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Can she do anything to help reduce these insane water bills that were just sent? Anyone know what the heck is going on?
3000 sq ft vs 1100 sq ft building same water sewer meters… surcharge on 1100 sq ft bldg?
#1 – I agree. Did the rate go up?
Would want to know her stance on few things before giving her my vote ?
1) The hiring of the form chief to a made up position?
2) The growing backyard area at DJais along with non approved Wall and Containers ? That would be a good OPRA. All site plans since a year before Sandy
The back area has grown like weed , you would think they would have had to file some sort of site plan if only for license renewal
These are just two current issues that are at hand that anyone running should be able to address. I’m sure DR Kinney is reading this blog so she can feel free to respond.
Also her feeling on the Bridge to nowhere at the lake .
Wonder what her position is on hiring Huisman part time for 83k, or at all for that matter. And Campbell giving him and Kirschenbaum free boats slips on the towns dime?
What the hell are “vistors” !
#6 … a gremlin got into the printer.
There is a $50 per quarter ($200 per year) assessment on all buildings/dwellings with more than 1 unit that do not have separate water meters. This is in addition to your normal water bill.
I was assessed $200 for my unit.
I would like to know if this is going to be a permanent fee ? We already pay for water and now the assessment on top of it.
Campbell SR must go!!! Yesterday I pulled into the parking lot to pickup something from the boro and witnessed him screaming and cursing at one of his DPW employees. There were several other workers out there as well. It was shocking to watch this and I literally got back into my car without going in. I cannot understand how this man is allowed to treat employees in such a disgusting manner. I hope someone reports him but then again it’s nothing new to the administration and they are all friends.
My water bill is outrageous.
#9 we are at their mercy.
Go to the videotape. Don’t let the “PALS” Kill it.
Well we know Mike Campbell has a sweet side because we watched him kiss Colleen Connolly’s ass all over Belmar. Lol
Campbell Sr suffers from Napoleon Complex. But I do hope he was yelling at Huisman for pretending he was a supervisor! After all, there’s only room for one King Campbell.
Off with his head
#9- This story is even worse than you’ve imagined.While no employee deserves to be treated with abuse and disrespect, the cursing and screaming you witnessed was targeted at a DPW employee with Autism.His name is Colton, and the town is very much aware of his disability as he was hired under the Americans with Disabilities Act.I am friends with Colton’s family and the story is EGREGIOUS.Campbell called Colton horrible names, screamed curses at him, and purposefully humiliated him in front of others. And this wasn’t even the first time!It will all come to light soon.Campbell MUST be terminated for CAUSE immediately.Campbell’s enablers have been aware of Campbell’s mistreatment of his employees and these enablers are COMPLICIT.All witnesses MUST listen to their consciences and come forward. Report them to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office!These employees are working in a hostile environment on OUR dime!I am FURIOUS that my tax dollars are paying for the abuse of our town’s employees!Add to that, abusing a young man with a disability???!!!This is beyond belief!What kind of man does such a thing???!!!We must demand Justice for Colton!TERMINATE Campbell’s employment effective immediately.Investigate the enablers and REMOVE*FIRE*TERMINATE ALL corrupt actors from our payroll.Are we not better than this?!
Ladies & Gentlemen, The point with Mr. Campbell is and always has been that he was/is a man who never did manual labor in his life given a job by people who never did manual labor in their life. So, in that he is in an area of work he has zero background in, such blowups are to be expected. Remember, a few years ago he had a crossing guard fired for doing his job the way it was supposed to be done.
#9- The admin censored my post yesterday – understandably so because I offered identifying information about the victim. I agree with the admin’s decision because the story should be vetted before a victim is named by an anonymous source. My apologies to the admin and thank you for protecting this victim.
Here is an edited version that I trust will not be censored:
This story is even worse than you’ve imagined. I am friends with the family of the employee who you witnessed being abused.
The story is EGREGIOUS. Campbell called this employee horrible names, screamed curses at him, and purposefully humiliated him in front of others.
And this wasn’t even the first time! It will ALL come to light soon.
Campbell MUST be terminated for CAUSE immediately. Campbell’s enablers have been aware of Campbell’s mistreatment of his employees and these enablers are COMPLICIT.
ALL WITNESSES MUST listen to their consciences and COME FORWARD. REPORT them to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office!
These employees are working in a hostile environment on OUR dime! I am FURIOUS that my tax dollars are paying for the abuse of our town’s employees!
We must demand Justice for Belmar employees who are working in a hostile environment!
TERMINATE Campbell’s employment effective immediately. Investigate the enablers and REMOVE*FIRE*TERMINATE ALL corrupt actors from our payroll.
Are we not better than this?!
Sounds like the victim was poor young adult Colton,according to Facebook today. Colton is a special needs adult working for Belmar DPW.
I don’t want to publish a certain young person’s name but a commenter mentioned there’s a post about the situation on Facebook. Can you tell me where on Facebook?
Amen #17! The atmosphere here is toxic. Even more so with Huisman tying to tell us what to do. Campbell has always abused the workers and the public and gets away with. No more! We have had enough and want action taken. Hopefully this latest incident will be the last straw.
There’s a couple posts on FB already, one with 50 comments and climbing.
search #justiceforcolton
Sounds like a nice kid.
#18 On Belmar Locals page
This Campbell dude sounds like a real a-hole!
Want to know why 3rd party candidates keep running in Belmar? Because the citizens can’t tell the difference between the political parties the way they govern. It seems like nothing has changed between Doherty and Walsifer. Same crap happening at townhall. At least Doherty didn’t raise taxes. My water bill is so high now I think twice about washing my car.
There are some supporters on this site that will defend anything as long as it’s their political party doing it. They could be drowning puppies and you would argue that they might grow up and bit a child.
Only in government do prices go up. inflation is caused by the Fed Reserve. Stop tell me I should be happy with higher prices, higher taxes, and crummy service. The town looks a mess. Garbage all over main st.
I believe there are more lawsuits involving Campbell than against Doherty, he is not an asset he is a liability.
Walsifer is a tax and spend RINO… If Campbell did indeed verbally abuse a handicapped person, he is nothing more than a COWARD….
Mayor Walsifer you must do something. Campbell has been doing things like this years. He’s a little bully. He will be the one that brings you down. Fire him immediately! If he has any balls he will resign and hopefully take Huisman with him. This is not going away. #justiceforcolton
Sounds like this Campbell & Huisman duo should get their walking papers.
Mayor you can no longer ignore the citizens of Belmar. Please do the right thing. Campbell and Huisman must be eliminated from Belmar’s payroll. Stand up for what is right. Be a leader and lead by example.
This has the potential for another lawsuit against Belmar… A hostile workplace involving a handicapped individual… If there are witnesses Belmar should settle now….
Walsifer, Breannsn, McCracken, Wann, Carvelli. Hello? You can’t ignore the arrogance of Campbell anymore. Between the crossing guard, furniture moving, giving boat slips away and now this hostile action towards an autistic employee. What’s it going to take to get rid of this bully. Do the right thing and get rid of him. He will only cause this town money and embarrassment.
Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee (Campbell & Huisman) need to take all their bags of cash that they ripped off from the borough & dance off into the sunset. Mark, take this step to start getting our town back on the right track.
Hey Walsifer brought Huisman back after he finally got rid of him as chief. Campbell is a cancer to this town and Kirschenbaum is complicit in all of it. Do something Walsifer or you’ll be out too.
I hear there is a petition going around to get rid of Campbell. Come by my house I live on 3rd ave. My wife will sign it also.
The only way the Mayor will get my trust and support is to fire Campbell and Huisman. Be a leader Mayor! Do the right thing.
Another well known Belmar family was affected by Campbell this Summer when their teenage son was fired from DPW after being with them 4 years for saying a word that’s not taken nicely in this day in age. In the kids defense. All teenagers use this word changing the “er” at the end to an “a” if you catch my drift. In no way do I condone this or approve but it’s what kids do in jest with each other. If this kid gets fired for that then Campbell should be fired for verbal abuse.
“Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much UNLESS you do what’s right” -Franklin Roosevelt
Do what’s right….
#justiceforcolton #STOPBULLYING
Campbell was outed ONLY because a resident saw and heard his tirade against Colton. Colton was so upset he asked Campbell if he could call his Dad. Campbell went off screaming “Be a man you’re not calling you F’n Dad” then Campbell proceeded to make fun of Colton’s man bun implying he was gay. This man is one horrible human.
No one should be treated so inhumanely. My heart goes out to Colton and his family. I’ve watched Colton make great strides working for the DPW and watched him grow into a fine young man. For Campbell to take away his dignity by mentally abusing him is in no way a representation of the type of employee we need in Belmar or anywhere for that matter. Campbell’s behavior needs to be recognized by the Mayor as intolerable and he needs to be terminated immediately. What if it was your son Mayor? Do the right thing for Belmar and more importantly for Colton. Let the employees know they are protected from this devil once and for all. Then get rid of Huisman and next Kirschenbaum. In that order. Then you may gain my respect.
Well well well. I too agree Colton needs justice and the way to do that is to vote out Brennan and vote in Gerry. I assure you Gerry will not stand for this crap. He has no allegiance to a party. No allegiance to Wallie, or Hman or Campbell. A vote for Kinney, another republican is a slap in Colton’s face. She will do NOTHING but agree with Wallie and yes yes yes every vote. Has she even spoken up at a meeting? And I’m sure Gerry can direct Colton to a great attorney specializing in Hostile Work Environment lawsuits. I hope Wallie gets the message when Tommie leaves. Oh, mayor, what exactly is Hman’s employment status again??? Full time? Part time? Part time on a full time salary?? Criminal if you ask me. God rest his sole but didn’t Campbell fire crossing guard Joe LaTesta for using impropery language. Surely Campbell will know what justice is when he gets fired. Didn’t he once take an oath of “justice for all”?
The situation has me in tears. Colton is a phenomenol human being. He or anyone else should be treated like this.. Campbell should be put on suspension immediately while they confirm the details of whta occurred and then fired.
this is not ok. We cannot allow him to get away Scott free.
sick to my stomach
Just to throw this out there… in 2019 this “young man” made $55,000 from Belmar. What?! I would love that paycheck.
This is not an isolated case. All across this nation such men as Mr. Campbell are in positions of authority they have no ability to do the job. Don’t be surprised when they do something wrong. They shouldn’t have been put there in the first place.
Lastly, when/if he is terminated a man should be selected from within the ranks of the existing DPW personell. There should be no more bringing in outsiders to the job.
I assure everyone here, our mayor has the ability to select another crony worse that the one there now. After all, he’s just another inexperienced man sitting in a position of authority he too can’t cope with.
Hey HMM. I don’t know for a fact but assume the best in that the kids probably makes less than 40k and, being that he is probably a dedicated, hard working person, the remainder is overtime. Compare that to Hman’s STARTING part time salary of 83k. And at half the pay I bet Colton works twice as hard. #byebyetommie #showmethemoneymikie
you are so right mr D. They have another crony waiting in the wings. The infamous cone man.The dpw should be lead by aqualified,a qualified, dpw manager.
I’m voting for Jerry too!
What we don’t need is another YES person to add to this already failing council. We need someone like Jerry as an Independent, who will be a watchdog for all the citizens of Belmar.
I’m sure you are a nice person Jodi, perhaps even a great mother and a successful business owner but, it’s not enough for what we need at this time. We have real problems in this town and the mayor is NOT doing enough. Worse yet, the council is NOT listening to US citizens of Belmar.
I’m voting for Jerry because he will work for US. He has proven this already by standing up for US at the meetings and questioning the motives of this mayor and council. If you care about this town like you say then you should put your efforts behind Jerry as well.
Do the right thing Jodi. Support Jerry. Vote for Jerry!
Sounds like another lawsuit against Belmar, Mark, please do the right thing and “retire” this creep.Staying on the town council with a person like this means you condone his behavior.I would demand his resignation or I would step off the council.
#44 – Say it isn’t so! If they do the right thing & get rid of Campbell quickly, they can’t possibly turn around and then put Huisman in that position. What power (dirt) does that man hold over our town leaders?????
If Huisman ever took over DPW. Everyone would leave.
Looks like Campbell did the right thing this morning.
Heard that too. Waiting for confirmation.
Heard same thing: resigned.
Huisman should go too. He knew about the abuse and did nothing as did Walsifer. They are both complicit. Campbell didn’t resign he retired. So he gets off with his pension. Disgraceful. So CORRUPT!
Did you ever wonder why those people left living in JC 40-50 YEARS AGO?
1. Urban sprawl?
2. Too close to NYC?
3.. Crime rates worsening?
4. The promise land at their watering holes at the “Shore”?
5 To help the underprivileged move into JC?
You chose or did choose.
#51 – retired
Anyone throwing him a retirement party?
After the election Wallie will hire him as a consultant, after three month administrative leave. And don’t bother asking Wallie on the next Zoom meeting whether he will discuss anything pertaining to Mikie. He will force you to OPRA it like he did last meeting refusing to divulge Hman’s employment status to our soon to be elected Gerry. Vote for Gerry and put a stop to this crap. Cleaning house is the ONLY way. #byebyetommie,#votefgerry
54 – At D’jais in their illegally constructed rear yard bar area.
#59 that would be a fitting place to have it
Campbell is still in the office which is a very alarming situation. He is a ticking time bomb. He should have no access at all to any Boro building.
#43- What’s your point? Special needs people shouldn’t be entitled to a respectable income? Does his salary minimize the incident?
Some of my comments get censored. Yet your beyond moronic comment is allowed.
What one minute. Escort him off Borough Property. NO consulting, no picking his brains. Just leave and take your Napoleon hat with you NOW.
Ladies & Gentlemen, You’re not really talking about these particular men here. You’re talking about a misunderstanding of the idea of a man doing manual labor. Once we made the idea of work into the accumulation of dollars rather than doing the work well, the door was opened to these type men. Work is supposed to define a man. Once that concept is done away with as has happened throughout our society, the workplace and the standards of a well run workplace are destroyed and these unfit men seize their opportunity and are put into positions of authority by other unfit men like themselves.
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