For police calls to bars.
Since May, 2015.
Sorted by bar.
Includes year round and seasonal.
Includes Lake Como bars from when Belmar started policing them.
Bars not listed in alphabetical order.
Click on the image below.
Among the Belmar bars:
Anchor Tavern (opened this year) 4 pages
Beach Haus Brewery 4 pages
9th Ave Pier (seasonal) 4 pages
10th Ave Burrito (seasonal until recently) 5 pages
Jack’s Tavern 6 pages
Klein’s Fish Market 8 pages
Boathouse 21 pages
D’Jais Bar and Grill (seasonal) 39 pages
(Data courtesy of of Russian intelligence services.)
If I wasn’t crying about all those DJ calls ( since I live on the edge of the war zone), I d be cracking up right now!
Just think about all the money the bars bring in (ie) real estate taxes. Probably not enough to offset the spending in police costs. Now the quality of life issue? Somebody please put a dollar on that. If you can.
Good thing we can raid the beach revenue for the police salaries. The police payroll must be off the wall to keep Belmar and Lake Como under control.
Property taxes are due regardless of the tenancy or ownership etc. The outgo (cost) associated withe the ownership of a property to the borough is what is important, i.e., how much community resources are costing the borough? emphasis on small, one horse BOROUGH.
You figure it out.
Beach Utility observers are watching where every penny goes or does not grow arbitrarily.
Thank goodness for the Russians!!!
Wow, DJais is outta control. 39 pps of police calls speaks to the terrible impact on quality of life in that neighborhood
The beach front should be a family area…too many bars
#4 If there weren’t bars there could be houses/condos/townhomes. Get rid of all these damn bars.
Speaking of Belmar problems… thanks to jerky matt…. The Marina parking has been jammed for the fishing boats with the nice weather. The traffic pattern at the light is ridiculous for a busy place. Can’t wait to see what nightmares will develop when the unsightly food establishment opens for business. Bamboozled.
Cops love overtime from bars.
#7 – The sheer number of calls is the least of it – look at the behavior that triggers the calls to D’Jais – frightening! Imagine how many calls there’d be if there was no cop stationed outside to handle the “minor” stuff.
Lot of assaults
Are you posting Claire’s letter?
Curious what the PD calls are for the Columns in Avon.
Wow, so let me get this straight, Between a two hour period on a Tuesday “Beat the Clock” night at Bar A, you have 8 (EIGHT) Belmar Officers detailed there to deal with issues. And we the people of Belmar are paying for this BS. God help you if you need an Officer at your home for a family emergency. Get in line…. behind all of the liquor establishment, Lake Como, businesses. Great deal Matt. Vote them all out, nice or not. McGovernless and Blackie are not looking out for your best interests.
Bring back midnight closing law.
Gutless wonders don’t see anything wrong with providing public security services for these “CASH BUSINESSES”. “PENSIONS for babysitting bar patrons” is on your dimes. No amount of fine revenue covers the imbalances and out of pocket taxes borne by the residents.
Don’t forget the revenue that comes into court for each of these “violations” is way above the cost for each officer present. It’s a win for the town. That’s why they turn a blind eye. It’s a revenue source.
#19 I believe the State gets a cut, the municipality does not receive 100%. Mr. Pringle would have the answer.
#19 So do you know the amount of revenue generated from the violations? If so then present a financial analysis of revenue vs costs. Please include the costs of the judge, court reporters, cop cars etc
#21 always shows the path with clarity.
One way of dealing with these young men who carry on while they’re drunk is to make the penalties punitive. I don’t mean whipping them or anything. But making them perform work for the town. Such work as picking up litter, raking leaves, shoveling snow, weeding, etc. This will work I think. Any work for most of our young men is seen as demeaning. So they would reform themselves rather than be seen doing what they think of as demeaning work. After all, as we all know, they’re all CEO material of Multi-National Corporations.
Doherty is one of their best customers.. oh, wait.. he drinks for free.. I hope we are done with him soon.. loser!
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