Vote for Brennan
I hope all 1576 Belmar residents who voted for Trump last year vote for Josh Vallario next week. The other races I don’t really care about.
Vote for Brennan
I hope all 1576 Belmar residents who voted for Trump last year vote for Josh Vallario next week. The other races I don’t really care about.
This is a specific appeal for votes to certain candidates sent by the Belmar Democratic Committee. Tom Brennam must now take an “in-kind” contribution from this committee for at least a partial cost of this mailer. This probably put Brennam into conflict yet again because of the source of funding to the Belmar Democratic Committee.
Mr. Hutchinson if you think most people think like you, you are misguided and ignorant. If you think our President is such a terrible President why don’t you move to Denmark you get lots of stuff for free and you only pay 60 of your income in taxes.Keep drinking the Kool Aid!
On behalf of all the voters in the United States of America during the past 100 years STOP THE HATEFUL, DIVISIVE PROPAGANDA you are spitting Mr.Hutchinson. You are a disgrace to, not only our Belmar Democrats, but all voters. Keep your hammer and cycle out of Belmar.
Words of wisdom from someone who throws objects at the TV screen
He belongs in San Francisco with the rest of the Kooks, he would fit right in with his 60’s pony tail.
#1-4, Mr. Hutchinson is entitled to his views. Nothing new here and I am pleased that they continue to promote this view from a competing view perspective. All responses here thus far show what we hate about their speech. If you must defend your argument, you already have lost.
1917, the Balfour Declaration.
Shame on Hutch and his ideation of divide and conquer.
#7 Teddy gave his opinion of what he thought of President Trump, we gave our option of what we think of him. He wanted to get into politics, he is fair game for criticism.
Wilton always on someone’s coattails. Never a leader, always a follower. He is only running hoping that Murphy wins and then appoints him to a comfy job as a Judge or Deputy AG. That’s all He does, kiss his A**. He can care less if he wins Freeholder. Wait and see !!!
Murphy wins we all get screwed. If democrats vote democrats win? Not so fast …Maybe some democrats vote for the best person and not straight party line. I used to be a Union man. Now I’m just a shell of what I used to be. Sorry but I have a cardiologist appointment soon. Bye for now. I hope.
#11… The state voter breakdown is as follows: Republicans 1.2 million, Democrats 2 million and Unaffiliated (mostly Independents) 2.4 million. Therefore the Unaffiliated voters usually are the voting group to drive the outcome of NJ elections.
#8 – We are living with the “Balfour Declaration” every day since, 11/02/17.
#11 Old man I agree with you, please pass the baby aspirin.
I made a mistake in my last post. I should have put 11/02/1917 – one hundred years ago today.
I knew you meant 1917
Dr. said I have a few more years. Well hope I don’t spend them with “Democrats” in charge of Belmar. #11 Hope the independents can see the forest through the tress and vote for Josh and Kim(Governor). #14 Getting more aspirins today. Probably a federal crime to share baby aspirins.
I noticed while walking today, there are zero trash containers on the boardwalk ramps now.Why is that?
Belmar only cares about high season litter accumulation. Idiots. Can’t use Taylor bathrooms to relieve oneself either. Run home and get your neighborhood to vote after you use your home bathroom.
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