Going to say this till I am blue in the face or you move to NH. The good people of Belmar need to run candidates for both Mayor and Jenn’s seat IN THE PRIMARIES!!! All running on anti-corruption tickets. If you all believe Joy DeSanctis, then trust her when she said multiple times that Mark Walsifer is not the real deal.
#6. Spoke to Jim Bean, he will not run. Time for those who are well known and respected but have not run to step up. Watch the cockroaches scurry when you shine the light on them and challenge them IN A PRIMARY. Personally, I like Seebeck/Merkler running against Walsifer and whoever AND Fahy/English running against Dem Machine.
When everyone gets finished picking their candidates. You have just accomplished the same thing as before
you have split the party which is something even the democrats do not do.
It does not make sense.
#14. Still trusting in “party” is the same old trap Tulip. My strategy assures that honest elected officials, who will serve us ( regardless of party affiliation or party backing) get elected. Whoever the Dems run will be agreeable to the corrupt machine, hence knock them out in Primary. Walsifer has his agenda, not ours, hence knock him out in the primary. What results are all candidates we can live with.
# 14 – you have split the party which is something even the democrats do not do.
It does not make sense
That’s both a strength and a weakness. It’s strength in that they stay together all the time but a weakness in that many times they’re behind popular trends if their leadership doesn’t move forward with the will of the people such as in our little town. The democratic leadership failed to understand the people are tired of all this drama and constant lawsuits.
#14 I am referring to the several comments from people who are offering sets of two to run. It came to 6 people from the same party. It does not bring them together it separates the party itself into 3 sets to run and when they split very seldom is there a win. They might try working with what they have
People that want to run but get no support.
#19. Where do you get 3 sets. Independents are not a party and I never put that forth. Having an alternative to the party endorsed candidate IS A GOOD THING. I believe that Belmar having the best elected officials is MORE IMPORTANT than a local political party being unified. “It’s people, not politics.”
Teddy I was referring to the Republicans only. Not Independents. The Republicans have had a split and no support movement going for quite awhile.
If they want to take a seat they have to stick together. Look at the ballot
The way the numbers run to vote you know how they run. Do the math.
#23. Tulip. I am a realist concerning the history behind the Belmar Republicans. As a Republican, I hate to see how this split has evolved, but there is nothing going forward to change it. For two years now, their candidates refused to work with the Committee. You can’t make Walsifer or Vallario to change. As someone who worked on previous campaigns it was frustrating as hell trying to get new blood and rally Republicans. It was so bad, I had to cancel meet and greets and fundraisers. Every time I volunteered ideas, the old guard would chime in we “tried that”. When you asked when? you found out they were talking about 20 years ago.
I hope it is Bean. He is the most honest man in Belmar. And yes that includes me. No aspirins last night.
Does the Matt slice include the pope’s nose?
Going to say this till I am blue in the face or you move to NH. The good people of Belmar need to run candidates for both Mayor and Jenn’s seat IN THE PRIMARIES!!! All running on anti-corruption tickets. If you all believe Joy DeSanctis, then trust her when she said multiple times that Mark Walsifer is not the real deal.
Uh, had to look that up. Anyway, Happy Turkey Day. I lost my appetite. Now we shall proceed to carve up the empire.
Walsifer shouldn’t be in the discussion.
Would really like to see Mr. Seebeck run for mayor.
#3- I agree wise man. Republicans Bean vs. Seebeck for mayor, And Republicans Katrina vs. C.C.
#6. Spoke to Jim Bean, he will not run. Time for those who are well known and respected but have not run to step up. Watch the cockroaches scurry when you shine the light on them and challenge them IN A PRIMARY. Personally, I like Seebeck/Merkler running against Walsifer and whoever AND Fahy/English running against Dem Machine.
Either Fahy
Guaranteed division.
Nothing like geeing up the unwashed for a campaign.
finished the turkey leftovers tonite and look forward to next year’s vote harvest.
Here’s the name of the guy who should run for something, John Yannuzzi.
John Yannuzzi nice guy,good friend of bar owners.One Matt is enough.
When everyone gets finished picking their candidates. You have just accomplished the same thing as before
you have split the party which is something even the democrats do not do.
It does not make sense.
Ok Enough all ready. Let’s see how Walsifer and Josh work together. We may have to replace Walsifer also.
#14. Still trusting in “party” is the same old trap Tulip. My strategy assures that honest elected officials, who will serve us ( regardless of party affiliation or party backing) get elected. Whoever the Dems run will be agreeable to the corrupt machine, hence knock them out in Primary. Walsifer has his agenda, not ours, hence knock him out in the primary. What results are all candidates we can live with.
The Wizard of Oz has spoken.
# 14 – you have split the party which is something even the democrats do not do.
It does not make sense
That’s both a strength and a weakness. It’s strength in that they stay together all the time but a weakness in that many times they’re behind popular trends if their leadership doesn’t move forward with the will of the people such as in our little town. The democratic leadership failed to understand the people are tired of all this drama and constant lawsuits.
#14 I am referring to the several comments from people who are offering sets of two to run. It came to 6 people from the same party. It does not bring them together it separates the party itself into 3 sets to run and when they split very seldom is there a win. They might try working with what they have
People that want to run but get no support.
#19. Where do you get 3 sets. Independents are not a party and I never put that forth. Having an alternative to the party endorsed candidate IS A GOOD THING. I believe that Belmar having the best elected officials is MORE IMPORTANT than a local political party being unified. “It’s people, not politics.”
Frank Morgan imitator re-interpretes Poli Sci machinations 101, ad nauseum.
#17,#21 Since my very existence seems to bother you, and you enjoy personal attacks,I will need to increase my comments on this blog.
Teddy I was referring to the Republicans only. Not Independents. The Republicans have had a split and no support movement going for quite awhile.
If they want to take a seat they have to stick together. Look at the ballot
The way the numbers run to vote you know how they run. Do the math.
#23. Tulip. I am a realist concerning the history behind the Belmar Republicans. As a Republican, I hate to see how this split has evolved, but there is nothing going forward to change it. For two years now, their candidates refused to work with the Committee. You can’t make Walsifer or Vallario to change. As someone who worked on previous campaigns it was frustrating as hell trying to get new blood and rally Republicans. It was so bad, I had to cancel meet and greets and fundraisers. Every time I volunteered ideas, the old guard would chime in we “tried that”. When you asked when? you found out they were talking about 20 years ago.
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