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“Dear Resident”….”Dear Mayor”

These two letters were both delivered yesterday, the first to residents of Rhode Island Point (for some reason 18 days after it was written), the second came certified to the mayor from the newly-formed Maclearie Park Neighborhood Association.

Doherty letterFirst of all, is this man capable of writing a letter that doesn’t contain an attack some portion of his constituents?  Secondly, why did only Rhode Island Point addresses get the letter?  Does no one else in Belmar have an interest in Maclearie Park?

Here is what is on the flip side:Doherty letter backside

And here is the letter that went to the mayor with 23 signatures attached:Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 7.36.42 AMScreen Shot 2015-09-29 at 7.36.49 AMI don’t have time to expand on this; I have to get to work.  I will have more when I have some time.

Of course my commenters usually have more interesting things to say than I do anyway so it’ll be good to hear from you guys about all this.


  1. South Side wrote:

    Selective notification for meetings is wrong.
    Post all meetings on the borough website.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 12:10 pm | Permalink
  2. Resident wrote:

    There were not six pubic meetings that is a blatant lie. Meeting for coffee with select invitees does not make a public meeting.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 2:41 pm | Permalink
  3. Maclearie Neighbor wrote:

    Three public meetings ( if you read the legal ads in the papers ) were hearings on applications for grant funding ONLY.
    That is none were about the proposed redevelopment plans for the park. The July 30, 2015 meeting for feedback from the “neighborhood” happened after the plans were sent to Monmouth County on June 3, 2015. So that doesn’t count. The April 2014 meeting was the presentation of the new donated playground. No discussion of redevelopment of the park. So that doesn’t count. Then there was the 3/14/13 intro of the Birdsall Eng. designs for a total make over, It was here is what we are going to do.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 2:52 pm | Permalink
  4. Bocce Bail Out wrote:

    Can someone please tell me why our Irish mayor and business administrator are so preoccupied with bocce? I spoke with Mr. Marino on 11th , he has many sets of bocce balls but stopped some time ago. Reason the other three guys died. To spend time, space and money to install bocce ball courts is such as waste. Tomorrow’s bocce courts are today’s Marina 9 hole miniature golf course, empty, weeds growing and nobody playing. That was Matt’s last great idea. If he “listens to feedback”, then please somebody tell this guy that bocce is doomed to fail.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 3:20 pm | Permalink
  5. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    Okay, I sent Matt an email. I agreed with the renovation of the tennis courts and the new picnic tables (but not to get rid of the serviceable tables and benches) and grills. But asked a whole lot of questions about everything else. So that’s where it is. I await his response.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 5:00 pm | Permalink
  6. OLD MAN wrote:

    #5 Take two aspirins , relax , watch a little tv , wait for storm to pass , then send another e mail to the mayor

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7:36 pm | Permalink
  7. Maria wrote:

    Plans we’re draw years ago for the present park which has worked fine for many years. Why do we have to add parking spots???? The park will never get larger. Just maintain the present park and not add any commercial business.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 9:44 pm | Permalink
  8. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    The mayor still hasn’t gotten back to me with answers to my questions like he said he would in his letter.

    Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 5:08 am | Permalink
  9. Tulip wrote:

    Gift cards,donations and now the park right up there with pavilions some thing is not right. The porta potties may cause a health issue and that opens a whole other can of worms. They are trying the same thing as with the Dough Boy Park. I thought Green Acres Space wasn’t supposed to be revamped. It was given to the people and should stay that way.

    Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 10:48 pm | Permalink
  10. Nodoe wrote:

    Green Acres granted properties have been neglected without sponsoring. Kind of like what happens to cemetery plants. You need perpetual care guardians.

    Friday, October 2, 2015 at 7:56 am | Permalink

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