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At about the 19 minute mark…the mayor talks about the recent lawsuit against the police department with the woman who was drunk. He tries to group all the recent lawsuits against the town in the same category as this one. The people of Belmar are not stupid. The other lawsuits were more than warranted.
Agreed. Drawing a parallel between what really was a frivolous lawsuit and all the ones he lost was completely idiotic. He acts as if these cases are decided by flipping a coin and not on the merits. Real slap at Gummer, Lawson and all the other judges who have ruled against him.
46 minutes into the video. “Really strong connection between Belmar and Hudson County ” when asked why we are feeding and letting the senior citizens on the beach for free of jersey city. Come on Matt. That’s the best u can do for an answer ? . And correct me if I am wrong. The mayor can’t sit on the Dias during his conflicts but he also CAN NOT sit in the room either and he is
“He who should be obeyed” and the media just parrots what he squawks; no clarification or verifiction of fictional interpretation of facts. Just delusions to brainwash the unwashed.
the town is against him.
Any mention of the status of the NEW tax assessments? Appeal date? Mail out notification?
a timely revelation …. the Lake Como pipe needs a property easement from Spring Lake …. a project that would help protect private property moves at glacial speed in Belmar.
#6 The county sends them?
So much for the mayor’s long-past statement that the Lake Como pipe project is “shovel ready” – his shovel is full of you know what. Why some people still believe this guy astounds me. Does anyone in the administration ever do their technical homework and report “facts” without political spin?
I hereby nominate the maligned protest sign kid as Belmar’s star of the year.
Any New Year predictions from registered resident voters?
About not depositing raked leaves in the street, does that apply to the mayor as well? There was a huge pile in the street in front of his house a couple of weeks ago. The lawn service people should be informed. In fact, the classy Inlet Terrace had multiple piles of leaves in the street.
Prediction for 2017? The mayor will continue to do what he wants, regardless of what is lawful. He is not being meaningfully chastised so he will continue to run wild with his ambition and dubious deals, all with his eye on that back door escape route. My opinion, of course. Must say that because he loves to take pieces of comments out of context and twist them around to mislead the press and naive residents and mischaracterize this blog as a right-wing effort to bring him down. OK, I will put my divination tools back in their box.
It’s OK to use your powers of divination today because it’s ROSE Sunday according to the Advent Calendar.
Predicting the mayor’s behavior is not sorcery, just common sense, any special dispensation of this day notwithstanding.
#12 there is no control in Belmar over the blatant disregard for our health by the lazy homeowners and or their landscapers when it come to blowing leaves, dirt, dog droppings etc into the streets off their own properties. All year long our children’s lungs are befowled with ASTHMA caused by this outrageous behavior and nothing and no one stops the power blowing into our streets.
#16- So true. Limit their use to only when children are in school, Mon. till Fri., 9 am till 230 pm and have a No Blow Zone, for schools, medical facilities and such. Just think of the added revenue from the $500 summons issued by the Police to residents on weekends. Mirror some of Spring Lake’s Ordinances restricting yardwork and commercial lawn services on weekends.
I want rakes given to all able bodied people to RAKE YOUR OWN leaves this Christmas. Raking doesn’t disturb the environment or our sewer system with clipped debris and garbage. I’ve seen idiots blowing sand for hours at a time into the street. If I was an owner I wouldn’t pay for such ignorance. Let your kids learn how to rake and build their stamina. If the can POKEMAN they can rake and make &&&&. You know exactly what I mean.
#18 – I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. don’t you understand the CHILDREN are all going to grow up to be CEOs of MAJOR MULI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS. They don’t do such work. I thought everyone knew that. I suppose next you’ll want them to shovel snow – YIKES!!!
Eagle scouts go to the head of the line.
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