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Belmar property owners are suffering flood hazard misery …. and our elected officials think clubhouses on the beach are more important? …. I didn’t watch the entire meeting because I got tired holding my nose ….
Dave, thank you for all the work.
Thank you also, Dave take a bow!
In my mind the Taylor pavilion project should not have moved forward until financing was known. The way the ordinance is written its taxpayer debt. I like the thought of a pavilion but like those objecting would like to know first how it is being paid for. Unbelievable that not one person, employee or official, could answer a question regarding the financing/charges in the ordinance. If they don’t know, then they shouldn’t vote on it. If its not taxpayer funded, then it should be stated in the ordinance. The compromise to me is no compromise. It’s still the same $ amount which is OK as long as grants are covering the cost. Establishing a “committee” for review is bogus. Just don’t understand their logic. To me the residents just want answers. Me too.
I think Mr. Fay and Mr. O’Day said it best , but yet they still refuse to listen. Claire still nothing in regards to hard numbers on the savings that the bundling of the bonds is generating but on the plus side the town is more divided then ever.
#4 Oh no, don’t draw HER into this! I will need a tranquilizer. The discussion will go nowhere. Oops, my bad.
Why do people continue to bring Claire Deicke into these comments? We all know she responds when her name is typed, yet has never given a clear, conclusive answer to a direct question. Plus, she has no control over Matt Doherty to produce any factual information that we may ask for. He does what his wife asks him to do and what he wants to do to continue climbing towards his political aspirations that have nothing to do with Belmar.
#6 Amen. She is “irrelevant”. And you portrayed the mayor very well.
All have made excellent comments observations and suggestions but how are we going to find a solution. Its not fair that the petitioners and Mr. Pringle have to spend their time and money to put the train on the right track. How can we put an end to this ???????
PS. i am not trying to put Dave out of business.
Show me the money!
#8 Please do put me out of business!
#8, you do it by voting them out! Which unfortunately hasn’t happen in the years that some of the core Republican group have tried so hard to do. It’s an uphill climb with people in town who don’t vote, the idiots that do, and Frank Sementra and Co. bringing votes right to Freehold. Otherwise, the only option is the courts. It’s expensive and really no one wins. It’s a shame! We will be moving to a neighboring town because of it. We are too afraid our taxes will one day skyrocket when these Doherty bonds come due.
#4 Please don’t call for the Great Gazoo!
Deliverance. Deserting of the few has not destroyed the morale of these strong real residents.
I must add that “the head of the Belmar Democrats” (you-know-who) accepted over $10,000 from organized labor, a very relevant thing. Will she give that money back to them to remove them from the playing field? Taylor Pavilion = jobs OWED to them.
Dave, thanks for providing this forum. The local government members read what is here, as well as the media people.
Another thing to consider. “Free Viagra” is covered under certain group health insurance coverages as therapy. Likewise Free $$$$ in Belmar is out of your collective pockets. Stupid is as stupid does.
#8 Earlier this year Dave wrote about NJ forms of government. Only a very few, handful of municipal governments have a exceedingly strong Mayor. If we all worked to get the signatures and eventually the vote, a meeting such as last Wednesday would have been entirely different. 95% of municipal meetings are conducted by the Borough Council President. The mayor does not set the tone, set the agenda and especially does not control the conversation. Abuse come when the mayor makes the process of governance all about him or her. Wednesday meeting even under Belmar’s rules should have last no more than 2 hours. Public comment is just that. For every commenter, the Mayor and Nicolay turned in into their comments.
Point of order. There would have been no illegal break for executive session. Yes, April read the Sunshine Law, They voted on a resolution to go into executive session, but it was for a reason not permitted by the very law they used. It is sad when the citizens know the law that the borough attorney and officials do not.
The mayor does not vote in 95% of municipalities. I feel it is time that these officials who believe that we have a democracy and not a republic be shown, once and for all, how the government was designed to work including the right to petition.
Ms. Nicolay said more Wednesday eve than she has in 2 years. Personally, I am glad she is so dedicated to “the truth” that she vowed to spend the next five months telling the people the truth. She exclaimed several time that the only reason 60% of the voters voted against the $7,000,000. for the two pavilions, was that those organizing the petition and vote” misled the voters. She will be the only candidate running for council is believes that the voters are stupid.
I have more degrees than the whole bunch put together and so do the many educated people, who spoke out at Wednesday’s meeting. Good luck with that Jennifer. Nicolay is also totally convinced that we are against the unchanged specs for Taylor because of “cost”. Again she did not converse with a single signer of these new petitions. Good Luck with that also. Her campaign now is tied to
reversing what 60% of the voters stated only months ago.
#17 Jennifer Nicolay has been given the “nod” to start speaking. She needs to be heard over the next few months since she is now campaigning. Also evidenced by her voice on the Code Blues that we will no doubt hear many times over the upcoming months.
Maybe we are stupid. For as much as we know about how wrong and illegal this mayor and council are, we still can’t get enough votes to get them out! Apparently not enough of us have had enough of them.
We need to get truth out, and one by one vote these bums OUT!
I can’t find the drawings and layout of any of the pavilions on the Belmar website. Can someone post the link? I want to see what was approved.
I do not like being told that I am misled and misinformed. Something triggered “dueling banjos” in my mind… I’ll betcha I could debate Jennifer and at least tie with her. (She is prettier, though. I hope that does not count.)
#18. Growing up in the USA, candidates
debated. We will have three residents running for the open council seat. I challenge the three to set aside an evening- use our “community room” and present the “facts”. Because, there seems to be major differences, let each
prepare to argue the reasons for, the facts that cause the Tatlor to be $4.1
million. No more smoke, just the facts.
#22. I love that idea. I wonder if we can get it to happen…
The problem with debates is that they become a contest of cheering sections instead of a contest of ideas. Usually 95% of the audience has already decided who they are voting for and just show up to root for their guy.
Maybe they should be videotaped or livestreamed but with no live audience.
Admin, yes even better idea.
The town needs to make the plans for the pavilions easy to find on the Belmar website.
And Belmar needs an explanation of how the funds for this project will impact the taxpayers.
Not so sure they were ever voted in by residents of Belmar.
How about a game? Which was said more “Thank Tom Burke for the “compromise” or “let’s get this done so we can go have some beers”?
Is it me or do you also find “You seem like a smart guy” to be so VERY condescending?
Actually, all that gushing over Tom Burke I think was designed to damage him among folks who don’t support the mayor.
If you want to delay and complicate something, form a committee. I did not invent that idea. An opportune stall might not be a bad thing if worked the right way.
#28 Yes, that is condescending. The real intention, I would bet, is “Let’s get Burke out of here and look nice but then move on to our plan.”
14-Are you Gene Creamer? Your words are familiar-the contribution from the union was not encouraged by me, or sought by me-if you are accusing me of what I think…..that there was some plan involved to give unions work projects, namely, the Taylor Pavilion-then my husband and I will sue-I will also get a computer expert to figure out who you are and sue you, and the administrator of this blog as well-Also….for anyone else -a savings on the projects through bundling can’t be predicted until we get bids and numbers in-I’ve answered every question on this blog as directly as possible, given the information in my possession-also, #14-my husband also reads these comments-he’s not a well person-has Parkinsons..this will upset hiim terribly-I mean the comments by #14-when we find out who you are, you’ll be hearing from our attorney-I have put great effort into town events, projects, and good works to benefit the residents of this town-I am going public with your accusations as a defamation scheme against me-I’ve tolerated insults on this blog-But will not tolerate #14’s comments-and if anyone proclaims that “I protest too much”….we’ll sue you also-this is serious
When I was in kindergarden, I did not pay people to play with me, but I did not live in New Jersey then. I am sad that they do that here.
I’m gonna sue everyone!
If the Democratic Party accepted a donation and favors work for the Union that is not Kosher! The criticism is brought on by yourselves!!!! Don’t try to blame others for your actions!!
Claire I’m sorry to hear about your husband ,it’s sad that this is what has become of our town . Is the bundling worth it , you can’t say the board didn’t see this coming . It’s only going to get worse . For the sake of Belmar just unbundle Matt and move on her a chance to be the bigger man
Gee they want to make their own rules, now they want to eliminate the first amendment, nice folks.
Go ahead and yawn, 32-I’ve already left a message for my attorney……this is no yawning matter-we’re serious about this-forrest gump-you’re message is offensive as well-these are no idle statements by me-go ahead-make fun-but it’s not funny to us-32-you are void of compassion and show great sarcasim and ignorance-I have a computer expert on the case as well-Dave, how can you allow such comments and innuendo about unions and me? -Yawn-you are cowardly and without heart for anyone or anything….state your name, Yawn–I pity those you are forced to come in contact with you-did you think my remarks were funny?-making a joke about what I consider a very serious offense-we’re not kidding……
Dave-Are you going to respond? Are you going to say it’s the right of your commenters to slander me with false charges? It’s slander plain and simple…. Please respond…….why are you hiding and not responding-if you think it’s Ok to besmirch my name, then I think that you show bad judgement and lack of compassion and concern for others…..how can you be a repsonsible person and allow the remarks to be posted? Yawn?? Really? You allowed that sarcasm knowing my feelings? What can you be thinking? You have no regard for others-particlarly me…. My nephew is an attorney in California-he consulted with his partners about #14’s remarks-these remarks by #14 are truly slander….simply to discredit me and attack my reputation…..
First of all, I’m sorry to learn that Doug has Parkinson’s and I hope he’s having it managed as well as possible and is as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.
Secondly, I am not hiding from you, everyone knows that I go to sleep early and that comments that come in after 9:00 or so usually don’t get posted until the next morning. As a matter of fact, 5 or 6 comments came in ahead of the one where you accused me of hiding and they weren’t posted until this morning either.
To respond to your comment I would say that it’s perfectly natural and reasonable to suspect that the tens of thousands of dollars donated by the trade unions to the Belmar Democratic Committee were meant to influence public policy here and #14 simply asked you, as chairwoman of the committee, to return the donations. I didn’t see it as slander when the comment came in and I still don’t.
Claire since you seem to read this blog all the time. Where are you and all the Council members on this Saturday Morning @ 6:47am? While it’s pouring rain outside. The South Side neighbors are out watching the rain. Just in case we have to clear the One Drain that does work for the water to go in. Waiting to see if we have to move cars. Checking to see if the DJ’s people who left their cars overnite are in the area so their cars don’t flood. Stop worrying about the Pavilion. Stop,holding the South End Hostage.
Avoid the appearance of corruption. Give the money back to the IBEW. Easy, see? No more agita.
Lets see,we know there was a lawsuit against an ordinance which in reality was legally rigging a bid. The council lost, you should be thanking the petitioners for keeping you in line,left to your own devices you all could be roommates withe that engineering company. For you to keep trying this course of action is so blatantly obvious you people don’t want to want to act in a financially and ethical manner. If the council were Republicans and acting in the same manner would YOU be silent????
Computer hacking retaliation threat? My perception has not diminished. I thought I retired to Mayberry, but it is getting interesting around here. Must check in with M.
#39 Stop complaining, you are part of the Democratic circus I mean party, If you cant take the heat get out of the Kitchen. Your council created the lost lawsuit with another one here, and lack of transparency of records and created the party of if you don’t like what we are doing TOUGH, and then you make snide comments to some of the comments. YOU cant have it both ways!!!
Yeah I was thinking about that also, a computer expert cannot not legally hack. So is she hiring a hacker? Seems threatening and harassing to me.
#31 Claire Deicke …. my only comment on the subject is #1 …. look elsewhere for your boogieman.
However, I did refer to a 2014 Belmar Democratic Committee ELEC filing in a previous comment on this blog …. where the BDC took $10+K from organized labor …. Please advise if the information is incorrect or the money was returned? …. otherwise, my opinion of Belmar elected officials remains unchanged …. They STINK!
Dave-It’s not perfectly natural for anyone to place innuendos without proof-natural for people to think ill of everything-amazing-I’m not a deal-maker-the accusations are without fact-and hurtful-but you obviously don’t care-it’s great how you allow anything and everything on these commentaries-but just dismiss the ideas of others who don’t agree with you-also, as to the others who think I don’t answer directly-maybe it’s because you don’t agree with my answers and are again dismissive-as for #12 comment-Great Gazoo-bringing Fred Flintstone into this-really? go ahead and hide behind First Amendment rights-with false names-the truth is fake names allow people to say ugly things about others-they’d never say these things with their real names-Dave, I’m disappointed in your attitude-so it’sOK with you for people to accuse me of wrong doing when I’ve done nothing wrong-perfectly natural? Your point of view is off course and so one-sided you use this blog to beat people up who don’t deserve it-not just me-are you trying to attain true journalism? I don’t think so-the point of view of this blog is slam, slam, slam….let people say whatever they want with false names-as to your initial warning….once again you profess to be open-minded…..letting anyone say whatever they wish-but I’m being warned? Typical of one-way thinking-your negativity is so obivous-you want people to know the truth? Is that what you profess? Your words and commentaries you allow are skewed with bias, half-truths, a meaness-damaging reputations is OK with you? That’s what this blog is about-First amendment rights? Give me a break-why don’t you insist that people use their given names-I think it’s because you want them to say inflmmatory things-and your freedom of speech righteousness is one-way-as for the person who attacked me about the situation on the south end-gee-my heart goes out to you-but your remarks make little sense given these recent dialogues…all this said, these remarks of mine will have no effect-because, you, administrator, are one-way-would you ever think positively, or post positively, about anything in town………like the many good things happening in Belmar-such as senior events, activities for young people…..council support for pending legislation that would make goading intellectually limited people into harming themselves a criminal offense? No-only bad stuff, false accusations, innuendos……I’m ready for the onslaught of responses to these comments-let’s see if you’ll post them-where are your positive remarks? you stand by falsehoods-and think that’s fine-First Amendment rights-
#48 Regarding “I’m not a deal-maker-the accusations are without fact”
Where is the direct accusation? I could not find it. It seems you deduced/invented that own your own. Perhaps you were “used” by the real, alleged, deal-makers.
#48 Explain how commenting on a donation documented on the democratic donation form is innuendo? You can make your own opinions but you cant make your own facts. Your comment on negativity is ridiculous, I guess in your view if someone disagrees with you or what is going on in the council you call it negativity. Are you serious ????
#48 instead of criticizing the criticisms Why don’t you clearly and concisely explain how the pavilions are going to be built at a low cost and with an open bid with non union and union folks fairly bidding? I have seen the comments and your response is they are attacking me or they are negative. The people want to know What is going on with how Their tax money is being spent in an ethical and prudent fashion. They are NOT attacking you personally they are frustrated because they ask you reasonable questions which you don’t answer. It seems you support the mayors actions which has resulted in one lost lawsuit with another one here. Don’t you think its time the council wake up???
Question never answered by the Council after so many literally BEGGED for them to be heard. Why? Why bundle? Mr. Magovern voted yes after commenting “although I believe they can each stand on their own merit”. EXACTLY – “IF” they could than why not let them? Could the supposed savings being LESS than the cost that will follow by the bundling of the bonds? You’ll never know – as the savings is UNKNOWN at this time. If unknown that how come it’s worth all this?
..council support for pending legislation that would make goading intellectually limited people into harming themselves a criminal offense?
As for this comment – Supporting legislation that makes the purchase of a product this is legal to use is pandering….and a HUGE WASTE of tax payer money. Smaller Government – More Common Sense.
#50 -53 Very well said. The Council and supporters mindset is absolutely unbelievable, you can’t make this up.
Speaking of seniors, the town needs a senior center building. It could hold activities like arts/crafts, reading club, have bookcases for book swaps, serve meals, have yoga, and so on.
As to the bundling, it is absurd. And we need clear info about the cost of the pavilions, the schedule, and whether the bids are open to non union and union
The point was that many good things are happpening here in Belmar-one being supporting legislation referenced in the above comment-no compassion..some stretch of common sense….
You guys have all the power and control the megaphone but it’s not enough for you. You want me to promote your agenda here as well.
This is not the town’s blog it is my blog and I am only going to run things that I find interesting and that I believe my readers will find interesting.
#55 The town does provide a free lunch every month, they also sponsor bus trips most every month,there are free concerts and other events car shows lots to do maybe you can start a geezer blog.
Borough officials are elected to understand and apply government correctly, uphold the laws of the State of New Jersey and Borough of Belmar, not run social programs and feel-good activities, which are ok in themselves when the serious matters are handled first. May I recommend that council members study something like city planning, maybe obtain some basic education about infrastructure of coastal towns, spend a little time at the library or online to learn something useful in that regard. Just saying something positive.
#59 It is one of the Democrats mantra to run social programs whether they work or not. Unfortunately they don’t think like you, common sense is not in their vocabulary. I also think they are masochists,they enjoy getting sued.
Geezer blog – I like that, as I am a geezer, too!
Ms. Perspicacity, Welcome To The Banana Republic Of Belmar.
I want to stop the bundled ordinance and will sign a petition several of my neighbors want to sign and stop the 11.6 million appropriation. This is not want the majority of residents want. The ordinance passed and the clock is ticking. Is there contact info to sign a new petition.
Email me your address and I will pass it along. Email is on the “About” page.
Hopefully the Judge will again rule against this Banana Republic. Its a shame we are the Only Municipality in NJ that has to keep their council from harming the taxpayers.
track your investment HERE ….
So let me get this straight-44 & 46….it’s OK for me to be accused of collusion and deal-making-when I’m not involved in either….and the administrator of this blog says that “it’s only natural for people to think this way”-and I attempt to find out who made the accusations-and you’re accusing me of harrassment and hacking? When I consult my attorney and the police, I’ll find out how I can legally learn who is attempting to slander me-and how to do it the right way-actually, through your negativity……you’ve given me a very good idea…go to the experts/law enforcement to get the information as to who Dizzy is (one of the earlier comments that was accusatory)..#50-you don’t seem to understand the written word-the accusation is that I was part of a scheme…. donation=borough employment for Taylor Pavilion-READ CAREFULLY-THAT’s slander-also, for the person who is upset with snide remarks by me-I answer only when I’m mentioned.. remarks about me aren’t kind, to say the least…..what am I supposed to say “Yippee-thanks for the insults, lies, convoluted thinking?”-last I heard I have a right to respond-isn’t that what people who support this blog keep telling me? Snide remarks? I’ve been told that my remarks are clever-not snide-one way thinking-your thoughts are boxed in to narrow, limited brain waves-the insults can flow-but I can’t respond in a way that I see fit? Everyone else can say whatever they want on this blog…
#50- you’re missing the boat-I had two attorneys read the accusation-not my attorney(didn’t get to mine yet) but two who practice law in another state-they agree with me-you didn’t read what the comments are before the slanderous one -Dizzy’s is the culminating remark-
It would be nice to build a suitable pavillion and be done with all these arguments. The residents by the lake need relief from potential flooding again…They need our help..
#68 You are dead wrong I did not miss the boat, I Own One! What say you when the Judge rules against your council!!! Some one made a comment about a Banana Republic its unfortunate you are part of it.
#69, Sir, no one is disputing the need for the outflow pipe. The dispute is centered around the mayor attempting to trick the people again. If he’d only gone about this in an above board manner, none of this would be going on. But, he refused. So, we’ve got another fine mess of his own making on our hands.
I will add though that I’m against any pavilions at all. The view is fantastic and we don’t need anymore stick built buildings that will blow down again at some point as they have up and down the coast.
#71 Maybe I said the it the wrong way. I agree the projects should NOT be bundled into one bond. My son,who is an accountant in Atlanta, said project accounting is difficult enough without the bundling of projects into one bond. Concerning pavillions I think we need one for a first aid bldg…I could be wrong..Now we have to pay for another special election? I need to take two aspirins now
Dash it all, Bring out the Hanseatic League
#72 Old Man feel better!! With time, this will all end and we WILL have an honest, trustworthy, council with integrity, that will not make ridiculous comments, disrespect citizens when they ask questions at council meetings, and not have to be sued to act responsibly.
I just read 74 Posts and what I heard was anger, bashing either to the left or right, and just plain venting. Time to step away from the computer, go outside and talk with neighbors about the November election (an opportunity for a first change). How do I feel about the “bundled” ordinance? I think its a blatant and shameful abuse of power, but if one storm impacts the lives and safety of Belmar’s Lake Como residents I’ll regret further opposition on my part.
It really doesn’t matter if we pass the bond ordinance now or a few months from now. It’s going to be some amount of time before we are allowed to start digging anyway.
#72 Linlee I could not agree with you more. Somehow the Republicans need to get the word out door to door. Not that Dave is not doing a great job of this venue but there has to be other ways to educate the real registered voter in Belmar.
Why when there is disagreements in this town is it always the Republicans that take the heat? One should not forget the thousand or better Independents that have put many people in office. It could be many voters regardless of party vote the issues.
#78 I agree but don’t forget the Libertarians 🙂
All five of us.
That’s 6 I am a registered Democrat due to the wife.
I don’t see the mayor threatening to sue anyone, and he has been bashed and accused of a lot of nasty things. Even publicly called a liar at a meeting or two.
#82-I’m happy that you realize the good points about Matt-he is a person of great heart, intelligence and self-control. Also, I see that you recognize what members of his opposition say at council meetings is inappropriate, to put it mildy, and rude, to put it plainly. If you’re inferring that I shouldn’t complain or call people on the bad things they say about me……that’s just me. I’m resentful of people who make false claims about me…..I think I typify the rule-Matt certainly is the wonderful exception to this…
#82 What?
#83 keep up the comments very entertaining. As for you comment on Hillary it had noting to do what was said as usual rambling on. Hillary will win the election not so much as she is the smartest woman in America,but because the voters are the DUMB and uninformed.
#85 I don’t think I’m dumb. Maybe a little uninformed. I need two aspirins…Bye for now
I’m a bit confused and hopefully some one can explain why it has fallen on the tax payers of Belmar to fund the cost of the out flow pipe in Lake Como. Why are the towns of Spring Lake and Lake Como getting a free ride ?
Belmar is paying because King Matt says the taxpaying servants will do as I say. Spring Lake and Lake Como are quiet why would they object to some other town paying for them
#86 Old Man I did not mean you I meant the voters that vote Democratic no matter what.
WOW a government person that had the courage to admit a mistake. I am impressed.
Actually I heard that maybe, kind of, there is something non binding in place with the other towns.
#89 you left out SP LK HTS and Wall that run off also runs through Lake
Como. The water shed as it is known has had a free ride for a long time and it is time for all of those towns to step up to the plate. Hence no Bundles and safety for the people in the lake area.
#92 Thanks Tulips for jogging my bad thought process. If they are building a new CVS on the corner and the old junk yard will be developed, where is the storm drains taking the water???? If going into Lake Cuomo did the engineers take that into account for the drain project or do the have redo the specs??? Eugene thoughts please.
South End property owners are well aware that the proposed pipe project is not a cure-all for their flood misery …. but, it will help increase the duration between flood damage events …. It is my understanding that the pipe project design criteria would protect property up to a rainfall event that occurs once every 25 years …. based on existing upstream conditions.
As Wall and Spring Lake Hts develop property with impervious cover, with increased stormwater runoff, the 25 year return interval will be significantly reduced.
It should be noted that Wall and Spring Lake Hts have little incentive to manage their stormwater runoff because they can dump on Belmar, Lake Como and Spring Lake.
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