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Behind Djais there is a big tented bar area think of it as a covid tent area, elbow to elbow yesterday. We sat on the deck bar and wondered where all these kids were going. The tent prevents prying eyes in the sky from seeing the not socially djs party scene, check it out for yourself today.The parking lot bench area is just for show.The real party is out back away from ocean avenue prying eyes.
1 – That tent area has been illegally there for years, now it is just a Covid Spreading den. The borough and the police do nothing about what goes on there. Ask the overtime Police Sargent who stands there nightly on overtime as he ignores all of the Executive Order violations that occur.
Murp gave Djais a pass on Chat Room with David Cruz yesterday despite the video he deflected the question about the cranked exposure to COVID-19 in favor of his BLM peacefully marching sholdier to shoulder protests in NJ. TIT4TAT
Code Enforcement, Fire Inspector playing the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil game with your lives for years. It’s like a Covid party that the teens are now engaging in to see who gets it first. The have no brains, brakes or testickles.
#1 do you mean the party tent in the back hidden by the unauthorized shipping containers and fencing? Back by their permanent construction trailer operating every day with new projects?
When I Look at the list of homes with violations in town I am astonished. The area between 12th and 16th? possibly 18Th? and Ocean and B, you are talking 8 to 10 blocks of a 1 square mile town that can not be controlled. How is it that residents see everything, but the police ,code enforcement, and town officials can not control a small area. Is it all on the new specials who change every year? They are are only hope? As a community we are so surprised every year as if we don’t know what is coming. We complain all summer till it goes away and next summer expect a different outcome. It baffles my brain that we are not smarter then fifth graders.Such stupidity.
6 – Because there has never been a real plan on how to control noise at the rentals. The entire mitigation process is based on reactive policing, which requires the effected residents to call the police and complain. This process has been broken for years and is never formally address with a true written policing and code enforcement plan. And you are correct, we complain and are relieved after Labor Day, only to be subject to the same mess the following summer.
Kenny cleaned up 16th
Place to place liquor license from Jack’s to Beer Haus. Bar on first floor with occupancy of 97. Not counting upstairs tap room,restaurant etc. Does anybody really believe we will have only 97 at the new bar.
#6 and #7 your comments are right on target. Even though laws are being broken in plain sight without being addressed we are brushed off and told this is life in Belmar and accept it. I thought the new elected officials would be proactive to address but things just continue as usual.
Special Events Coordinator (which we have none)/ Code Enforcement Officer/Puppeteer do nothing Frank Cinelli will never do anything except collect his 80k paycheck.
DJ’s does not seem to operate a Shush Patrol anymore. Isn’t that a condition of their license?
Djais maximum occupancy for INSIDE ranges from 647 to 740 according to this document. Mayor and Council voting on this please clarify the number of ADDITIONAL people they are allowed to have OUTSIDE on the front porch and back beer garden. My guess is that inside + outside they can have over 1,000 people at any given time. Also, is there a maximum number of people that can be standing on line at any given time?
Take a look at the photos on this blog from June 21st along with others during that timeframe to how well the Djais boys comply with “All lines at all times shall be maintained to ensure they do not interfere with sidewalks and safe and efficient ingress and egress to the licensed establishment”. They are in constant violation of this with zero consequences. What a joke!
DJais escrow for officers only pays for them standing there and not for “transportation of individuals (in custody) to the Belmar Police Department” and my guess is that processing these individuals and the paperwork is on the taxpayers’ dime as well. In Belmar’s financial situation, the governing body must put an end to this sweetheart deal. Every PD or First Aid call to DJais should be charged at $500 per call to the owners.
Cannot believe the reality that djais is orchestrating Mark Walsifer’s demise in public office!
Hey all of you losers. Why haven’t the cases spiked in NJ? Stop complaining and go on with your lives. Don’t go to Djais if you don’t want to. Shut up already
#15- I believe you are correct. And when the same occurs at Bar A, Belmar residents pick 3/4 of the tab of the processing expenses. And guess where the fines go. To Lake Como that only gets billed for 1/4 of the police expenses. Wake up people. This just ain’t right. I would love for Mayors W or K to explain that.
#15 great points. Mayor Mark we k ow you read this blog. What say you?
8, the entire town is a mess. I drive by 502 16th Avenue maybe 3 times a week and have seen a working full size beer refrigerator in the front yard for the last month now. Not on a porch, but in the front yard! If I see this 3 times a week driving by, how many times do police officers and code enforcement see this potentially dangerous eyesore? I guess they don’t see it?
#8 – Yes he did! Things were certainly moving in the right direction back then. Now, it seems, that’s all lost. What a shame.
Silly peasants just move along and grin and bear it. Djais owns the town and you are just guests – ask Mayor Frank.
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