.
#14 And Guess What? It is ALL McDirty and Queen of Means fault. You must be part of their Kool Aid Crew, trying to get their constituents to take back some of the power they once had.
#18 Did you say that Acting police chief Houseman failed the chiefs test and is still employed AND making overtime? If that’s true my vote changes to a new regime.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
For those of you that are sick of hearing about how this is all the fault of Matt, Coll, Brian, Jen, and Tom; I got news for ya, too bad. I’ll tell you what, since we had to put up with lies and corruption and name calling and bullying for 8 years, I promise to stop going after them in that same amount of time. However, it could all stop tomorrow if they made a public apology about all the unethical things they did while in office. If you talk to them at all, ask them to do that please. I promise not to hold my breath. The two democratic candidates refused a ‘meet the candidates’ forum. Why do you think that is? It’s because THEY know that they will be eaten alive by the public based on the sins of the father. Having said that, you two republican candidates better sharpen your pencils and enact some substantial budget cuts and stop the Doherty/Moran style political theater or the voting choices outlines by Mr Dilberger above will be the outcome of this election.
I am only voting for one candidate so I can make sure He gets in,that person is Jim Bean.
#22 Me also. My son, CPA, says same thing.
If the Acting chief Houseman, Hiseman, Huseman, whatever the spelling may be, isnt gone by November election. My entire neighborhood will be voting for Bean and a Dem.
Think what’s involved in Salvaging a Ship (Belmar) that was Sunk. Bring in the Insurance Adjusters, Evaluators, Estimators, slow moving Governmental Authorities and more importantly the Law. Proceed to dig that Ship out of the muck. Evaluation of net worth only Starts thereafter. ***Only After the crazed Captain and his crew were relieved of his Command could Recovery of “Belmar” start to begin.
#7 and Aileen: 6 days in his work week. A WINS!
Don’t be fooled by these salaries. These guys, mainly Campbell, get stipends for every little extra thing they do. Beach, marina, oem,etc. Its a shell game waiting to be uncovered. No pi there DPW superintendent ever got an extra dime.
I don’t know what everyone is griping about. Let’s all get jobs with the boro!
We can all suckle the municipal teat. Then, instead of being upset about a tax increase, we’ll be happy about a raise. Who’s with me??
#28 Lost for words
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