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Why not let the ones who want to attend…ATTEND…
It’s a shame Russo and McBride didn’t want to participate. All other candidates agreed to do this – with the Republicans stating they only want to if the Dems attended.
Average Joe – the League of Women Voters has a rule that at least one candidate from each party must agree in order to participate.
The Dems want to lead Belmar but they won’t allow the town to meet them at a forum? How does that make sense?
It doesn’t.
#2 you are correct,it makes no sense. sounds like a disqualifier to me along with other reasons their candidacies are not credible. That lack of credibility is probably the reason they won’t attend and take the questions they know will be asked.
I guess they figure party dems will just vote the line.
My guess is that Matt discouraged them from doing it. I would think that non-incumbent candidates would be clamoring to get a large group of voters to hear their policy positions in one shot.
But the stink of the last administration still lingers and Matt is very good at avoiding responsibility (he’s made a career out of it) and he probably feels the need to block his puppets from the truth. Why these two women don’t see this obvious sham is beyond me. Refusal to take an hour and a half to introduce yourself to the people from whom your asking for a vote is a disqualifying factor. Sorry ladies, but your getting bad advice from a man that cares only for himself.
When one of the democratic candidates came to my home, I specifically asked her if she would participate in a debate and she said she would. Wonder what changed?
#2 The “League” should let people who “accept” invatation to talk “TALK”. Stupid rule
Jim Bean is my only vote anyway.
#8 I agree. The rest of the pack are lemmings
looks a lot like there’s a real life imitation of Lyndon Larouche running in Monmouth County/Belmar Elections.
#7 It’s their rule. They are a nonpartisan organization that is dedicated to public discourse. Having only one party in an event that they sponsored would look partisan. It is not a “stupid rule”, it is, in fact, a smart rule.
They are not the only game in town you know. The Republican candidates can do their own meet the candidates night. They can even organize something that includes a debate with Jim Bean. Don’t blame an organization like the League of Women Voters because some of the candidates don’t want to expose themselves to difficult questions. Your frustration is misdirected.
While I’m definitely going to vote for Jim Bean, I think that we should also give a vote to one of the dem. dingbats (either one) so neither of the “republicans” return to office.
I participated in a debate held at Taylor Pavilion held by The League Of Women Voters.
First I was surprised a man ran the debate?
(League of Women) Not that he wasn’t qualified I just thought the league was run by all women because of their title.
2nd We had a list of approximately 20 questions that would be asked,so you were allowed to prepare your answers on index cards.
The League ran an organized debate and it’s nice they offer this to potential candidates.
#3 I was naive to think the random questions from the audience were random. The opposing team strategically placed a few people to ask questions and their candidate read the answer off a prepared index card. Meanwhile I and my running mate were asked real random questions and we answered sincerely.
The Republicans should hold a question and answer forum to inform the public.
If the Democrats didn’t want to participate thats’s just disappointing. Who do they think they are not to answer questions for a position they wish to hold. Expecting to be elected without answering any questions is like getting a job just because you know someone and don’t qualify! Very wrong.
The grass is always greener on the other side right? Everyone was all for the Reps when the Dems were in charge. Now people are calling for their heads in less than 9 months. What a joke. Voting for Bean and another Dem will only throw a wrench in the recovery of our town. Clearly using the necessary tax raise to gain political edge and power. Sad.
#13- Matt can’t have that kind of situation. He can’t risk losing control of the narrative. And, based one the public statements made by his two hand picked candidates, they are woefully ill prepared for any kind of meaningful debate. They can deliver well rehearsed spoon fed talking points but if they are confronted by a complex question OR an unpleasant fact and are forced off script, oh boy. I’m sure they are nice people but they are falling into Matt’s Machiavellian mouse trap.
#14 Was Mayor Walsifer helping the recovery by voting for the past 2 budgets under Doherty that he now says is the reason for the 21% tax increase…or was he throwing a wrench in the recovery?
Was councilman Carvelli helping the recovery when he supported Mayor Doherty’s re-election campaign and supported the pavilions…or was he throwing a wrench in the recovery?
These 2 guys helped put Belmar into the mess that NOW needs to be recovered…and they are NOW saying they’re the only ones that save it, with huge tax increases.
Maybe the huge tax increase with the frivolous spending ($1500 for polo shirts and $2500 for new flooring in the Mayors office) is why some voters want someone that will push back a little.
Not sure about the Dem, but Bean is needed at town hall.
In New Jersey … candidates nominated at primaries don’t always appear on the general election ballot … the Torricelli‐to‐Lautenberg swap was only 35 days before the general election.
Tick Tock
#12- I’ve tried to give you the benefit if doubt in the brains department but, a vote for ANY Dem. could be a vote against Bean. Please people, cast one vote, Jim Bean.
#11 Those dumb broads should let who want to talk TALK. The two running broads don’t want to show their true colors. On with the debate “League”!Women should be home anyway. #18 Yes only vote for that guy Bean.
#19 wow! You’re on fire. You don’t like being told the truth, do you? I don’t blame you. Broads? Really? The League of Woman Voters is an organization dedicated to the forum of political discourse. Those ‘dumb broads’ aren’t stopping anyone from talking, they just won’t be the sponsor unless EVERY candidate is involved. They have a simple rule. Why it’s not understood by someone with such a such a simple mind is kind of ironic.
Keep screaming at the TV and the earth will just keep on spinning. Totally indifferent to your impotent rage.
Refused to debate awhile back when he was running with Seebeck.
#16 – Tired? Wake up and remember what happened! $4,000 vs $36 MILLON in debt and bad contract after bad contract, behind the back of the taxpayer isn’t even comparable. Peanuts, a drop in the bucket. You wanna vote them out because they bought polos? That’s laughable! Try again pal. Stop drinking the Kool Aid from the former Crew
#20 – it’s not every candidate that needs to show up, it’s at lease one from each political party. If they have one from each, the League will have the forum.
# 22- I believe ‘tired’ is just pointing out that at least one of the (r) candidates was on board with all the horrible, unethical things the previous administration did. I believe that ignoring the obvious crimes involved with procuring that pavilion is a disqualification for a council seat. Unless Carvelli is willing to admit that he was either duped or that he made a mistake while standing with Matt Doherty, he will not get my vote. It was so clear what Matt was up to.
18 – The perfect strategy for Bean to sail into office. One vote, Bean only.
#20 If a canidate does not want to talk then who cares. I want to hear who ever wants to speak. The democrats don’t want political discourse. Then lets hear what the other 3 people have to say. That simple. I #20 worked my way up the corporate ladder by speaking my mind. I always wanted people’s input. The only dumb question is the question not asked. Now I’m retiring to bed after three aspirins.
Those of you complaining about the League should organize a meet the candidates night and invite all to attend. Those who don’t want to attend can stay home. Maybe you’ll learn something. Ya can’t make it happen here on the blog
#26 how is it that you don’t understand what I’m saying? They can still do a meet the candidates night OR a debate between the R’s and Bean. No one, I mean no one, is saying they can’t. It’s just that the LOWV won’t be the ones sponsoring it (unless at least one rep from all parties is present). You wanna hear them? Then put it together or ask them to do it one night. No one is stopping you or them from having an event like that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that?
I hope, while climbing the corporate ladder, you thought before speaking your mind. Let me put it into simpler terms for you. Let’s say you wanted to hire an umpire for a local baseball game between the elephants and the donkeys. The ump, who belongs to an organization of umps that have been trained in the art of umping and therefore have to follow certain rules, says sure, I’d love to ump the game. Then you say, well it turns out that the donkeys aren’t going to be at the game. The ump, of course, says, well ok but I can’t ump the game with only one team there. I’m sorry but we have a rule about that.
However, if the fans really want to see the elephants on the field, they still can. The elephants just have to pick a field and show up. Now, you can be mad at the donkeys for refusing to play, but you can’t be mad at the ump for not participating. No ones speech is being stifled. The elephants can do what ever they want, as can the new independent team, the Beans.
There, I hope you have a clear picture now and you can understand that it’s not the fault of the LOWV and that a meet the candidates night OR a debate between the Rs and Mr Bean can happen at anytime they choose. Now it is I that need the aspirins.
#28. Aspirins are a plenty at Walgreens. My last comment. Goodbye!!!
Bullet voting is just that a:
….like Dilbergers misspelled words, are supposed win the argument. haha! Old Man my ass. Baby more like it.
Well i have to say, as inept as the two young ladies seem to be it was a good decision not to allow the LOWV to hold their forum. They would have gotten blasted with embarrassing questions and the opposition would have looked very good comparatively. You would think the repubs would find SOMEbody with a D after their name to tell the LOWV that they want to debate since they are considering a writein candidacy.Bring on the debate, lets hear from the others. Is either repub worth a vote or is it just Bean .
And #30, your point is?
Hmmm—maybe the two silent Dems do not intend to run, substituting someone else late in the game, like Mark Levis? I think they are up to something devious. If the former mayor is counselling them, expect something sneaky.
#34,are you suggesting the dems are duplicitous? perish the thought and why would you cast such aspersions?
31 – Your just greene with envy ate mie multipulist speling. I wun the ale Brooklyn multypulist speeling bea ov 1952.
#35 Everything is fine…guess I should flagellate myself for being so negative and against recovery.
#29- Since that is probably the closest I’ll get to an apology, thank you.
I knew the baseball analogy would help you see that you’re anger was misplaced. Sometimes when you’re angry all the time at everything that you don’t understand, you tend to miss the forest for the trees, as it were. So, you’re welcome and I’m glad that you finally understand how these things work.
Enjoy the rest of your day my friend.
#34 It wouldn’t be Levis. He’s less of a Matt guy than Caravelli. If they switch candidates (i don’t think they will) it will be someone Matt can control. Someone with limited intellect and easily seduced by pool parties and political c listers. Brennan, Nicolay, McGovern types.
#38 Good point. Was being optimistic, Levis seems too intelligent and thoughtful to be another pawn.
Just heard the Belmar Business Partnership will be hosting a forum to meet the candidates?I didn’t receive a flyer or call but their are 4 candidates on the list? Someone told me Jim Bean’s name was not included . Anyone out there with Information?Date,time,location, those participating? Thank you
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