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Question veracity of the Boss, his statements, answers, mistakes, mistaken interpretations, typos, donors, lobbyists influence as well.
Beholden to the taxpayers, I don’t think so. Roll the tapes, sounding more like Tricky xXxX to many, many taxpayers. That’s TAXPAYERS as in not free.
If you go to a Chinese Restaurant you know what you are getting, A Sub Shop etc. Democrats have always been Tax and Spend and Incompetence. I am not endorsing Trump and not sure i will vote for him but incompetent he is not Overspending not allowed in his company. This will be interesting ,what will they do when then loose this next lawsuit????? Will they ever wake up!!
Best show in town. This hateful bunch who run Belmar take the cake. I did love the showdown at Borough Hall between Mr. Bonanno and Stubborn Tricky Mayor Matt. It appeared that only the lawyers trusted each other. Gecher popcorn here!
No, Matt we do not need your permission to file a petition. And Janis changing her mind about voting to un-bundle is exactly why the petition was filed.
Spiteful, shameful, small-minded, she.
Looks like the Asbury Park Press woke up. http://www.app.com/story/opinion/editorials/2015/06/17/editorial-belmar-biting-can-chew/28873159/
What town would be stupid to allow parking lots for Belmar while they are stuck with the traffic and expense????
As usual, the Asbury Park Press did not do their due diligence. The “mayor” never said we made $80,000.00 in profit, he said we generated $80,000.00 from the vendors. Out of the $80,000.00 the borough hired a company to supply tents, tables, chairs, porta johns and generators. The borough also paid a lot in advertising, bands to perform, borough employees to set up and work the festival-some at overtime rate-a lot of police to work the event and plenty of overtime pay, a lot of garbage removal, and fireworks. The borough also worked its volunteer first aid responders more than they should have (we appreciate everything they did)I’m sure I missed a lot, but I doubt there is much left of that $80,000.00!The bottom line-the residents of Belmar and neighboring towns weekend was marred by our ‘mayor’s” ego of trying to be the biggest and best at everything!
October is a wonderful month! Temps are usually in the 70’s, The beach crowds are gone, kids are back in school…….What a great time for a “BELMAR” Seafood Festival. Seems like a simple fix! Just sayin LOL
PJ – I was thinking of doing away with the festival altogether. But your idea is excellent.
Maybe combine it with Oktoberfest. The entry fee has to be worth Belmar’s aggravation and expenses.
They mayor wants permission for a petition? Pathetic.
October, the best idea yet. There the residents would enjoy it all. Lets go for it.
Finally improvement suggestions, not just constant opposition!
I think it is painfully obvious that the mayor does not really listen to what the people suggest. Ok, listen, because he has ears, but ears that do not hear and heed. He knows best. He diffused most potential protest at the beginning of the meeting by addressing the fiasco and saying some things that sounded ok – “sounded” ok. If the festival happens again next year and is actually more pleasant, I might actually part with a few dollars. Let’s wait and see.
#15 The problem is the Mayor thinks he is a King,and we are just his lowly subjects. So we have to be the only municipality that has to take the council to court to keep them honest, how sad.
September or October 2015, perfect timing for another “100,000 attendees” in popular Belmar. Residents need not come out of their summer cocoons until November. There is a pressing Need to give the cash vendors more businesses and who cares if the government receives no tax dollars in Belmar. Just makes sense doesn’t it?
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