Christie’s bully pulpit sparks ethics complaint
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Gov. Chris Christie has been slapped with an ethics complaint after he endorsed a local beach pavilion-building project.
Vincent Ehmann of Belmar says he believes it was improper for the governor to take sides on his town’s referendum during a town-hall style meeting Christie held on Wednesday.
The $7 million bond question is on Belmar’s ballot for a special election scheduled for Aug. 19.
Ehmann says he believes it crossed the line for Christie to make a political endorsement during a government-funded event.
At his town halls, which include question-and-answer sessions with citizens, Christie gives his positions on a variety of issues. (In this case, the endorsement came unsolicited, before the question and answer period even began..…….On second thought, it probably was solicited.)
His office did not immediately respond to questions about the complaint, which Ehmann said he filed Thursday with the State Ethics Commission.
The Complaint:
The five families agree with you …………
Good for you. I emailed the Gov. the day before the “town hall” visit expressing my concern for the timing and location of his “town hall” gathering. I find it curious that he says he did his research. He said he saw the “Yes” and “No” signs as he drove it. Correct me if I’m wrong but I do not believe any “NO” signs were in use on the day of his visit? Does anyone know when the first “NO
sign was made and first displayed?? Very sad that the Gov. feels the current Mayor of Belmar will be more helpful at a time when he’s asking the same party to give up their pensions. He’s not gained any votes in Belmar. In fact I’m pretty sure he’s lost a few.
He lost all the five families votes. Good point on the NO signs. He was probably putting his makeup on and not watching the streets.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up Belmar …The time for a change is now. The five families need your vote..
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