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So, Mr. Magill, “…”
For the busy resident, Matt’s rudeness begins with1 hour 53 seconds and the full blown bully pulpit attack on anyone who dares to disagree with him starts at 2 hours and 24 minutes. ENJOY!
For those who care or wish to OPRA confirm, On Wednesday, June 11,2014 @10:42 and later via returned phone call, Cecile Murphy, Green Acres sent to Maser Consulting employee Kelsey Howard on Behalf of Belmar the “Green Acres Rules- on Fees & Public Access and Leases on Funded Parkland. Copies of Green Acres Rules NJAC 7:36-25.9 to 7:36-25.13.. A violation, I failed to comment on can be found at 25.9 ( d) fees collected for recreation shall be used for the parkland. This not only applies to paddle board lesson fees but for Belmar’s kayack and canoe storage fees , not to mention FOBH’s sailing fees. Don’t shoot the messenger.
7:36-25.13 9. requires that the lease if approved ( which it would not be because of public access problems) name the NJ State Dept. of Environmental Protection in the 1 million dollar liability insurance policy. SummertimeSurf did not do this in 2014 or 2015. Now.!!! You know Belmar gets sued a lot. Now, imagine a child suffers and injury. The parents hire an attorney. Any attorney will search for big money, Summertime Surf ? Belmar ?, State of NJ. Bingo.
If Matt had any kind of creativity he would invite Bernie Sanders to Belmar and pitch the need for the Pavilions Park Marina and redevelopment, that way Belmar has no need for a bond as Uncle Bernie’s government will pay for it all!
He and Maggie are Hillary people
These ordinances should have been EXPLAINED and the REASON for making the changes given publicly prior to them being introduced. Questions taken at the public hearing. If the Mayor and Council couldn’t explain it, then it should have been done by the Attorney. Shameful. Items are added to an agenda are only those items that someone doesn’t want the public to have advance thought on. It’s just not the Mayor but the entire Council that I have such distaste for right now. Not one member had the decency to speak up and answer questions or call the Mayor and that Councilwoman out on their laughing. Mr. Borough Attorney, if you are reading this, get out while the getting is good. I feel bad for you. Gonna read up on ordinances.
Why are we giving away surf leases for $500? Clearly the cost should be $5,000 as an opening bid. SSC cover the entire summer rental expense in one hour with 8 students!
2nd question
How much is that ugly orange trailer paying that sits on ocean ave all year, that Bayonne scrap pile material depresses home values and taxes on 13th ave?
#7 Dear Cents: Get with the drill. have reasonable questions about how your money is spent. Then get all your very warm winter clothes on and drive to the Mayor & Council meeting and wait till the end. Now 2 hours later raise your hand, get called on. Wait! you get to the mic, start to ask your questions that ( Matt or Colleen never responded to for a year ) and Tommy Brennan plays with his smart phone, Holly-Go-Nicolay grins and plays with her hair, The pilot and the bouncer/coach act interested AND THEN the mayor says “Your times up. Next”
What a surprise Matt is an arrogant ass and ultimately will go down in flames.
Tom Brennan is a joke ! Really you have nothing to add to anything he lottery sat there waiting for his hair to grow. You at least expect him to have an something to add on grean acres and L Street beach. At lest contribute something anything to sit there and say and do nothing ???? Maybe you should ask Matt if can speak at the next meeting. Oh and Tom Burke read your Facebook post telling people to watch the tape of the meeting, maybe should also thank Dave for providing something useful not that your bike safety study wasn’t. Jennifer what’s your excuse for sitting there coughing and laughing at tax payers maybe you Tom were out back burning one up prior to the meeting ???
Gene Creamer is my hero. Civil disobedience in pursuit of justice is a your conformity, your lack of conscworthy stand. Knowing Gene these past few years and what it took to do what he did or even that guy George makes me embarrassed. I know what a coward I am. Thank you Gene and George for not settling for injustice. Jennifer calling out- “Gene your better than that”. No Ms. Nicolay ( Gene’s next door neighbor ) you need to look in the mirror. When a mild mannered, civic minded and responsible member of our community stands up against a bully, against bullies, it is a call for YOU to be better.
Eastern Lines gives great surf lessons and they’re free!
Didn’t Tom Burke head up a committee to look into ways to save money building the pavilions. The committee said absolutely nothing could be done and no savings possible. Oh I guess except valued engineering. Worthless man, waste of time committee. Deals are done behind the backs of the residents of Belmar. Savings go to those making the deals.
#5 Admin i know that, do you think they will visit her in prison when she gets convicted??
Gene Creamer for Mayor. He’s a real threat so he will be publicly shunned at council meetings according to the Freeholder candidate.
Does anyone out in blog land know the legalities of questioning public officials and borough attorney. As you can see at the end of a very long night I tried to ask our council what the changes to the pay to play ordinance meant. Not one of them had the decency to answer or perhaps it’s fairer to say our Mayor refused to let them talk. I can only conclude they do not even know what they voted for. This is standard operating procedure here in Belmar. Is it any wonder people get frustrated angry and resentful? They should all have to give us explanations of what they are voting on and why. I was not disrespectful but was treated with the standard ridicule our Mayor dishes out whenever he doesn’t like the question. They should all be ashamed of themselves. But I’m sure I will be branded as a malcontent for having the audacity to want answers.
Very sad showing by the mayor. Very upsetting for him to threaten such an excellent citizen as Mr. Creamer.
Also, Mrs Nicolay isn’t doing well either.
As far as Tom Burke goes, he continues on his downward path.
“I’m the leader of the gang and I’m not talking to the plebiscite” is the Doherty mantra now.
All the petition signers better watch Your P’s and Q’s. IF you are marching out of step YOU can only be heard at the council meetings, not seen in any of the scenes.
The latest pavilion Ruse failed because there never was a doubt in anyone’s cranium that EPIC would get the PAVILION CONTRACTS end of the Doherty saga. Who cares about future CHANGE ORDERS cause a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do… with other people’s money.
I like how colleen head nodded to Mike Campbell to go get a cop at areound 2 hours and 38 minutes. Why would she nod to Mike. I guess the talk about him becoming the Public Safety Officer are true.
If Mike Campbell makes 185k as Public Works Director what would he make as a Public Safety Officer.
Jim Keady lauded! Gene Creamer censored. Everyone on the dais supported Jim Keady last year, Keady with Doherty standing behind Christie interrupted the press conference. He became celebrated. Fast forward to last Council meeting. Gene Creamer exercises same rights and Mayor calls for a police escort and banishes Gene from any speech at council meetings. That’s it in a nutshell. I encourage residents during public comment to read aloud the oath of office which describes the oath to obey the NJ Constitution-Article One- All power is inherent in the people. ( Not the elected, not some people-the people.
This meeting, this public demonstration (now a video recording)of Mayoral/Council arrogance, indifference, dismissal and abuse of both the collective and individual residents of Belmar screams for immediate action by the residents of this town to begin the process of changing the form and function of our elected representatives/governance. This meeting is not an isolated moment or incident, but rather it is a fair representation of the typical behavior of both the Mayor and Council month after month, meeting after meeting, issue after issue.. Years ago when registered voters decided to create a system with strong mayoral authority, the potential for the level of abuse of office now demonstrated in Belmar was apparently unconscionable. Who can imagine a public official who utilizes his position to berate, threaten, demean, humiliate and in other untold ways abuse the trust bestowed in him or her. I don’t have to imagine it.
I believe Gene Creamer should contact the ACLU and have them take Matt to court and get him $50,000. see cbs news article.
#19. Getting the police (not in Ms. Connolly’s job description) is actually one of her favorite jobs as a partisan/political arm of the mayor. I know personally, so does Ms. DeSanctis. Too bad Lt. Cox wasn’t in the next room. He is usually the guy for such illegal removals. Some day, when they are doing time, we can all share the police reports
that come with civil disagreement with Tyrant-a-sore-is Matt. Unfortunately, getting charged for and convicted of ABUSE OF POWER carries no prison time in NJ. Let me call our prosecuting governor.
Gene Creamer is brilliant and Matt is terrified to respond to Gene’s questions. Now Matt is creating an “imagery” he claims he saw. You mean Gene scratching his ear, you know how Matt lies to get his way. A feeble attempt by a pseudo mayor that only wants what he wants, when he wants it.
#24 ahhhh yes. I remeber when I was a Belmar offical the first time I was interrogated by Lt Cox for a bullshit story that Mike Campbell made up. Quite an experience.
You have to cut Matt a little slack. He may have been drowning his sorrows a little earlier in the day after he found out the governor vetoed the seasonal liquor license bill. Hopefully Matt realized he really does not have much political clout nor does his campaign manager, D’Jais, and they realized B.A. is the real deal.
#27 TMI for who? Its time people should know what kind of scum are running our town and how they use they’re power to intimidate and harass the people who live and work there.People need to open their eyes to how corrupt the town and it’s “Official’s” actually are! I hope they all fall…
#28. I used to cut Matt some slack. Now year 6-NO MORE. It has become enabling.
Welcome to Deadwood-On-The Sea. (HBO series)
Unless you read minutes and bills paid list, its hard to find the scams. I’ve got a knack for it. Tuesday eve. was no exception.
Minute 5- Mayor calls up Christine Read and Belmar Woman’s Club, a non-profit and generous club. They raised $7,000. on a Belmar themed Monopoly Game. Now the SCAM.
Christine Read starts by saying they went to Belmar Businesses ( who have to pay a yearly $100. tourism fee ) and she got them to buy a square ( money is adding up ). What she didn’t say was that on 5/28/15 Colleen Connolly and Mary Brabazon cut a check out of the Tourism Account ( see Belmar Bills Paid online, June 3, bills paid page 4.) The Belmar Tourism seeded the printing of the board game. Therefore, without the businesses knowing they gave TWICE. This is just one of many scams since this Mayor blew into town. Remember they took $4000. of tourism funds and donated it to Home-By-Summer. NOBODY CAN FAULT raising money and givingit to community organizations. But the funds, were not given with the approval and knowledge of the giver. They were taken. Hence a SCAM.
In order to have a scam work, the very well intentioned: volunteers, contributors, elected and appointed officials must be innocent and in no way a part of the scam. Really do you think the Belmar employees passing out all those gift card and those utilities guys from other states receiving the gift cards , ever knew it was a scam? There are those elected, ands want to be elected that would ( even with the evidence ) deny. I no longer feel sorry for the deniers. Time to protect the scammed.
View count on this video now 2nd highest of all the Council meeting videos.
Anybody remember the 1960s, the term “fascist pig”? That comes to mind when I observe the deplorable behavior of the mayor and council and borough administrator, the arrogant, authoritarian attitude of those upon the dais. They know what is best; the public are petty and pesky flies in their soup with no valuable input. (“I’ll take it under advisement.”) I would be so tempted to yell out “fascist pig” to the mayor, then get ejected from the room by the police. (I would guess there will be a few cops at the next meeting.) These elected officials give the so-called “left” (Democrats) a bad name. What happened to the values of the bygone decade of the exercise of free speech by those who disagree with the current government’s representatives? Right and left are confused now.
We are all for a shadow government. Check out the dupes in K Wayne Mcleod.
How about a useful linked finger challenge. I can say that, right?
Porta-potties are not gender specific, but there is some record in Belmar of the administrator using the placement of a porta-potty as an alleged threat. Just sayin’.
WE all remember “Porta-Potty-Gate”
and, the coerced apology from the minion.
Seafood festival madness infects Planet Belmar with a vengeance. Sick chick in the age of the drone.
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