I think it’s pretty well known, or at least I hope it’s well known, that my abode is under 24 hour high tech camera surveillance. It has come in useful at least one time. Now thanks to my new SpyTec dash cam the road ahead of me is under surveillance as well. Just like with the house, I hope the recordings are never needed but for around $125 total I think it’s worth having.
I used the camera for the first time last Friday and this morning loaded onto YouTube a 3 minute segment of that day’s commute home.
Ahh the lure of the open road!
Love the way you got back in front of the silver Toyota!!
Actually he was working his way over to the entrance to the truck lanes
You need to drive on the Parkway, and park in your driveway!
Beautiful clarity! Does it record over after the hardrive is filled?
So cool!
Gots to get me one before my taxes go up.
You buy a card for it, the card I use is 64gb and holds about 8 hours before it is overwritten. There is a button you can press if you see something you want to save and it will save that segment. Clarity is fantastic in normal daylight.
Now if anyone throws a needle at your car while you are moving you can get that too.
how is the night time recording?
Some amount of headlight glare but the polaroid lens filter I ordered for it just came in and I haven’t looked at a video taped with the filter yet. When I get a chance I’ll load one to YouTube.
#6 when William Tell shoots another Syringe needle into the door lock of Dave’s car it will be instantaneously recorded.
This video setup might capture the April first warm day, two way, bumper car, traffic accidents we have until the signs are changed back to one way.
#9 – been saying to keep the streets one way for years…would help on those earlier and earlier warm days with all the traffic – but it would also help in the winter…since I know which way the snow plows and garbage truck would be going
I don’t want my street to be one-way, it makes me have to go a couple of blocks out of my way. Also, making the streets one-way makes it easier to speed on them since it essentially makes them wider.
Dave – I am just thinking 13th south, the streets are pretty narrow already – and speeding already.
David: speeding down all the narrow 2 way streets is the root cause of all the cars being hit and run by the creeps who think they can get away with it. Public Safety is what’s important. Removal of the causation is the key. Evacuation routes can be identified if an Evacuation is necessary. A brave County Manager could work with the State DOT to help us because the borough has proven helpless and is deaf as an advocate.
I think people go faster when the road is one way because they don’t need to worry about cars coming at them from the other direction.
The point is, many people just aren’t good drivers anymore. They don’t have the concentration span needed, understand speed, distances, turning radius’, don’t maintain lane integrity, etc. as they used to. That’s the reason the car manufacturers are coming out with these self driven cars. I see these things all the time as I walk and drive. Also, as I walk, I see more an more debris from accidents, everywhere along the roads.
#14, I normal circumstances and other inland towns I’d be inclined to agree with you however Belmar’s 2 way traffic in nice weather daily or weekends is fraught with dangerous and hazardous crowds all headed east for the Ocean. It’s crazy sometimes not due to speeding but more likely from impatient thinking that the Ocean may dry up before they get to it.
Don’t forget the tractor trailer delivery trucks for booze, fast food and Dunkin. They are a force to be reckoned with from March though Christmas you do not have any right of way. You cannot drive on a 2 way street near a stop sign when they double park or are in a loading zone. Kids? No way. Too dangerous.
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