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Mark Walsifer agreed to that settlement ? Are you kidding me ???!!! I’ll never vote for him again.
Eugene, if you keep your hands in your pockets and your head bowed the mayor deems it appropriate that you can exercise your civil rights by addressing his lordship in the colonies should you so choose at a meeting in the future, at the time of the full moon.
Lawsuit settlements equal more financial losses for the taxpayers. Great job Mayor, Council, and Administration, you continue to hit the taxpayers deep in their pockets.
Voters don’t care. The people have spoken…….They (most) are dumb.
Guess the mayor doesn’t think by recusing himself he has to step off the dais as he is supposed to. His actions make me sick watching. A mayor that’s in conflict and for all intensive purposes half the town voted back in another term for a council person in conflict of voting on it issues as well.
#5 – Not only should the mayor move off the dias, but he should leave the room when recusing himself for conflicts if interest which are clearly defined by law. Sorry for the inconvenience mayor, but remember that it was you that created these conflicts.
#5 Brennan also pushed back his chair instead of literally stepping down from the dais like he used to when he recused himself on the liquor license vote. Monkey see, monkey do. Gutless. The lawyer is supposed to see that proper procedures are followed in meetings, so is he also bowing to his lordship? This Borough Attorney won’t last long if he wises up and understands for whom he is working, a dictator with a panting terrier. He reprimanded Mr. Cannon for being five minutes late, but not Nicolay who was also late. Pant pant…
Ms. Nicolay’s sophomoric behavior is repulsive. Grow up already.
The middle finger salute is Constitutionally protected free speech …. perhaps the only this regime understands?
They have confused ‘Moving Forward’ with ‘Moving Backward’ …. about 10 years…
I still am curious how many Lf of fencing is in the bid.
All this is coming from a guy who thinks it is OK to put a port-a-potty in front of someone’s house and still demands respect. Ever deal with a nasty drunk?
#7 – Mr. Cannon seems to busy on Facebook and the internet as we pay him to attend these meetings. Theses council videos are PRICELESS! Watch him cruise Facebook @ 25:10:00, 25:55:00, 30:26:00, 34:50:00, 39:50:00, 42:40:00. I am so disgusted that I gave up keeping track of him after that.
Great catch #12 ! Mess
How the hell can the republican chairperson
be blamed.
We did it! We left Josh ALONE!!!
That he did as well as he did is due to himself alone !!
I am independent but I admire the hell out of Josh!
You the man!
How can any of you support Mark Walsifer?!?!?! He sits there like a coward!
#14 – I thawt the same thing for a while but I’ve changed my mind. There’s no reason to interfere when the opposition is making mistakes.
#14 I am hoping he i quiet so Matt and his gang gets enough rope to hang each and every one of them for running a municipal government like a private country club. Unfortunately you can not sue them for malpractice, that law needs to change.
Any reasonable person would realize Walsifer is only 1 vote. But he is hopefully a building block for the conservative movement…
16 – At this point, after almost 1 year in office, he has been a nothig vote.
Great minds will prevail. It’s a plan boss.
Maybe Mr. Walsifer is smart enough to
know when to take a stand or when to
stay out of what he was never involved
with. There is more garbage going on up
there then we will ever know.
#9-it’s OK to give the finger at a public meeting? What planet are you from? That gesture is not allowed in schools , in public arenas, or any other place. A ludicrous claim if ever there was one. And all of the-so called holier than thou opposition to the mayor support this …making crude gestures in public. Heaven forbid it was one the mayor’s supporters performing this gesture in public! We’d never hear the end of it. Very much narrow thinking for those who got up at a public meeting who spoke on behalf of the poor gentleman who lost control and gave the finger. What could all of you be thinking? It is obvious that efforts to undermine public officials in Belmar
Are motivated by hate….very one way…and contrived. What do you people do? Stay up nights, compare notes, and script your negative comments? I’m going to reach out to other towns to find out how many communities would allow this obscene gesture to be performed at council meetings. I’ll be reporting back.
Sorry #19, sitting up there as a mute and just staring into space is not the signs of a smart and effective person.
#20. In doing your research I think you will find that the punishment is not a lifetime ban of speaking in public. Only in Belmar.
#20 Do your research. When you reach out ask those towns have many lawsuits they have had due to stupidity of the elected officials. Also ask how many bars per sq. mile. Ask where they put the polling places. Ask how many people on the police force. Ask what the payroll per inhabitant. How many towns rebuild homes for people who subsequently do a reverse mortgage. Who cares about a finger gesture? NOBODY
How many towns have a mayor who laughs and allows people to make funny noises while a constituent is speaking?
#20 – Agreed, up to a point, but the “punishment must fit the crime.” I would not have been upset if Gene had been kicked out of the meeting that night (I think Gene might concur), but to ban him from exercising his right to be heard permanently is far beyond what the “crime” called for.
I really hope Matts pending racketeering trial doesn’t stop the governor elect from finding a place for him in his new administration, but it would be funny if it did. #stillcantbringhomethebacon
I also agree that Gene was inappropriate in his actions at a public meeting. I also feel that Gene is a person that,like myself,has a deep passion for his town. I can not speak for him, but for myself I see the continued deterioration of our town by a Mayor and Council that is beyond words or gestures. It’s sad and disturbing. Lets agree to be positive,”Keep our heads when all about you are losing theirs”,continue to bring to light their misdoings,compile the recommendations to make Belmar better, and work to remove them in 2018.
He is a child and an embarrassment to Belmar. Remember when Gov. Christie told an opposing voice to sit down and shut up? Hmmm feels a bit familiar.
#27 From your lips to God’s ears.
#12 – How much is this attorney being paid to sit and distract himself from what we are paying him for?
Ask George McGill able any and all attorney ethics and duties to the Council and the taxpayers of Belmar.
27-I very much agree about being positive. Good message for all Belmar residents. That said, this should apply to those in town who find fault with everything, and never see the good things …like the thriving downtown , the beautiful new playgrounds for our children, our excellent DPW, our superb library programs for residents of all ages..no one who comments on this blog is positive about Belmar, those making comments less credible. Thanks, Mr. Merkler, for your last comments.
#28 You wish you had his brains. He is an embarrassment to Belmar? You are an embarrassment………………..Can’t blame you to much though…Must have been educated in NJ at a democratically controlled school system
#33. You’re suggesting I wish I had the Mayor’s brains? No thanks. It’s my NJ education that taught me how to treat others with respect. Not dirty politics. I give respect when I see it an when it’s earned. Once lost it’s lost. There are many on this blog that care deeply for Belmar. Including it’s fiscal stability. Others not so much. Carry on.
Question for Ken P. If Belmar’s attorney sees things that are not legal and assuming he advised the Mayor and Council that is not legal for what ever they are doing and they do it anyway. Is it not his duty as an officer of the court to report it,or does attorney client confidentiality get in the way?
35 … That is if the boroughs attorney is not to busy looking at facebook during the meetings?
Not sure about our borough attorneys, but attorney friends/confidants have warned Matt that his actions are illegal. He doesn’t listen.
I just got around to watching this video. I am appalled by the laughing and snickering by Colleen while Dave was speaking. What does she think she’s in 3rd grade? It’s almost as if they Council mocks the people as they are leaving the microphone. So unprofessional and childish.This is not a High School council meeting!!!!
Suggestion to Councilman Walsifer- wake up.
Woman/Man of little words is a wise one. Observation is an Art. Thus being able to run on one’s own rhythm.
About the polling place locations, I thought that state law supercedes county law. Can the lawyer be mistaken?
The attorney as Parliamentarian should have told Matt and Tom to step down from the dais when recusing themselves, not just push their chairs back.
Mr. Cannon should find Mr. Dupont, the former Borough Attorney, for a talk.
The Mayor does not follow procedure and the law, why should citizens/residents? I like this form of protest: show him the back.
#34 You left out that the mayor put in handicapped ramps for some people. I kinda don’t think he personally knows how to use a hammer and saw.
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