Hope you all got your power back.
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Did they all just get off the golf course playing for Team Belmar?
Remember when the Mayor and Council dressed like they respected the office?
Instead of trying to finesse these PILOT deals why don’t we just repeal our redevelopment law and have everybody pay the same taxes?
No pilots they unfair to VOTING TAXPAYERS.Do ya hear me now.
A women questioned the outdoor dining at 10th & Main Street and all the stooges looked around and stated that nothing could be done about the obstruction of the sidewalk due to language in some ordinance. Did this Mayor or any Councilperson ever take a look at the resolution allowing for the last expansion of the building in question? Did they research the testimony and subsequent resolution which allowed for the buildings expansion and the restrictions put on outdoor dining for this property? NOPE!
#2 – The taxpayers need to demand no more pilots. Petition in the works.
In response to #1, the power was out to most of the building and town yesterday. Many didn’t get their power back until just before the meeting. Go complain about something else. They were crazy to even have the meeting in my opinion due to the circumstances.
Lovely shirts. Taxpayer funded ?
#7, Don’t know who you are but you must read the bill pay list.
As you dig into your personal bank account for the 21% tax increase to balance the books in Belmar, please remember that on 5/21/19, $1,453.00 was spent on “Screen Styles – Nike fit polo shirts and wind jackets” out of the “municipal – clerk supplies” account. Meaning not for police, beach, lifeguards, etc, but for the council members and associates.
Very important to look the same and in style in a year of frugality.
so yes #7. Taxpayer funded.
also #6 the Mayor and council wore the same style golf collar shirt at the last meeting, so it’s a pattern and can’t be blamed on the electric.
For the record, I don’t really care what they wear as long as I’m not paying for it.
When members of the town are going around checking on the well-being of the community or other events as was the case yesterday with the power being out, I’d imagine wearing a more official “town” shirt would help distinguish them from anyone else. Many non-council people were wearing Belmar shirts yesterday at the charging center in the gym.
All…. We have another expense now… The M&C hire someone to monitor the blog and respond to any comment that questions their authority….
About the old hag (I mean that only in the best way of course) they had lecture us at the beginning of the meeting, I hope they never invite another dope like that to come and talk to us about how she’s got great new ways of throwing our money in the gutter.
As to the drivers and pedestrians. We’ve crossed a point of no return. There’s nothing to be done now but just stand aside and do the best you can while you’re out walking, driving, cycling, etc. This is just the way things are now. People aren’t going to change. Actually, they can’t. It’s just the new manner of living that impels people to do the dumb things they do.
10 – Director of Social Media??
Councilwoman Wann always wears a blouse.
#9 Maybe have a official badge when going around checking on people.
9 – You really mean electioneering.
I feel sorry for all the residents without electric power … some had to throw-out the food in their refrigerators … $
Imagine you have a son that’s married with 2 young kids. His wife stopped working to stay home and they live a good life. Big house, new cars, private schools. One day your son comes to your door and says I am living above my means and I need help with money. I’m broke. You loan\give him cash out of your savings account to keep him afloat. Soon after you notice on Facebook that your son took the kids on a vacation to Florida. He claims that the kids deserve it and it was only $1000. “Are you going to deny the kids a vacation?”. You realize he is still driving his nice cars. When asked your sons explain that he usually buys a new one every 2 years. This year he didn’t “to cut costs”. He will just keep paying the car payment of the one he has. The wife still stays home and the good life continues. When you ask him about his money situation, he gets agitated and keeps asking for more time. “I can’t do it all at once” he says. Soon you realize that your son’s behavior hasn’t change at all. Kids still in private school, still enjoying life to the fullest and the bills keep coming in, but paid for now with your money. You feel taken advantage of, almost stolen from. You don’t mind helping, but your son has to make changes. He has to economize. Only spend what he can afford. Budget. You feel disgruntled, used, a little angry.
This is how I feel about the town of Belmar right now. I know $1500 for polo shirts is petty, I know the Mayors supporters ask for more time to cut, but so far, I haven’t seen any real changes and I’m feeling used. More employees were hired, salaries went up, the party continues. What other expenses could have been held off until better times for the borough? Like the son, the behavior didn’t change, they just have more revenue to work with. The budget went up, (according to the APP) and that huge tax increase. I’m getting tired.
Come on Mayor and Council, make an effort here. And republicans please stop justifying bad decisions, like $1500 for polo shirts. It so very Doherty like.
New desks in the court room?
17 – Nobody could have said it better. Thank you!
2 months since the budget hearing and this McCrackem has still not publicly address any of the 27 issues that he wrote down and promised to look into. His first excuse was the busy Memorial Day week, which will lead me to assume that we will hear from him on these issues a month before the next election. Typical.
Pls.no more signs at crosswalks, we need police officers at major crosswalks in town to enforce traffic laws.Randomly station them at different crosswalks/days/time. Write tickets for violations..Signs can’t do that, can they??
#17…. Well said….
Where are all the Walsifer supporters piping in???? Embarrassed one can only assume. Be careful what you wish(ed) for. Where are the budget cuts(Walsifer supporters)???
#21 Walked up to the boardwalk last night around 6:30 -7pm . Clear night. An older woman was attempting to cross Ocean avenue from boardwalk and we are crossing from west side. A car didn’t even try to stop coming at us. I yelled to him that didn’t he see 3 people in the crosswalk? so he stopped. I went up to his window to ask if he noticed any pedestrian signs but he ignored me and took off. This has got to stop people! No regard for human life! If we are going to have signs put them at the CROSSWALKS so idiots can relate to humans crossing at crosswalks, and if you want police officers at crosswalks if it’s in the budget do it and write tickets. I was told the signs are placed in between the blocks instead of at actual crosswalks because we are short a few? That was a few years ago . Buy the stupid signs or get a GO FUND ME PAGE for them. This is not rocket scientist stuff. Oh and I watched when I went to cross that the other woman tried 3 times to cross 12th and Ocean.
Very good #17. Now if there could only be a response from #9 our new responder.
Those shirts remind of the picture of Governor Christie sitting on the beach. No matter how you spin the explanation, it just looks bad.
When does Campbell get prosecuted for using borough employees and borough resources for his own personal gain?
#24. I agree with you about placement of
signs AT crosswalks not between crosswalks.We still need police enforcement at random crosswalks..In my comment, I was referring to the crosswalk at 8th Ave in front of the senior buildings. There are 4 pedestrian crossing signs already in place. Most drivers oblivious to them. At the council meeting, blinking lights were discussed as possibility for this crosswalk. There are too many signs at this location..about 12-15. As I stated above drivers ignore the traffic signs.
We need the police to enforce traffic laws ALL through Belmar!
#27 When was it proven that he had done so, or is the matter alluded to an appearance of wrongdoing based on assumption?
Mrs Renner, I’m with you but it’s very much too late. Everything has changed. There is no holding people back now from what they want to do. You can fine them or even take away their license. It doesn’t matter what you do now short of punitive punishment. Nothing short of 24hrs in the stocks or whipping will stop what’s going on (but you must be very careful of that type of thing because so many people are very close to death because of the manner in which they live). I would recommend as a “punitive” punishment, 8 hrs. of sitting outdoors doing nothing. Just sitting there not able to use a gadget. That might also create psychological problems which might threaten the town with lawsuits of cruel and unusual punishment by not allowing the people to use heir gadgets. So you see, we’re between a rock and a hard place with any real enforcement of our driving laws.
Belmar beach NJ New Jersey dangerous footballs and football throwing, football playing in the surf and on the sand, ball games everywhere on our beach. There is frisbee and soccer ball throwing and kicking, paddle-ball and lacrosse on our very crowded beach, still going on, making for a very un-safe situation.
This serious problem has been brought up at council meetings about 15 times in the last 6 years.
This message posted July 30, 2019.
31, They are NOT listening! They listened to us to get elected and now have turned a deaf ear on us. Jim Bean listened when he was campaigning and he continued to listen when he was on the council. It is time to break-up our newest puppet government. My family will vote for Jim Bean!
#32 – The mayor just sent me a letter and I spoke to him in my return letter (sent today)about the issue you raise (deaf ear).
#31 I agree it is dangerous, the mayor and council are not thinking of the frail and elderly who also want to enjoy the beach, not be sent to a hospital.Ball playing should be limited to off hours.
Sandra did you ever speak to the people actually playing these dangerous activities?? I can’t imagine someone ignoring you if you asked them to move, stop, or be more careful. Maybe the problem is you have a blog to post on and not a voice to just say to someone to stop?
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