There is a story in today’s Coast Star about how the mayor attacked this blog at last week’s Borough Council meeting. There are also some vitriolic and factually incorrect letters sent in by some of his drones.
Of course they don’t hate this blog because a month ago some anonymous commenter said that the mayor might want to hide behind his son and get photo-ops with him. They hate this blog because I make available to the public information like you see below and because I tape and publish the Borough Council meetings.
Think of how carefully they must have scoured these pages looking for dirt and that’s the worst thing they could come up with. And to this date they have never been able to refute a single word I’ve ever written.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Please vote for Matt, So Djais can be open year around!
Distraction, distraction,distraction.
The staged special meeting last week and the follow up letters printed today
focus on an anonymous comment on a blog.
Perfect- with the critical and important issues surround this administration their team, 2 weeks before an election want to focus on two residents and not the candidates and the issues.
Today’s Coast Star letter, specifically the Read’s letters inferring that if Jim Bean is elected that three of our elected councilmen will not work with them is insulting to those three elected officials. All elected officials are 100% responsible to the people who elected them. That is why the swear to uphold their duties under the Constitution.
As an independent in 2010 like many I split my vote. If a councilman acts in such a manner, I will personally lead a recall effort.
I agree ….If they won’t work with him or any council person then quit… By work I mean to discuss, discuss and provide solutions for the residents of Belmar.
Thanks to whomever for all the references and links to this website so people can read for themselves about the real deal in Belmar. The truth must prevail. There is a lot of “context” in these posts. Do not be fooled by the spinmeisters.
They probably just hate us for our freedoms and gap jeans, like those terrorists,
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