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Breaking News! (Well, Not Exactly)

Equestrian hit by train at 12th Ave!


Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 3.00.20 AM


Also…what Belmar had!

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 2.55.50 AMAnd wow, a lot of businesses!


  1. Tom Burke wrote:

    With 5o hotels in 1915 Belmar was even then a tourist destination. That however seems to be the only business that is specifically listed. The balance show fun, family oriented activities and community services. I bet with 50 hotels the beaches were crowded then too……wouldn’t it be nice to bring our town back to this apparent level balance of family activities and family life along with our great recreational activities….I sure do think so. The recent video playing across u-tube prepared by the Belmar Business Partners is designed to help do just that. Make Belmar a great place to live and play.

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 6:20 am | Permalink
  2. OLD MAN wrote:

    Ok 50 hotels with maybe 75 people per hotel on the beach at one time. That makes
    3,750 people. Now put in 250 more for residents then you have 4,000 people. Now I would estimate we have more than triple that amount on any given good week end & all with cars. I need two aspirins sorry and good bye

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 6:51 am | Permalink
  3. admin wrote:

    People didn’t take day trips then. Those hotels probably held all the people that would be on the beach.

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 6:56 am | Permalink
  4. guest wrote:

    I love reading these old papers. Thanks for posting!!!!

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:50 am | Permalink
  5. Just Pssing Through wrote:

    Interesting, Both Principles and Men,For Allegiance and Truth!

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 8:22 am | Permalink
  6. An Observation wrote:

    I see there was a trolley,we need to bring that back have the visitors park in Camp Evans and trolley to the beach!

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 9:53 am | Permalink
  7. Churches wrote:

    Three churches for colored people. They didn’t mention the KKK retreat at Camp Evans area. If the liberals don’t think race relations and racism hasn’t changed. Read old papers.

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:14 am | Permalink
  8. admin wrote:

    From the Aug 28, 1923 New York Times:

    “Belmar is one of the strongholds of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in New Jersey. The Klan, in fact, made its first appearance in public in the state here. There was a large meeting of the organization in Belmar last night.”

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:38 am | Permalink
  9. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    As a student of history, let me say this about the “Klan.” The Northern Klan that existed in the twentieth century had nothing to do with the first Klan that existed in the South, circa 1865-1872/3. The Klan up north was mainly anti-immigrant (Southern European Catholics and Eastern European Jewish people). That first Klan that existed down South had both Jewish and Catholic members, plus black helpers once the freedmen (ex slaves) figured out the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags weren’t their real friends, but a bunch of opportunists out to steal everything that wasn’t nailed down.
    heckuova subject.

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 12:06 pm | Permalink
  10. OLD MAN wrote:

    Let’s get back to the beach money…….Where does it all go?

    Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 8:11 pm | Permalink
  11. Belmarguy wrote:

    It goes towards bullcrap that includes paying for cops in front of Djais and filling the mayors pockets for finishing his legacy, building two buildings no one wants… Tell me I’m wrong…

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 1:02 am | Permalink
  12. admin wrote:

    D’Jais pays for the cops that stand in front of their place. And officially the beach utility is only paying for one of the two buildings the Mayor plans to build, but in practice…well more on that later.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 4:52 am | Permalink
  13. sweetiepieface wrote:

    Doesn’t the police union require that djais pay the cops thru the boro and, as a consequence, those dollars are tacked onto their pension investment for retirement. You think that means YOU are on the retirement hook for their djais goggling?

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 8:45 am | Permalink
  14. belmarguy wrote:

    Admin: Okay you’re right, but shouldn’t Djais also pay their pension contributions and part of their benefits too?! No matter what, belmar is still paying some if not most of the baby sitting in front of that place for 12-16 hours of the day their business is open…

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 8:54 am | Permalink
  15. admin wrote:

    Agreed D’Jais should pay the entire cost if they’re not already. Also, D’Jais doesn’t pay for all the police calls that come in from that neighborhood.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 9:24 am | Permalink
  16. belmarguy wrote:

    You make a good point admin! All the medical personnel I see going to that place and/or extra units driving down 100mph down ocean avenue to handle emergency’s should be paid for also! Can you get an opera request and see what the actual numbers are and see what money we’re actually paying?

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 9:26 am | Permalink
  17. admin wrote:

    Actually I think we might bill the health insurance of people who require medical attention from our emts.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 9:39 am | Permalink
  18. sweetiepieface wrote:

    if they have ins only

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 9:54 am | Permalink
  19. admin wrote:

    I recall we discussed charging them if they didn’t have insurance but decided not to.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 9:57 am | Permalink
  20. Tulip wrote:

    What is going to happen this weekend when one of our ambulances may not be up and running? Do they make a choice who is in worse condition or do they go to 18th Ave. automatically? The paid EMS refused to go there, maybe because the people are not patients but hardy partiers, maybe the surrounding towns won’t want to answer our calls unless they know the address before they respond or have one of their own not cared for because a drunk needs to be sobered up so they can start again. It will be different when not one of the element is involved and we can wonder what will happen if a patient is one of the good guys and can not get care. Just wondering.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 2:09 pm | Permalink
  21. Tulip wrote:

    I would like to add that we the element as well as the rest of the town support the 1st Aid and by doing that we should all be treated in a timely manner. The drunks choose their problems the rest of us are victims. The cost of health care should be added to the beach badges and the local liquor establishments as well as a tourist tax as other tourist traps do, it might
    solve some of our problems. I might add we have an excellent 1st Aid and we should keep it that way.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 2:33 pm | Permalink
  22. sweetiepieface wrote:

    Our First Aid Squad always does 150%, never questions status of anyone, ever. God loves them. If one of the impaired gets hurt by being over served they have options

    Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 7:38 pm | Permalink

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