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Work together? I fear that the mayor and other council members will move forward in their arrogant disrespect for anyone who does not ride their bus. Character does not change. This win just confirms that “they won and the others did not”. I still question how did Brennan know about a specific number of uncounted votes. OK, Brennan won, but this victory is a tainted one, in my opinion. Disregard directions in how to fill out forms and still get the results recognized? Just call me a Negative Nellie.
This election reminds me of an NFL game when a team performance is mediocre through 3 quarters, gets within seven points and with less than 2 minutes to play gets a touchdown which after a challenge and a review is overturned. I called this game early. Vallario did not put the work in necessary for a win. That is the simple truth. Now all these wee wishers are posting their regrets and not a single one of them would part with a dollar for his campaign. Talk was real cheap these past months. No skin in the game results in a loss.
Hanging – I highly suspect that it goes deeper than incorrectly filled out forms! Something is not right.
#3 Exactly, like a “buddy” at the county board of elections, or worse. Funny thing though, they are Republicans, I believe.
Interesting thing about this is that a ne’er-do-well like Brennan has a shot at winning anything. In a reasonable society, such an individual would be relegated to a job such as men’s room attendant in a 3rd rate hotel in downtown Camden, but here in planet Belmar, he’s thought of as town council material.
As de facto historian of Belmar politics I am sure this blog would agree that if Dave got a dollar for every “it was fixed” comment after each election, he would retire a millionaire. This constant pointing the finger keeps all of you from being accountable. You have been loosing by a few votes lately because you are stupid. What makes it worse is that the Dems are not that smart.#2 is correct Vallario was head strong and NOT COACHABLE. Not once but twice now. If 15 people in District 4 voted all Republican but cast no vote for Vallario, he didn’t loose cause the fix was in.
#2… Your correct Josh did not do enough work to get elected. But he did a lot more work then I am willing to do, without being paid.
As a reader and a front row participant, it’s extremely frustrating and difficult to accept feedback from those who are represented by blog code names. #2 and #6 I’m not sure who you are but if walking from door to door every weekend, going to various functions to meet new people and learn from them, attending council meetings, spending hours per week simply to try and contribute to the community isn’t hard work, I’m not sure what is. As for Coachable, again #6 not sure who you are but josh has aligned himself with many folks in town to learn from and gain support. He is never to prideful to ask for help and mentoring. So not sure where your feedback comes from either. He has opened himself up to everyone and anyone in town who would be open to listen. Perhaps it’s you who were too closed minded to learn something new. Or it was you who didn’t want to work hard for your town to go out of your way to meet Josh. I could be wrong however, since I don’t know who you are.
A. I am sick of 2nd home residents voting in our town.
B. Renters who moved from Belmar but are still on the voter books and are voting by mail or in person.
#8, Face the facts here, he lost and he probably would have won if he stuck to some old tried and proven basics like walking the neigborhoods and meeting people. Brennam was totally beatable this election, so nice effort, but a failed strategy.
#10 Thanks for the feedback. Always appreciated. Again, he walked the neighborhoods quite often.
I hope this Judge moves forward with the Federal lawsuit. I will bet that is one thing he will lose on.
#8,#11 Your sounding like Claire. Whether the
feedback has a person’s name to it or not, it doesn’t change the feedback. Such feedback was given months ago. Your defense, while predictable is simply not truthful.
It would be nice if legally we could get answers to some of these questions.
Why were the votes not eliminated?
Why are no questions being asked?
Why are we not doing something as a voting block to find out what happened.
Why is money not being collected to find out the legalities of what we think is a problem?
Who to we go to for this problem?
#11. Ms. Tabak, I noticed you thanked #10 for his or her feedback but got defensive with #6 and #10 who likewise gave feedback, all three using a “code name”. So you agree your husband had a poor strategy?
#12 – Don’t look for help from the corrupt federal court system.
#15 we appreciate feedback from anyone at any time. Didn’t mean to skip the gratitude for anyone who provided it. I was merely expressing the difficulty accepting feedback with out knowing who its coming from as in my mind it diminishes the credibility of its source. As for my husbands strategy, I’m beyond proud of his work ethic, moral compass and tirelss passion for his family and community. He worked endlessly to meet people, learn from others, hear them out and simply try to better Belmar.
Orly, some jaded folks just don’t understand the concept of many who have nothing to gain volunteering to run for office in Belmar. They will never understand that we may want to give back God’s blessings and fulfill the opportunity to improve our community.
the drift of the Coast Star is appreciated …. take away …. In Monmouth County, candidates can ‘earn’ votes after Election Day by challenging an impartial vote counting machine.
#17-I’m impressed with the support you show for your husband. You are a loving, devoted wife.
#9 I own a 2nd home in town and live in Essex County. How is it possible for me to vote in Belmar if I’m registered in Essex County? I would love to be able to vote in Belmar on important issues. I pay the same taxes that everyone else does. Are you saying that some people vote in 2 separate towns in NJ? If so, how is that possible?
There is no voter registration clearinghouse.
No hope now. Talk all you want but Matt got him in to make him act like a checker on a game board
#21 Only if you live in Somerset and kiss up enough to be appointed by your mayor to the planning/zoning boards.
Insurance fraud investigation may be troublesome though.
#19 You are onto something. I am losing faith in the whole voting system. Mrs. Clinton did not demand a recount.
#25 yes definitely onto something. its called voter fraud. There is a federal panel under the VP as chair trying to get info from all the states and last i heard the responsible officials in a number of blue states were refusing cooperation. So this is a major issue that should concern us all that needs resolution. For local purposes it would be good for all if the clearing house #22 suggested were implemented in NJ and all 21 counties had to take part so one vote in one place was the max. The domicile issue is and will remain difficult and hard to prove out but as in insurance fraud matters can have other implications.
# 13-If someone sounds like me, that’s a good thing! ” Leave the gun…take the cannolis”…Where ‘s Don Vito when I need him?? Haven’t heard from him in a long time on this blog…
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