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There is always the possibility that the tykes may meet up with a dingbat (I mean that only in the best way) like this.
Police share video of distracted driver crashing car into utility pole
2 days ago – Police in Massachusetts shared a video of a distracted driver crashing into a utility pole and flipping over the vehicle as a way to warn people to … Authorities said the driver of the sedan only suffered minor injuries and was cited for texting and … Authorities said it was the “same pole, different accident from …
Interesting . As I was coming home from the beach last week on my bike a group of boys in front of me, kept cutting in front of cars narrowly missing getting hit. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. Complete idiots. I’m glad someone else observed this and hopefully caught up with them. Community service is the answer for these lost boys that need direction.
Wait until the :30 mark of the video report before you pass judgement on this issue …. https://newyork.cbslocal.com/?p=1604055
Reckless endangerment is on our books. I’d video the little dreams just to give it to law enforcement and even schools for safety training.
#s 2&3 – Let’s not get carried away. We don’t need new laws or ordinances. Face it, our young people just aren’t up to snuff. Some of them just won’t make it to their adult years for various reasons. Just like it’s been for centuries. Although, we have to understand this is the first or second group of children actually being trained to be stupid by their so-called parent[s] and society in general.
5-Young people today are intelligent, kind and caring. I am acquainted with a large circle of young people going off to prestigious universities in the next two weeks. They were involved with many activities and charities as high school students. Their parents, through the years, taught them to apply themselves in positive ways . I for one salute the young people of today. I do this from a personal vantage point. Many teens and young people have surrounded me in recent years.
I’m proud of our young people. I just returned from a shopping center. An older gentleman was getting out of a car with his walker. Two young people approached him and offered their assistance.
#s 6&7 – We’re not talking about whether or not these young people are nice. This conversation started about the fact that many/most of our young people display behavior that closely resembles dull-wittedness (such as the stupid bike riding – all lucid adults understand this by now of course).
#8-Not just nice and kind,but smart. Guess you overlooked that part of the messages. I’ve witnessed adults who ride bikes irresponsibly.
Most young people are smart and capable. Not just nice, although they are that,too. I kept a careful watch if high school graduation postings. The number of students who went on to higher learning is remarkable. they bright, practical, and ambitious in their pursuit of successful, fulfilling lives. The future of our country is in good hands . They are hard-working with great values. Not just nice. You missed the point entirely, #8. You give no facts to back up your claims; just blanket, baseless criticisms.
#10 – “They are hard working” – Exactly, but the reason they work so hard is because no one ever took/takes the time to show them “””HOW””” to work. Therefore, everything they put their hand to is a mess.
That is why so many of them appear to be dull witted (I understand that they have normal intelligence for the most part). There’s more to life than being book smart.
All such wonderful angels.
And ALL old people (over 55) are closed minded, nasty, smelly, stupid and selfish. Jeesh. Freedom!
Future coddled snowflakes.
11-Young people certainly know how to work. Apparently you are speaking of physical labor. Of course they do physical work along with high academic standards. Young folks that I know wash cars, work on cars, dig ditches, help with mason and carpentry work,cook, sew.,clean houses, have after-school jobs and learn how to manage money earned. Young people are not dull. My many nieces and nephews can converse on many topics, and are up on the latest news. They form opinions that are well-founded based on knowledge they gleaned through their school studies and reading the newspapers. One of my nephews helped to build a relative’s house. Never dull. Always hard-working and interesting.
#15 – Sir, I know there are young people who aren’t dull witted. But for the most part, dull witted is a good term to describe them. It is interesting that people can’t think in general terms and quickly point out a few exceptions like you just did. But generally speaking, our young people aren’t doing well, physically, mentally, or emotionally.
#13 – Oh yeah – I take except to “smelly.” We’re not smelly for the most part, although I do admit there are a minority of old people who do smell, just like I understand their are some young people who aren’t dull witted, just most of them.
#16-What recent interactions have you had with young people to back up your claims? Please Offer some examples without naming names. I interact regularly with older teens and young adults ( in groups) and disagree with your claims.
#18 – Sir/Madam,What makes you think I have to explain myself to you?
But I will say this, my experience allows me to just look at a young guy and I have a fair idea of him. There are non-verbal means of communication that young men show only visible to the trained eye which I have from working alongside of men for over fifty years and in a supervisory position and I’m very sure you do not. That Sir/Madam is the big difference between you and me. By the time you ever gain any experience in this like myself, I’ll be pushing them up for many years.
#18 what’s wrong with you? How dare you question the scary psychic abilities of Dilberger the Magnificent? He can look in to the eyes of any child and see their future. He can merely hear the voice of a teenager and know what horrors that lay ahead for the wayward soul. He’s also great at making balloon animals.
How can he do such things you ask? Ha! You fool! He has spent his adult life working…in a job…where there are other people…that also work there in that job…so he’s really good at, you know, seeing people. Never mind how he does it! he just does.
BTW, he’s available for birthday parties, baby showers, and bah mitzvahs.
#20-Perfectly stated! His thinking is so skewed it’s unbelievable. Never in a lifetime would anyone else think as he does, or agree with him . But I have to say he stands by his incomprehensible convictions: All young people are dull, schools stink, boys should be climbing trees and throwing rocks instead of being inside a classroom. Unbelievable!
How about Mr. D’s comments about the Board of Education? These people volunteer hours of their lives for the benefits of educating the children of Belmar. Most are professional people and/or college graduates. These folks don’t get paid for their services to the community. He calls them names and berates them. These are good people working on behalf of the students. I understand at one time he would attend board meetings, stand on a chair and yell about his distorted view of education.
Stop it you two. I You don’t understand the gift. It’s an amazing ability. Imagine being able to just look at a child and know, without a doubt, what the future holds for the young squirt. You all have the new manner of thinking clouding your silly minds and fooling you into believing in things like free will and kindness. Ha! I laugh at you.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I see a group of young people volunteering at a community hospital. I just know they’re up to no good.
It’s hurtful to think that Mr. D . Is so hurtful with his comments about young people. He doesn’t interact with them, but thiNksche can disparate them . Just because he says so.
24-I agree with you. It’s very hurtful to think Dilberger wants to give young people a bad name. He also thinks boys should end their formal education at the 8th grade. In an age when education
Interesting comments. A testament to my inability to get my point[s] across. But also, the difference in societal cultures we’ve been brought up in. I don’t think badly of young people, I only feel badly about how they’re being raised, not that they are bad. We are only a product of how we’re raised. What looks to me as one thing is entirely different from what people who live this new manner of living understand. But there’s another thing with me that makes it so difficult for me to make myself understood. I’ve lived my life as an adult getting paid to do lawful things a man with an ounce of sense would never do (a tribute to my inability to do school work from a very early age – so therefore, there was nothing left for me to do for work).
Mr. Dilberger, are you a father? I’ve asked this before.
26-Why are you openly against things that are typically in place and successful? Who would ever think that boys should quit school in the eighth grade? Do you know what their futures would look like? As you’ve posted a while back, they should be climbing trees and tossing rocks in the water. I’m trying to figure out your thinking. I guess they could become tree surgeons and fishermen perhaps, but certainly limited with career choices. Never knew of anyone else who would suggest limited education for young teens.
26-Your comments make no sense.
I think everyone is missing the point of Mr. Dilberger’s comments. I think he’s been joking all along. He can’t be serious. He’s remarks are ridiculous. Has to be joking.
And, once again, Mr. Dilberger’s comments on a blog with the words “Common Sense” point to this supreme irony.
#31 – If that’s what you think – okay, it was a joke all the time.
He’s not joking, and he won’t answer if he is or is not a father. A simple question…..hmmmmm.
#22-I remember when Mr. D. Would Stand on a chair at board of Ed. Meetings yelling and acting in a totally unacceptable way. He had no regard for the people who were volunteering on behalf of our students. And he criticizes young people for their behavior? I know of no young adult who would act that way. I guess the rules only apply to others. He can act any way he chooses.
#35- Actually, I don’t remember standing on a chair but I’ll take your word for it. As far as “totally unacceptable way” is concerned, you’re right but you have the wrong person[s] who were/are acting in that manner. It is the boe who is unacceptable + the poor sap supt. If anyone wants to know, the supt. ordered the American flag put at half mast to honor a foreign communist and refused to lower the flag for the death of a NJ firefighter – yep, I was pretty angry over that. The other thing I remember getting angry about was the night they stripped the Belmar citizenry of their rights to vote on the school budget unanimously. They are a truly sadsack group of people.
As far as you not knowing such young people who would do such things, I’m very sure you don’t. But I assure you sir/madam, there are good young people around. There are things worth standing up for and I’m a child/citizen advocate and I do what I think is right – it’s just the way I am and I guess at this point, it ain’t gonn’a to change.
36 Who is the foreign communist you are referencing?
36-Certainly remember MrD. Standing and yelling on a chair at board meetings. But it was always about his ideas about how schools should be run. Never anything about his recent claims . Never about anything than how bad our school is/was. He really looked like someone who was
Out of control with nothing to back up his ridiculous claims. Boys climbing trees and throwing rocks-leaving school in the eighth grade. He presents himself as angry and all-knowing-if he he could only get a sense of what people think of his outrageous ideas. But he’s oblivious..
Notice he doesn’t name the “foreign communist” for which the BOE lowered the flag. You’re full of baloney Mr. Dilberger.
#s 37 & 39 – Neither of you care a wit about the American citizen (NJ firefighter who lost his life fighting a fire here in NJ)who the poor slob school supt. refused to lower the flag for – interesting.
The Belmar School flag is flown at half mast for American dignitaries …never for a foreign communist. Ludicrous. Mr. D yelled and carried on about his vision of education, which is far fetched and unrealistic. Who, other than Mr. D, thinks boys should quit school in the eighth grade?
You guys remind me of the puppy nipping at a man’s heel in high grass.
#40- The two comments were calling out the D man over his obviously bogus claim that the Belmar superintendent lowered the flag for a ‘foreign communist’. Because if you have to lie to make a point, it ain’t a good point to make. The fact that they didn’t mention the NJ firefighter doesn’t mean they don’t give a wit about him. And just so you know, NJ firefighters as well as US service men and women fighting for our freedom, are sometimes undocumented immigrants. Meaning that they may not be american citizens. I know, I know, I just blew your tiny mind. Do we lower the flag for a soldier or a firefighter killed in action if they broke the law to get into this country? I’ll let you chew on that one.The world isn’t always as simple as you’d like it to be
#42 and you, sir, remind me of the story of the two men that move to a new city. The first man sees an older gentlemen and asks, ‘what’s it like to live in this city’? The old man replies, ‘what was it like in your last city’? The man says, ‘It was wonderful. It was a vibrant city with great people’. The old man says, ‘well you’ll find the same thing here’.
The second man comes across the same old man and asked, ‘what is it like to live in this city’? The old man says, ‘what was it like in your last city’? The man replies, ‘I hated it. Everyone was bad and lazy and stupid. It was a horrible place’. The old man places a hand on his shoulder and replies, ‘well, I’m afraid you’ll find the same thing here’. (you’re the second man)
You have blinders on Mr D. Everything you see must fit into your preconceived notions about society. It’s called confirmation bias. But I have to admit, it is kinda fun to hear your views on things.
#36-The superintendent of Belmar School is not a sad sap. He is well-respected by parents and students alike, as well as in higher-learning/education circles. He is extremely bright and also compassionate. Please clarify. Who is the foreign communist you referenced in an earlier post?
#44 – [He is well-respected in higher-learning/education circles.]
Oh yeah, “highly respected” by a bunch of slobs like him who might be able to do the job of shopping cart gatherers in the ShopRite parking lot if they were doing the job they were actually cut out for.
One Step Further Down – Buddy Rich at the Muppet Show – YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
I think many people here are the inspiration for this song. I feel sorry for the children in this dumb school and the citizenry of our beleaguered town – ENJOY.
Video for One Step Further Down – Buddy Rich at the Muppet Show 1:44
Dec 18, 2013 – Uploaded by etzionada
Buddy Rich sings to boreagard trying to inspire and cheer him up.
Mr D, you are officially thee best. You don’t even get the comic irony of the song.
I’m not even going to get into the philosophy of Jim Henson, a man with whom you’d disagree about everything. Buddy Rich, with his famous short temper, would’ve just thought of you as a whiner and complainer. Plus they both loved children, no matter what color they were.
Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the sand my friend.
While we are regaled by the Muppets, why don’t you type in the name of that communist?
If you can’t produce it Mr. Dilberger then we know you’re a liar. Like #43 said – if you have to lie to make a strong point, that point becomes moot.
Another unanswered question – are you a father Mr. Dilberger?
45-The Belmar superintendent is superb in every way , He’s bright and works well with staff, students and parents. He’s very well respected. Our students are high achievers in high schools and go on to colleges. The superintendent’s guidance and leadership help to make this happen, along with an excellent staff and the board of education. Of course, a student’s ability plays a huge role ( our Hispanic students included). I met a family that is moving to Belmar because of our excellent school. It’s well-known that Belmar Elementary is a great school! I’ll continue to post good news about our school in the future. And we’re all getting a huge laugh over the shopping cart comment. So foolish.
45- Why is it necessary for you to insult and degrade such a fine man as the superintendent of Belmar school? Is it because he doesn’t agree with your ideas of students quitting school in the 8th grade, or boys should climb trees and throw rocks during the school day? The superintendent is polished, intelligent and an very capable administrator. Everyone who comes in contact with him thinks so.
#50 – Because he presides over an obsolete concept of education and defiantly stands in the way of progress.
I would also think ballroom dancing and sewing and cooking/baking should be taught to the American children.
I should have shown this earlier – don’t be fearful of all the motion. Get rid of the baseball and get a dance teacher.
Camp Hollywood 2018 – Amateur Balboa Finals – Funny Video Online
https://funny-video-online.com › watch
Video for Savoy Cup 2018 – Strictly Invitational with The Hot Swing Sextet 11:04
2 days ago – Uploaded by camphollywood
Taken at Camp Hollywood and the National Jitterbug Championships over Labor Day … Savoy Cup 2018 …
Would love to have dance and sewing classes at BES. Who will fund it?
Make Space, 2nd floor, Library Annex has sewing classes. If a dance teacher would volunteer there could be after school dance instructions at the Annex. Volunteer s could be monitors as well. Bring back Community Spirit. The time is now!
It could be funded by eliminating some teams. There should be no “teams” at that level. That way you save the coaches salary and the equipment can be sold off.
Possibly a citizen could volunteer to be the instructor.
They have a kitchen so instruction in cooking/baking could be done there.
The strongest opposition would of course come from the entrenched educators and the supt.
51-What do you mean by progress? Be specific. What ideas do you have? He’s standing in the way of progress when the students are progressing (?)
#56 – Not a bad question. “Progress” is seemingly a step backward for Americans. My sole idea is to give young Americans an umbilical cord to usefulness. Of course, most people will reject that concept out of hand because the new epoch we’ve entered is obviously antagonistic towards any type of human utilitarianism. Also, by doing this, the young people we/I think we’re helping we might very well be hurting. In the future, people who show any type of real ability may very well be persecuted. But I think the chance should be taken anyway.
How to Skip Stones: make stones jump on the water – YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Nothing wrong with this. But I was much better than this guy. I once skipped a rock 77 times when I was a boy for the Brooklyn record that was only broken once and the boy who did it died a week later (so his record has an asterisk next to it) .
True story – I just made it up.
Nothing wrong with boys being able to throw a stone properly.
Video for How to Skip Stones: make stones jump on the water 2:05
Sep 1, 2011 – Uploaded by Alessandro Gonella
How to make stones jump on the water, or “stone skipping”. In this video I explain the technique for making …
Eliminating teams would pay for all that? What are you smoking?
58-What does throwing stones have to do with anything? I don’t get the connection with school and learning.
57-You haven’t given examples of what progress means to you. Useful knowledge is great, like what, as you see it? Do away with traditional learning? Students don’t need to learn to comprehend what they read, and math goes by the wayside? Students should not learn to write their thoughts ? All of these subjects are practical and necessary for a person to live a normal life. What do you want to do away with? The 3 R’s still are essential. What do you mean about hindering progress? These subjects are not frivolous. How can teaching what is necessary hinder progress? Your post is a lot of double-talk. Throwing rocks as part of the curriculum? You
Can’t be serious.
#59 – Interesting answer to your initial question about funding and my response.
My idea is to get selected boys outdoors away from academia and bind them to their physical environment. Of course, the commenters who are completely against such a concept took the one idea of throwing rocks and ran with it in order to disparage my idea. I think it is spelled out a bit in my post, #57. If you have any other questions, I’ll be happy to answer them as long as they are real questions like the one I just answered for you.
62-Have boys get away from academia? You can’t be serious. By select what do you mean? You don’t think they need to learn to read, write and do math? Totally unbelievable.
#63 – You’re right about my usage of the word, “academia.” People think that academia only takes place indoors. That is not the case. Academia (to me is anywhere learning/teaching is taking place. I’m not talking about the complete negation of classroom time. Just narrowing it down.
“selection” – I would ask for volunteers from among 2-3 age groups of boys to take part in this experiment. What I mean is ask the parent[s]. In the first week[s], I would eliminate those boys who were unsuitable and fill I the those boys who had been selected as alternates until I had 12-15 boys.
The opposition to my idea on this website comes from those who don’t think the present system is rotten to the core as I do. Obviously, they are opposed.
Trying to have a discussion here but very difficult with so many shallow people unable to think in any depth.
I also refer you to my post, #57. Take care sir and have a good evening.
Leave Mr. Dilberger alone, ‘to his thinking’, which is “old school” and quite all right in my understanding. Life is becoming artificial with the lack of face to face communication and the reliance on smart phones and such. Many are losing their humanity, and throwing stones and climbing trees bring us back to our innate physical abilities. I, for one, do not wish to become a robot who has forgotten how to feel a breeze in my face or lose the awe of looking at a gorgeous tree and recognizing the desire to climb it just because it may feel good. Try skipping a stone over a pond – not so easy. There is skill there, an understanding of forces, surfaces, etc. May not accomplish that task by reading a textbook. And anyone who quotes Marcus Aurelius is ok by me. “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is smile back.” (Someone must have read that in a book.) ‘In my thinking’ I am a fan of Mr. Dilberger and all his quirks.
Mr. Dilberger are you a Millennial? Do you think we need a YouTube video to learn how to skip stones? My son (the only person in my family you’d care about) can skip a stone very far. Ya know why? Because he’s alive. The video games he plays didn’t teach him, nor did they prevent him from learning.
You’re losing it.
#65-Quirks is right! We all want to experience the beauty of the outdoors. Dilberger’s ideas about education of boys ( only ) outdoors are best suited for after-school activities. He’s Against education in the classroom, resents certain groups of children attending our school, and is vocal regarding his dislike of the board of education-good people who volunteer on behalf of our students. I’m glad you are a supporter of Mr. D. Yes, everything is opinion, and I just expressed mine.
When badgered, some people just dig in deeper, hunker down. Some, the more astute ones, walk away. Not insulting anyone in particular, just sayin’.
Ms Badger, Thanks much for your support. It’s somewhat discouraging seeing the empty thought processes of so many people. But it’s also very interesting to see how fearful of change they are. All they can do is demonize me and offer no counter proposals.
Map reading/making would be a good exercise.
“Tom, I think we’re lost. Battery is dead, we forgot the phone charger and there is no power in the woods. Just these lousy trees…”
64-Please explain thinking in depth and how your ideas of educating children will benefit them in life. Why are you only focused on boys?
Mr. D -Tying education and outdoors to learning is a good idea. How can this happen? What lessons should be prepared to make this happen?
#72 Look up NYC Outward Bound Schools. They are very successful incorporating outdoor education with academics. I believe they do it in Baltimore and some other urban areas as well. They take “concrete jungle” type urban, perhaps “at risk” youth and – put them in a very different environment to expose them to situations that are out of their ordinary experience, to teach skills and that they are able to adapt and learn new points of view. Many end up excelling at regular school work since the experience broadens their horizons, so to speak. Maybe bring the Outward Bound philosophy and programs to NJ. Who knows, there may be a change of the direction of the populations in local schools.
To follow up , they teach “map orienting” as well! Moss may grown on the north side of a tree, but not always.
#71 – Sir/Madam, I’m not only focusing on boys. Anything boys do or don’t do affect girls (the sexes are equal in their humanity, but must follow different roads to maturity). That’s one way of thinking in depth. As far as your question as to how this will benefit them in life, you never know when useful knowledge will come in handy. The more knowledge, the more ability to get yourself and others out of a scrape.
#72 – you’ve hit on the $64 question, “how can this happen?” This all began as a discussion of BES. Then it spiraled into my ideas of education overall. I do realize (and many other people including a few within the system itself)the entire educational establishment is totally against any such concept as I’m talking about. But one way or another there will have to be massive changes because this system is dead and beginning to stink.
It’s funny how every now and then a single post (this one about some delinquent boys) can spark over seventy responses. And almost always it goes off the rails. And almost always Mr Dilberger is driving the train. Funny stuff.
Mr D, most of the things you want kids to learn can and should be taught by the parents (or older siblings, aunts, uncles, mentors,outwardbound, etc). You really want the school to teach that stuff? That sounds a lot like socialism to me. But wanting the public school system to take care of all society’s needs is typical for you bleeding heart types. My kids can skip stones, tie knots, ride bikes, do laundry, start a fire, dance, swim, cook a meal, bait a hook, fix a broken bike, and all kinds of other things because…MY WIFE AND I TAUGHT THEM.
This is a guess,and, admittedly, armchair psychiatry, but you don’t have a son, do you Mr D? You just come across as a guy that never raised a son but has all the answers for doing so. You don’t. It’s kind of like the precocious 5 year old trying to tell his mother how to drive the car. It’s cute at first but gets annoying real quick. However, there is something you can do that may help fill that void. You can volunteer for Big Brother or at a summer camp, or maybe even start a business that teaches kids how to do all those things mentioned above. That kind of volunteer work may also help with your sullen disposition.
Oh and the people that created youtube were basement dwelling computer nerds that probably can’t do any of your stone skipping ballroom dancing requirements. Since you seem to really enjoy youtube, maybe you can see the need for both types of kids.
Anyway, hang in there.
As a former teacher at the elementary level, I think outdoor education would be a great way to go for students and instructors alike, but not to override every day instruction. Certainly areas of science are a perfect fit for outdoors. Also, math instruction could work-estimating heights of trees, measuring land, for examples. Children could write descriptions of scenic places. Creative instructors could really make this work. But basic instruction must prevail throughout.
75-Educatiom system is beginning to stink? How so if students go through the in-place schools and go on to become successful residents and citizens? We have doctors, nurses, engineers, secretaries, craftsmen/women, people working in the trades, people working in publications, individuals trained in senior care, mechanics, people working in transportation, masons, carpenters, electricians, roofers, etc. I could go on and on. If education “stinks,” how is it that we have a society educated in the present systems who find their way, and lead successful lives? Reading, writing and math have lots to do with it. Apparently present-day instruction is obviously working.
Mr. Dilberger never offered his suggestions as to what lessons would be prepared for students as presented in # 72. Wondering what ideas he has for teaching what he wants to see in our schools.
All boys enlisted into the program must be healthy and free from all medications (never used medication of any sort).
I think it might be time to start, Mr D.
Nothing wrong with demonstrating a tire being changed so these children will have an idea of usefulness not taught in a classroom.
Millennial Can’t Change a Tire ~ Fail LOL Tires Millennials …
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Video for Millennial Can’t Change a Tire ~ Fail LOL Tires Millennials Common Sense 11:27
Aug 16, 2016 – Uploaded by Cereal Marshmallows
Funny Tire Changing Video Millennial Screw up no Skill Generation. … Millennial Can’t Change a Tire …
Mr Dilberger- My children can change a tire. I taught them. Stop trying to get government to teach out kids things that parents should be teaching them. It’s socialism. Government can’t do everything. Man, you get a taste of Medicare ans Social Security and you’re hooked. Cut the cord, it’s making you too entitled. Also, stop surfing the internet. Go outside, read a book, do something else. Sheesh this older generation is really a lost cause.
Simple building. Stonehenge Reloaded by only one white man!!!
There’s nothing wrong with boys having a working knowledge of basic rigging – levers, screw, fulcrum, block & tackle, etc. Something they’ll never be taught in our dumb “schools.” Don’t be fearful of useful knowledge.
Video for Simple building. Stonehenge Reloaded by only one white man!!! 6:12
Sep 9, 2007 – Uploaded by giorkos3
Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved …
#84- Learned about all that stuff in physics in my ‘dumb’ public high school. I think you guys just didn’t pay attention.
The rest of the stuff you guys talk about was taught to me by mom and dad.
I’ve never seen such a reliance on the school system to change society. Entitled baby boomers.
#85 – Sir/Madam, I’m talking about teaching boys in BES rigging at a very basic level. So many young boys now have zero idea of even the most basic concepts of leverage, tipping, pivoting, etc. They learn very little from their parents as you did. Did you ever get to use rigging in your life’s work?
Correct, never look to the edumacators to help in such a scheme. They are mortal enemies of useful knowledge.
#86- the basic concepts of leverage, tipping, and pivoting are all taught in physics 101. Please don’t assume the stuff isn’t taught because you didn’t pay attention.
Educators are, for the most part, good people who have dedicated their lives to teaching. The physics teachers who you obviously ignored probably think that guys like you are the enemies of useful knowledge.
How to Split Firewood For Beginners – YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Nothing wrong with boys learning useful things. Obviously, the female women scool teechurs aren’t going two teech this too boys.
Video for How to Split Firewood For Beginners 9:12
Jan 10, 2015 – Uploaded by Backwoods Patriot
Just a quick basic lesson on splitting firewood geared towards someone who may have no clue.
Ah #88 I see what you’re doing. Instead of admitting, in the face of facts and reality, that your position is one of ignorance and stubbornness; you retreat into a pattern of nonsense and purposefully misspelled words. Kind of like a child. As a matter of fact, one of the other things I thought my children how to do at a very young age was to be brave and admit when they’re wrong.
And by the way, my mother taught me how to split fire wood. You wouldn’t have liked her though- she was tough, smart, kind, tolerant, and didn’t suffer fools. Not your kind of gal.
But keep the baby talk and internet videos coming.
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