And what it says now isn’t true!
A few hours after I posted my earlier story, the Belmar campaign disclosure page was suddenly updated:
“no contributions -no report filed with NJELEC”
Um….what are these?
You see even if there are no contributions you still have to file the 29 day reports with the state. And they did. These are from the NJ ElEC website. So they are lying on the Belmar webpage and they are still in violation of Belmar’s law that requires them to send Belmar a copy of everything they send to the state.
By the way, they may not have gotten any contributions to their campaign accounts during the reporting period but the Belmar Democrats still got a nice little contribution a few weeks ago:
Of course in Belmar you are not allowed to use party committee money for election campaigning because the names of the individual contributors – in this case IBEW members – would have to listed on the Belmar webpage and there’s no way to know who they are. Since it’s not considered to be a campaign contribution – it’s supposed only to be used for things like party-building – it doesn’t have to be filed with Belmar and it doesn’t appear on the Belmar campaign contribution page. So it would be a violation of the 2007 ordinance that Doherty as a councilman worked so hard to pass, and gave all those speeches about, if you did something like this:
2013 mailer warning of the terrible consequences of a Burke/Schneck council election victory. (The other side has black and white photos of Tom Burke and myself and outlines all the misery that Tom and I had planned to inflict.)
So, just like the 7 million bond vote! Outside money flowing into Belmar, union guys walking around town campaigning for the mayor, supposed town events used as fund raisers!! The list goes on and on. People ask me all the time why this isn’t stopped! Why? Because Matt Doherty is mayor !
Since the Union has so much money to spend and they care so much about Belmar why don’t they donate money to build the Pavilions!!!!
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