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Borough Hawking Fake Luxury Goods

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  1. Jim Bean wrote:

    I would ask for the $6070 paid on 3/18/19 and the $3000 paid of 7/23/19 to “Your target marketing” back.

    There is a budget crises. This money could go towards new golf shirts.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 11:08 am | Permalink
  2. Average Joe wrote:

    This is way above average stupidity.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 2:05 pm | Permalink
  3. anonymous wrote:

    “Your target market” is owned by John Bonevich.

    He is the head promoter and marketing for Djais.


    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 2:24 pm | Permalink
  4. eugene creamer wrote:

    Try some truth in advertising…

    About Us

    We don’t want all those people … We just want their money.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 2:39 pm | Permalink
  5. Anonymous wrote:

    This is the same Mcdirty author misinformation. If we (Belmar) own 9th Avenue Pier, show me the $$$.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 4:54 pm | Permalink
  6. ANONYMOUS wrote:

    During the 8/6 meeting, Councilman Carvelli said something about doing videos in every restaurant in town and posting them on the website.

    My question is, what does the Belmar tourism and BBP (Belmar Business Partnership) do? Isn’t this their job? They tax us for it.

    Belmar tourism and BBP are actually paid to promote tourism and the restaurants in Belmar so why are we now paying even more people to do the same thing?

    If the councilman and “NEW” media guy can handle it, get rid of the overlap and cut the taxes (BBP and municipal tax). So many people in this borough, getting paid, and all doing the same jobs.

    Poor management.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 4:59 pm | Permalink
  7. Anonymous wrote:

    %3- Great point. Exactly who does own the pier or if not, how long Chef’s lease is for and for how much?

    Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 8:37 pm | Permalink
  8. anonymous wrote:

    I thought they got rid of that guy when it was pointed out at a council meeting that we overpay for services. The Belmar Angels gave a presentation and showed other surrounding towns payed so much less and I thought he was replaced? If he is still doing our advertising this is nuts! Y?

    Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 7:28 am | Permalink
  9. shirley u. guest wrote:

    Last paragraph mentions it’s friendly people. Who is in charge of the beach badge checkers? Over the weekend I went up to the beach ,the young badge checker looked up ,stared at me but said nothing. I said hello and a slow moan back of Heelllooooo came out. Lifeless. This is our greeter when coming onto the beach? What happened to Hello?or Good morning?Enjoy your day? I mentioned it to another person I met that morning and asked if I was looking for something to complain about, and they laughed . When she entered the beach the same greeter cursed under their breath when a person unfamiliar with our beach policy asked if she needed to see their passport? She snarled and said what the F*** do I need to see their passport for. You can’t get any friendlier than this Welcome to Belmar. Do they get trained how to speak? and Greet patrons? Book reading ,and phone texting are very important. I get it’s boring but be nice. Lift your head up to say Hello, smile if it’s possible and engage.Avoid f -bombing,pretend you like your job. She should not be working for us.

    Monday, August 12, 2019 at 8:52 am | Permalink

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