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And My Answers

1) Considering it’s own record of fiscal recklessness, I don’t believe Trenton has anything constructive to tell our municipalities.  So instead of giving us gimmicks like tax caps and rebates, it needs to cease interjecting itself into local affairs and lead by example.

I would repeal all of the hundreds of unfunded state mandates that add millions of dollars to the budgets of our towns.  If there are any that local officials consider to be worthwhile, they are free to enact them on their own.  More importantly, I would end the practice of keeping suburban taxpayers (such as the ones I wish to represent) in-harness, by means of the income tax, for the benefit of the urban political machines.  End the tax or distribute it fairly.


2) All of the states with the lowest unemployment have low or no income taxes. The income tax is a tax on wealth creation and New Jersey’s is the highest in the country.  It discourages productive people and businesses from coming to, or staying in, our state.  The enormous amount of regulations and paperwork we impose makes New Jersey even more hostile to any sort of productive enterprise.  I would eliminate the income tax, drastically cut regulation, and forbid politicians from trying to plan or direct the economy.  New Jersey’s great climate and geographical location, combined with low taxes, low regulation and minimal state interference, could easily produce the strongest economy in the nation..


3) Let’s keep it simple.  If we eliminated the income tax and school taxes, most families would have the resources to send their children to whatever school they choose.  A large market of private and parochial schools would develop to compete for those education dollars, thus bringing the costs way down.  For low income families I would provide vouchers in an amount similar to the average private school tuition.

We don’t set up a system of government food stores just because some people can’t afford food.  We let private supermarkets produce cheap, plentiful food and we provide food stamps for poor people to spend wherever they choose.  The same system would work wonders for education in our state, with many choices for all, rich or poor.


4) The towns I wish to represent would not need state aid if Trenton would stop burdening their residents and industries with the income tax and their governments with un-funded mandates.  The state aid we receive is a pittance anyway compared to what we send to the state.


5) Government at every level must remove itself from involvement in the medical industry.  It is solely because of government interference that medical care has become so expensive.  It is particularly egregious for the government to be involved in providing abortion and birth control, since so many people find these practices to be morally objectionable.


6) My plan is to stop all planning.  Politicians and government bureaucrats can’t possibly know the best way to meet New Jersey’s energy needs.  Only a free market, unfettered by politics, will provide the most energy at the lowest cost.


7) Charter schools are just a gimmick to make parents think they have a choice in education for their children.  Allow a competitive free market in education for real innovation and real school choice.


8 ) Because the Marcellus shale deposit only extends slightly into our state this is not as big an issue for New Jersey as it is for some of our neighbors.  In any case I would need to study some of the science before making a determination.  I would be highly skeptical of anything the Environmental Protection Agency has to say on the subject, given it’s history of politically motivated findings on issues ranging from global warming to second hand smoke.


9) I would stop subsidizing all forms of transportation.  The cost of various forms of transport must reflect the true cost of providing them.  It is the only way to do things most efficiently.  I would eliminate tolls as they are a very inefficient means to collect revenue and cause massive disruptions in the flow of traffic.  Roads and bridges should be paid for with a gas tax.  The tax must be used strictly for this purpose and not diverted to any other.  New Jersey Transit (along with New Jersey’s entertainment properties) should be sold to the highest bidder.


10) The state has no business involving itself in housing except to prevent towns from placing unreasonable restrictions on development.  I agree with the original Mount Laurel decision because the town’s zoning law violated land owners’ property rights and the right to contract of their potential customers.  The state, however, does not have the right to force one man to provide “affordable” housing, or any good for that matter, to another man.  It should stop promoting home ownership, as this behavior caused the housing bubble and hurt a lot of people.  And be aware, housing is expensive because the Fed is still propping up the market. 

When the court legislates from the bench, as it has in these cases and many others, it should be ignored.


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