Councilman McGovern, BA Connolly trying to undo the debacle they caused with Doherty against Joy. I guess better late than never. Maybe now McGovern can have the DPW workers put back the plaque for his brothers tree which there was never a permit for.
And not to belabor the point but, Brian Magovern is the cause of Joy DeSanctis’ family suffering by not standing up to Doherty. He was the head of the Shade tree commission that gave the go ahead to plant. The fact is he didn’t even know the rules of his own department that he headed.
Though I’m very happy that yfuture residents won’t have to suffer what Joy’s family has, I can not forget the indignity or outright cruelty that was was done out of political spite by our former mayor with our interim Mayor Magovern’s acceptance.
I would bet that the majority of voting residents know nothing about the Joy tree debacle. Don’t let the Borough Administrator take credit for this “impromptu” resolution. I know some people who love Brian and think he is just swell.
#5 I will never forget either. That was the defining moment that I knew Doherty had no heart and would do anything to stick it to someone he didn’t like! Fingers crossed, maybe now things will be different.
Joy’s spirit remains with us in the truths she spoke, her determined courage, and her leadership for change in Belmar. Like Katrina, I find comfort knowing no other family will experience the unnecessary pain for which our town’s administration were directly or indirectly responsible. Belmar is scarred by that history, but it is our town and we’ll choose our future.
The late Joy DeSanctis was a breath of fresh air in Belmar. She marshalled all stripes of people to wake up and smell the coffee and the double dealing in Borough Hall. She uncovered hoodwinking, lies, self serving aggrandizement and the special brand of arrogant elected officials. When the shoes clearly fit them she was castigated as an Element, deplorable, obstructionist and all but unwashed.
Joy represented so many good people in Belmar and surrounding towns unselfishly while cancer was eating away her life.
It was a real shame that the former Mayor and his side kick tried to extinguish Joy’s bright light by denying a posthumous tree planting at Silver Lake Park in her honor. That memorial Tree planting had been reviewed, sanctioned and approved by the Shade Tree Commission according to its chair, Magovern only to be halted by the former mayor. He actions of lack thereof was and is disgraceful!
Amen and amen. I do not have the means, but an expose’ newsletter mass mailing may be helpful. Anyone know how to do that? Clearing out Magovern and Nicolay is a start. Then down the line, change the form of government so that party politics is gone.
#11. You said it all. I hope we never experience anything like that again.
People will not forget if it happens again I feel something will stop it.
None of the people in town except for the people that think anything out of the mouths of those people is sacred will tolerate it again.
I’m calling my friend Johnny Apple Seed.
Councilman McGovern, BA Connolly trying to undo the debacle they caused with Doherty against Joy. I guess better late than never. Maybe now McGovern can have the DPW workers put back the plaque for his brothers tree which there was never a permit for.
Sadly, that’s probably the reason this is being done. McGovern wouldn’t stand up to Matt, but now is getting the plaque back where it belongs.
Mark Walsifer is the one who pushed for this. Thank you Mark.
And not to belabor the point but, Brian Magovern is the cause of Joy DeSanctis’ family suffering by not standing up to Doherty. He was the head of the Shade tree commission that gave the go ahead to plant. The fact is he didn’t even know the rules of his own department that he headed.
Though I’m very happy that yfuture residents won’t have to suffer what Joy’s family has, I can not forget the indignity or outright cruelty that was was done out of political spite by our former mayor with our interim Mayor Magovern’s acceptance.
I would bet that the majority of voting residents know nothing about the Joy tree debacle. Don’t let the Borough Administrator take credit for this “impromptu” resolution. I know some people who love Brian and think he is just swell.
#5 I will never forget either. That was the defining moment that I knew Doherty had no heart and would do anything to stick it to someone he didn’t like! Fingers crossed, maybe now things will be different.
#6 I know it and I’m just average
Magovern is a dope!
Joy’s spirit remains with us in the truths she spoke, her determined courage, and her leadership for change in Belmar. Like Katrina, I find comfort knowing no other family will experience the unnecessary pain for which our town’s administration were directly or indirectly responsible. Belmar is scarred by that history, but it is our town and we’ll choose our future.
The late Joy DeSanctis was a breath of fresh air in Belmar. She marshalled all stripes of people to wake up and smell the coffee and the double dealing in Borough Hall. She uncovered hoodwinking, lies, self serving aggrandizement and the special brand of arrogant elected officials. When the shoes clearly fit them she was castigated as an Element, deplorable, obstructionist and all but unwashed.
Joy represented so many good people in Belmar and surrounding towns unselfishly while cancer was eating away her life.
It was a real shame that the former Mayor and his side kick tried to extinguish Joy’s bright light by denying a posthumous tree planting at Silver Lake Park in her honor. That memorial Tree planting had been reviewed, sanctioned and approved by the Shade Tree Commission according to its chair, Magovern only to be halted by the former mayor. He actions of lack thereof was and is disgraceful!
Amen and amen. I do not have the means, but an expose’ newsletter mass mailing may be helpful. Anyone know how to do that? Clearing out Magovern and Nicolay is a start. Then down the line, change the form of government so that party politics is gone.
#11. You said it all. I hope we never experience anything like that again.
People will not forget if it happens again I feel something will stop it.
None of the people in town except for the people that think anything out of the mouths of those people is sacred will tolerate it again.
I heard this all before. Will the people of Belmar vote the idiots out. Sorry to say probably not. Sad
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