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He has my vote. Good luck Josh!
All great qualifications. The most important point not covered if he wins…..will he play a musical instrument, in a band, keeping old people up at night?
#2…. You are right on, does he win??? He did not state if the projects he lead in corporate America were completed on time and to budget. When I see resumes like this I usally pass, because there are no real achievements stated.
#3 Yes then vote for the other guy(TOM). A complete Matt man and added nothing but loud music. Keep taking the cool aid.
Point wasn’t that voting for Tom was an option… Just we get terrible choices.. I would vote for Josh because it would be a vote against Tom.. Not because I think Josh will do a great job…
Last year, the good people of Belmar affirmed their expectations that elected officials abide by the P2P ordinance …. in a painful referendum vote.
I’m not lowering my expectations …. just looking for the candidate who will uphold Belmar law …. or at least try.
Belmar does not really need a real estate “developer” type on the Council. Does he want to “develop” Belmar? How about making the Borough more livable for the people who reside here, not add to the crowding and noise and ignoring the ordinances. I want to hear what Mr. Valario will do, not how accomplished he is. I may play a soothing violin, but does that make Belmar better? I would vote for him only to get a Republican on the Council to help balance things out, what with the Mayor not being able to vote on many matters. A tie can slow down the nonsense. “Make Belmar great again.” It has become a bad joke on the Jersey shore, a corrupt party town.
I actually think Mr Vallario’s experience is a good reason to vote for him. Development is inevitable in Belmar as the many redevelopment contracts are in place already. Healthy development is a good thing, not bad. I remember Josh’s letter about the cost of building Taylor Pavillion as very informative and understandable. I for one am voting FOR Josh Vallario, and not just because I’m voting against Tom Brennan.
#7: So now a proven, skilled, confident, credentialled non- confrontational candidate who WILL get the best job done isn’t what you think this borough needs to STOP the over development or STOP the traffic nightmare or STOP the loss of your children’s birthrights? The electorate aren’t the usual sheepeople anymore folks. Belmar’s electorate can buy their own drinks on election days.
I’ll be voting for Mr. Valario but I will say this. I think it’s a better idea to find a blue collar candidate. We don’t need all these so-called educated people. We need people with plain common sense and reasonable intellect. And most certainly more experienced men. You don’t have any experience there with the too bookends and the nice lady, not to mention the mayor. There’s much more to life than what college a person attended.
#9 I hope you are right. We will see.
#10 I totally agree.
#5 We need a change desperately here in Belmar. This guy may or may not be the person we really need. However we surely don’t need Tom back. #10 We have a blue collar guy on the council. Vote for Josh and keep your fingers crossed. Can’t cross mine unless I take a few aspirins. However I have an ample supply. Best of luck to Josh. Get yourself out there and talk to the common people.
The only manner in which change can occur is DISRUPTION. Also there are many laws and regulations that town officials must navigate. So I would not just overlook education for common sense. Schooling is a very important attribute.
We need to all get behind Josh.
NOT SO FAST! Many of you know me and my side kick Bill Straus from this blog, local newspapers, comments at Council meetings or actively getting signatures for petitions and organizing the Maclearie Park Neighborhood Assn. I do my homework. To read that Josh says he “deserves” your vote is laughable. The truth of the matter is he is a make believe candidate. For the second year in a row, Mr. Vallario has not lifted a finger, spent a dime of his money or invested any time getting his name out there, meeting the townspeople, running ads, mailers, lawn signs..zip. You could feel bad last year and this November for a committed candidate who worked hard campaigning working together with Republicans, asking for help and support but loosing in spite of his dedication and effort. The fact is that Josh for years now has snubbed local Republicans, ignored their assistance and shown nothing but contempt and disrespect for the many like myself and Bill and Jim Bean and so many others who waged battle against a corrupt administration. In two weeks Vallario will have to make public his campaign finance report which will be living proof of this make believe campaign. Even if I were still in Belmar, I couldn’t possibly vote for Vallario cause when you check out his knowledge of Local Government and Belmar issues, he has not bothered in the 5 years living here to learn anything. He is clueless. Just write him, call him and find out for yourself. Sorry Katrina but we will have to agree to disagree. Funny this is the only thing too that Joy and I could not agree on. I still feel connected to all things Belmar and love you all. So hopefully you will understand why I am mad that someone who actions run counter to his words has the place on the ballot.
It would be very hard for my to pull this lever, but given Tom Brennan is the other choice, I would vote my spirit and write in Dave or Jim but that could give the win to Brennan. I would rather puke for a week. I am somewhat relieved I am not there and have to make this choice. I am very disgusted when someone “deserves” anything, where is his record of hard work?
Also if you think you are getting “Healthy development” you need to familiarize yourself with Agenda 21.
Josh was the author of the article and his first paragraph is as follows:
“Hello, Belmar! My name is Joshua Vallario and I am running for Belmar Council in the upcoming November election — and I deserve your vote” How can a candidate ask for your vote without first stating his reason for running and address the issues he will resolve. That made me feel very uncomfortable with him. Then I goggled him and found Vallario Properties, his company. After reading his website, he is basically a house flipper, which is away to earn a respectable living. But his website made it sound like a realestate investment fund, with very ambiguous writing. Not feeling it with this guy.
#10. Tom, I am a big fan of yours and your lovely wife. Please call or write Mr. Vallario about his views on NFL players sitting and kneeling and disrespecting the national anthem. I await your response here.
#18…. Are you telling us Josh is a RINO????
#17 What the hell?? Vote for the Tom guy… you are a damn fool.
#15 Then vote for Tom? Are you crazy. If Godzilla were running against Tom I would vote for him. The guy has plenty of shortcomings. Tell me what Tom has done. Please
I agree the ” I deserve your vote “line is presumptuous. I also know Josh was an independent before his last run as a a republican. But so what. I’m an independent that has to vote one or the other all the time. Our whole political climate is like the Jets vs the Giants. I could care less which party some one is since I find myself precariously tettering in the middle of both parties.
Josh Is who we have other than re electing Tom Brennan. I can’t vote for Brennan, not because he is a Democrat , but because he he recuses himself from some of the most important decisions a council person has to make. The liquor license vote is very important here in Belmar and I feel he should not have run if there is a conflict.
So Ted, we must agree to disagree. It is what it is and we got who we got. (Hope your avoiding local politics down there in Fla, it’s better for your blood pressure;)
I put a Florida story up today for Ted and Bill
#10- Tom, while your asking him about the kneeling issue, and because we all know you are a fan of BES, why don’t you ask him why he feels the need to send his five year old “out of district”. Does he see a problem with our Belmar School? I’m sure he has a prepared answer. Hey, perhaps as councilman he can find a way make BES “shine”.
#24 BES ???? That’s a school or a language learning center?
This guy just convinced me that he would be a total waste of my vote.
OLD MAN…. This is why people dont vote…. One candidate is absolutely terrible and the other has shortcomings… So lets all vote for the BEST of the WORST….
#24 – I don’t plan on asking any candidate for Belmar council about the kneeling idiocy. It has nothing to do with this town at this point. As for a person sending their child out of town to school, I wouldn’t send a child to any school. I’d want to home school children.
A competent one, who knows a lot and keeps a cool head during rock ’em sock ’em seasonal bitterness displays of immaturity, is a wise one.
Some of us have been exposed to the green memes in person as well as in the blog and on Facebook posts, etc and although we are somewhat amused by their self serving arrogance over many years statistically smiling and taunting, its clear to everyone that their negativity of anyone but the anointed few will win another Belmar election should rethink their old has been strategies. We, Independents, Democrats/Repubicans, blue, green or red voters will win the next election and many more thereafter. Many will board the new stewardship of Belmar.
To all who want to vote for Tom…..He is a Matt lackey and you will get more of the same. Lawsuits, taking money from the beach utility so he can get his picture in the newspaper, lawsuits, lawsuits, loud music all summer, lawsuits, lawsuits …….#28 I thought we need to raise teachers salaries,more for retirement, so our kids can get a better education.
#31 – I’m very sure teachers salaries will rise but it has nothing to do with educating children. Education as we know/knew it is obsolete. The children who go to BES who are smart have quit listening to the teachers by the 6th grade. The ones who aren’t so smart stop listening by the 8th grade.
Education anymore is all about the vendors.
Write in – James Bean
Based on Vallario being unable to ride on Walsifer’s coattails and not running a serious campaign, here is my election day 2017 predictions.
District 1 looses by 50 votes
District 2 looses by 50 votes
District 3 looses by 30 votes
District 4 wins by 2 votes
District 5 wins by 50 votes
Mail In Ballots looses by 80 votes
Vallario looses by 152 votes
#34 I bet you also predicted Hillary would win too! Keep dreaming, and drink the Kool Aid.
Josh is a good guy…give him a chance. He is more than qualified for the job. Let’s get some new blood in there. The status quo would be a continuing disaster. Some of these negative posts against Josh could actually be the opposition.
Whagt his stance on lyte beer VERSU roofy BAYBAY. Both togetha for the phine ones.
I’m actually interested to hear why Josh chooses to send his children out of district. A better school is better for everyone in town – it increases property values and attracts more year round families (and therefore less rowdy summer rentals). As someone with school age children he has a vested interest in using his position to make the school better. Perhaps by urging code enforcement to crack down on slumlords errr I mean landlords.
#38- Those were the points I was trying to make when posting this schooling bewilderment at post #24. I am voting against status quo, be it Moe, Larry, Curly or Josh. I would just like to hear him speak. Perhaps, if he really cares, he will give us a response on this board. He apparently follows it as he has posted in the past. Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap……..
#38… He is running for town council not BOE… They are two totally different entities that have ZERO power over one another… A councilman can potentially influence the BOE, but they have no obligation to comply.. I have no choice but to vote for Josh, the BEST of the WORST….
#35. CUTE. Actually my guy won against Hillary. Unlike your anonymous post and your candidate, I put skin in the game. November will tell. There are no opinions when counting votes. #36. What makes Josh more than qualified? What could Josh’s one vote out of five votes disrupt the status quo? Give us one example of Josh publically opposing the majority of elected decisions in the past five years ( besides the one letter on pavilion construction costs 2013). Just one.
#41 Maybe Josh has a brain? The other guy only has a musical instrument
A vote for Brennan is a vote for maintaining the status quo. Tom Brennan and Jennifer Nicolay are nothing more than rubber stamps for Matt Doherty and his policies. With Vallario on the council, along with Mark Walsifer, Doherty will no longer control the council since he is not allowed to vote on a number of issues due to the fact that he took the pay-for-play money. As far as Vallario’s qualifications, he is a businessman and a fresh face and certainly more qualified than the people that are currently sitting there. Running a municipality, a marina and a beachfront is nothing more than running a business, and Josh is more than qualified to do just that.
Card players that stink show their cards to their opponents advantage. Don’t you think taking on a Nationally connected Marketing company man and 2 of their henchmen are enough for Josh to be the best he can for Belmar? Why should he set out to fail himself, his family and his community? The answerr: He won’t let you down because he has self respect and integrity. He wants look forward in Belmar and to give back ethically not take from government.
#43 Thank you.
#43… Josh has not stated his position on any of the issues. All he stated is “I deserve your vote”. Please tell me why? I think that is a reasonable request. Furthermore, the Josh article noted on this site, is a very shortsighted overview of his professional career. With all the projects he lead, there is no statement indicating if they were a success. Were his project on time and to budget, anyone can state tasks, but were they successfully conducted. Also when you hear titles like “Construction Technologist”, I tend to run the other way. But I will vote for Josh, because I have no other choice, the BEST of the WORST. If he does not do a better job of presenting himself, he will not win a council seat.
#40. I don’t disagree. The BOE obviously has more control over the direction of the school. The town plays a part as well though. The most obvious being as I previously stated cracking down on out of control over crowded rentals by holding the landlords accountable.
I am sorry, but when someone needs to be voted into office to begin being involved and making Belmar better I leave the negotiations.
Dave, have the Russians hacked your site. I see posted at 637 pm today on a different topic, someone by the name of josh vallario tells us about a telephone pole he saw. Great. But that same person refuses to comment on important issues in this topic????? I’m confused.
#48 Goodbye
Lots of comments! Where do I begin…
#2 Don’t worry, I do not play any instruments…
#3 This was not a resume. The projects were on time and on or under budget… I would not have had such a long career for the biggest asset management firm in the world, if I made errors. BlackRock is a VERY competitive firm and I was there since before all of the growth, playing a big role in allowing their technology to manage that growth. If you want to see my resume, email me at Vallario4Belmar@gmail.com and I will schedule a resume review with you – I was good enough for Facebook, Google, and major hedge funds but I decided to walk
away from the corporate world and focus on running my own business.
#7 This is my home too. I want to make this place as good as possible for my kids to experience a great childhood. The last thing I want my five and three year old to see is sloppy drunken college kids vomiting on my front lawn on Sunday afternoon (true story). As for my desire to develop Belmar – I do not currently own any property in this town other than my home and I do not see that changing anytime soon. The only properties that I would even consider buying, are the problematic ones so they can be converted into family focused businesses or homes that house year-round residents. We need more year-round families in town and smart development that can get them here is my goal
#10 I was raised in a blue collar family –
my father was a mechanic, my stepfather was a welder turned electrician. But was mostly raised by a single mother and things were tight to say the least. My first job was at 11 years old and I have done everything in the book… Worked as an electrical apprentice and framer during college – which was a very inexpensive state school (Kean University). Even in my business now, I routinely do my own finish carpentry and property maintenance. I am extremely well-rounded and be exactly what you are seeking.
#15 Teddy my friend… I dont even know where to begin. Firstly, I have donated funds to my campaign. I have made repeated requests for help from many folks – some assist and some don’t – I have even requested assistance from you and Bill. For whatever reason, you both have it in for me; that’s okay I have thick skin. Just know that you are doing damage and actually helping Tom win. So the only thing I can surmise is that you want Tom to win. Perhaps call him and volunteer on his campaign?
#16 Hi Bill… Good ‘ole Bill and Ted – What an adventure it has been with you guys… Hard work? Do you think campaigning is easy? This is the second year in a row I have done this. Its not easy. Its time consuming and takes effort (responding to these comments will take at least an hour away from my kids). Have you ever run? I volunteer my time for this and get nothing and expect nothing in return. I am doing this to make Belmar better for my girls because my knowledge will allow me to make sensible and better decisions for our town. I am baffled how you and Ted just don’t see that.
#17 Hellow again. I consider myself a re-developer. I buy very distressed properties and make them nice again – whether they are multi-families or single families. I also do new construction. I have gone into neighborhoods, completely transforming streets winning praise of all the neighbors when I am done. My goal with my business is to make the communities that I buy in, better. If you googled me, you probably saw all of the corporate stuff come up too. S I have posted my goals and things that I want to change on facebook, shall I win. Take a look or just email me and we can meet for coffee. orry I made you feel uncomfortable – that was clearly not my intent.
#24 My children and their education are NONE of your business. Prepared enough for you?
#27 who doesn’t have shortcomings? Nobody is perfect and I do not pretend to be. I have more experience than the other guy. I have a desire to make things better here. I can make things better here. If some folks do not see that or believe that, okay – that is the great thing about this country because we can vote for someone that makes us comfortable and who we believe in – if I am not your guy than so be it. But I promise you that I will do a better job than what is currently being done.
#34 I think your estimate on the mail-ins were way too low… We all know how that goes every year! 😉
#36 Thank you and your are probably right about the negative chatter – beside Bill and Ted of course 🙂
#38 you were polite and I will answer. The school and teachers are great in Belmar and we highly considered the option. Again, the school and teachers are great. It is not a schooling issues. We really need to work on attracting more full-time residents to this town and more family summer renters. We need to show landlords how to make more $$ on their summer tenants so they do not want to bother with the winter rentals. It is the winter rentals that create a burden on our elementary school – it has nothing to do with the teachers or the school. We need to figure out how to fix the rental issue – once that is done, a lot of the other side effects will be resolved. And btw, code enforcement does a great job with the resources that they are provided. They need more help!
#41 I have made several comments in the coast star last year, opposing some things that were being done. I have stood up at a meeting this year and tried to get some clarity on the 10th Ave Freeze Out ice cream lawsuit.
#46 I have made statements on my thoughts and issues. Join my facebook feed. they are there. And google the projects or me. you will see them! They were VERY successful. I will gladly sit with you and go through everything. I wrote Construction Technologist because I was more than a Tech ops manager that also managed very technical construction projects. I built highly technical data centers which incorporated power sub-stations, switch gear, complex indirect evaporative cooling plants and very complex fiber optic grids to connect all of the switching, server, and storage farms. The sites I built had PUE’s that were as good as google and facebook’s; they were highly efficient sites. – but I cant write that in a letter because people will fall asleep! I also managed the people that worked on all of this tech gear after the sites were completed. Would you like to site and interview me – I am willing, but that would mean that you would have to actually tell me your name. 🙂
And for all of you that were in support – thank you thank you thank you. I know you are all taking a chance on me. We need to stand together, whether Republican, Democrat, or Independent – this is not about politics this is about making Belmar a better place to live and making sure that we put an end to the environment that is creating all of these lawsuits. We need more administration transparency. We need to attract more family buyers, renters and shoppers to Belmar. We need to end the status quo, the rubber stamping and make the necessary changes to accomplish the things that will make our lives better during the crazy summer season. I have nothing to gain here other than making sure my kids and your kids have a chance to live in a better town and not be saddled with $50MM of debt…
Oh and Admin, whenever I post, I never get an email when people respond. Is that something that your shell script can do?
Josh… That was a reasonable response. Many of the folks in town don’t know much about you. The manner in which you answered all these questions makes me feel much better about your ability to win this election.
Oh and one more point… For everyone who has something negative to say. It is your right and I respect that – we are all entitled to our own opinions. I think if your convictions are so strong then you should run in 2018 – I believe Nicolay’s seat is up for election. It is not easy to put yourself out there and be a spectacle for everyone to see. Please – run. Volunteer your time. Field the criticism and the smirks and have strangers approach you and your family with their negative opinions and comments. Please. Put yourself out there. But first, you will have to stop hiding behind your pseudo internet handles…
Josh Great answers. Love the answers saying your kids are none of our business. That is so very true. Maybe the heat has gotten to Ted and Bill. One suggestion Get out and walk the streets. See people and talk about your ideas. Good luck
#55 I’m walking and meeting. I have been chatting with people all summer long, handing out cards and having discussion. More to come.
Josh, my dear friend Joy DeSanctis saw something in you way back when. She told me you were smart and articulate and would make a good councilman. These responses are what I believe people are looking for and what Joy meant
It is very hard to stay positive in this negatively charged world. Stay strong. Joy is watching
#51 – Sir, I’m going to vote for you but a couple of things. I agree 100% with you that where you send your children to school is nobody’s business. I only wish that a person had the option of sending their children to school, or not. I don’t think the state should force people to send their children to schools.
As far as schools themselves go, they’re obsolete. There should be a study made lasting no more than 5-10 years, at the end of which an alternative to this outdated method of teaching can be put in place. During that time, the vendors/teachers & administrators included (which these schools exist for) can move onto different undertakings or go out of business. That I think is the correct way of doing things. To shovel more money down the bottomless pit we now call “Education” is ridiculous at best.
#43. I have heard this talking point for two years now. While a Walsifer/Vallario vote would change things, there is no proof that one or both would not vote status quo. Quite the opposite. One key resolution was a no brainer yet Mark supported it. I am referring to the Resolution making a settlement with redeveloper Kapalko which violated not only Belmar’s redevelopment agreement but Kapalko’s with the Harmons. Now another law suit. This was underhanded, unfair and immoral but Mark voted for it. If you read recent remarks by Vallario he admits that he has only gone to one Council meeting in five years. His question was about a current lawsuit which anyone who knows municipal government would know that elected officials never discuss ongoing lawsuits. Maybe this blog could pull up his supposed contrary remarks in the Coast Star. My recollection is that they were ambiguous. My point being if they would likely go against the staus quo, there would be some record of this in the past.P.S. I will not vote for Brennan, so don’t go there.
#59 Yes you will vote for Brennan. #56 Thanks I just haven’t seen you ..sorry. I’m in and out of the house. When my bones don’t ache I take a walk.
#51 – Keep your head in Asbury Park, we will all be fine without you.
54 . Get off the cross!
OK Josh I can say I would support you in your run for council. See support goes both ways. If you were to win and get on council and then proceeded to vote WITH the Connolly/Doherty agenda with Mark you would prove how right we are. However if you voted against them you would have continued support from me. So for now you have my support but be aware we will follow every vote you cast. Go beat Brennan, get control of the mess Connolly/Doherty has made of Belmar and I will be a voice behind you. Prove me wrong and it will be the happiest “wrong” I ever made.
Hi Josh #38 here again. Thank you for the thoughtful response. There are a lot of families that feel exactly as you do (both families that use the school and families that choose not to use the school). I Love your platform of making Belmar a more family friendly place and attracting more year round families. I would love to hear some of your ideas on how to do this.
I also like the idea of a fresh face on the council who isn’t tied to any secret agendas, and whose only interest is making this town better for his family.
Best of luck to you. I hope you are able to get your message out to all the voters. I think if they actually listen they will like what they hear.
#51. Josh, thanks for responding to so many questions with candor. On this blog, Sept. 1 when your initial comments on Taylor and Merri-Makers took heat, you stated, “If I were part of the administration while the deal was taking place, it would have been flagged.” Like so many deals, the leasing of Taylor to Merri-Makers as well as the moving of Belmar groups to the Methodist church were done by the B.A. and without comments or votes by council. In order to “flagg” the deal, you would be out of order since the subject was never on the agenda. My question is, facing this would you be out of order and flag it anyway? Please know that the appropriate way to flag something not on the agenda, the only way is to speak on the subject during public comments.
Josh, thank you for your thoughtful responses. May the force (of truth, justice and the American way) be with you.
#51. I got your commitment to making Belmar a better place. Many residents have expressed an interest in changing Belmar’s Form of Government to the one that most communities have. The mayor is not a councilman and doesn’t vote. The Borough Council President sets the agenda and runs the meetings. This would be very different from what we have now. Do you agree that changing our Form of Government would be better? Would you support the effort?
#54… Josh… Your losing me again with this post. You stated “I deserve your vote”, and many on this blog questioned why? Dont come back and tell people they should get involved and run for office, because they are questioning you. Most of these people did not ask you to run for concilman, but you asked for our vote. Also a better manner to engage people is “I WANT TO EARN YOUR VOTE” then state how you will change the direction of the town….. Remember, deserve=entitled, earn=work, much better message. You need some public relations help. Keep working at it, I do hope you win.
#67 You’re describing the Borough form of government, which is not an option for Belmar, because we elected in 1990 to change from the Commission form of government to the Small Municipality Plan under the Optional Municipal Charter Law (aka the Faulkner Act). Belmar’s only choices are to return to the Commission form of government that we had until 1991, which would be a terrible mistake, or choose one of the other Faulkner Act forms of government. Here is a link to an informative Rutgers memo about New Jersey’s various forms of government.
#59. I never said I only went to one meeting. I have been to more than one. I would be able to go to more if they were not canceled or rescheduled so much.
#51 asbury is a great example of people working together towards a common goal. They have made such great strides in that city.
We should take a page out if their book and all work together in Bemar to accomplish a happy medium.
#38 email me and lets meet for coffee
#65. Great comment/question. I dont know the technical answer. I would have discussed with the administration if I was unable to flag it during a meeting, and figure out a way to resolve if I felt uncomfortable about the deal.
#67 i would have to understand more about that and the impacts before I can say yes or no.
#68 my comment on #54 was not towards the people questioning me it was directed to the folks that were being nasty. I like the questions. I want the questions. It helps me get the message out there and it heps me grow. It is the nasty comments or tones that I could do without.
#69 thanks Ken! You will definitey be a valuable resource as always.
My asbury comment was to #61
Mr. Vallario, I’m going to vote for you but I disagree vehemently with your support of BES and the teachers. BES is not doing well (which makes it a normal school) because it is an outdated form of education. The so-called teachers of today are not normal people either. for the most part they would be hard pressed to do the job of stocking the shelves in a supermarket. Everyone knows the “Education Majors” in college nowadays are for the most part people who have no business in a real college. The “schools” are nothing more than indoctrination centers teaching our children, immoral, anti-Americanism.
I know you think you have to say such things to get elected, but the truth of the matter is what I say on this issue in my humble opinion. But truth always runs a poor second to what people want to believe. Take care sir and have a good day. Best of luck.
#76. Josh, Ken failed to fully disclose his primary role in the study and voter initiative that stuck us with the “strong Mayor form of government. You should know out of 565 NJ municipalities only a handful have this form which centralizes power. If you want to hear the other side you owe it to yourself to speak with Michael Suptko in Belmar the only Republican on the committee with Ken.
Thank you all for this virtual Town Hall. If a real one were to happen, here is my question to Josh: On July 20th, one of your supporters ( moderate Republican Tom Burke and member of the Planning Board )stated on his blog Tom Burke Belmar View that Belmar’s Business Administrator was incompetent. Later on July 23, 2017 he stated that many residents across political affiliations felt the BA lacked ethics. Do you agree with this assessment?
#80, Conclusions reached as a result of reading Judge Gummer’s transcripts.
Accoutrements tipped the scale!
Only 17 more comments to beat the record set by June12,13 post, “This Stinks!”. You know how to get readership.
I think the way my WordPress program is currently configured it only has the capacity for 99 comments in a post.
#38- Let us know how that cup of coffee goes. Would love to hear about the winter rentals’ placing a burden on BES, in a politically correct speaking way, influencing where one may send their children. In my research, I’ve gained first handed knowledge that the curriculum being used and the teaching staff employed at BES, pre-K thru 1st grade, are far and beyond better that that of the neighboring districts.
Josh… You are getting smarter, be very careful what you say. Sometimes you cant take it back….
#84 – You have no idea how happy that makes me feel that our tax money is helping the children of the illegal aliens so much. And do they also get better free food than the surrounding districts paid for by our tax money?
#84 Tom that’s not as bad as not knowing their health history. What diseases are these people bringing over here??? Reopen Ellis Island!!! This is insane!
#87 – That’s a good point. The reason they’re coming here illegally is that they know they can’t measure up to any reasonable standard. That’s the reason the edumacation industry lies about the children of the illegal aliens in our schools. They’re doing miserably and the educrats don’t want people to know they have zero future here in this hi-tech society.
#87 – That’s the point, they know they can’t measure up to standards, thus they come here illegally. But, what I’m saying is down the road, when their children come of age, they will fail miserably (as they’re doing in school now) in life. Of course, then they will become wards of the state. But also, they will neither be Mexicans or Americans. They will be completely doomed.
I would like to know how long we have 2 elected people sitting in the audience because they are not elegible to vote
on the issue. If Josh vallario is elected the vote on everything would be a tie. That is a beginning to something
The last I read there are only 2 towns in the state with the form of government we have. Something may be wrong with it. Is that why we have only
Belmar and 1 other town. Can it be changed does anyone know?
#90. That’s what I’ve been saying all along! Tom Brennan is vulnerable to criticism because he is ineligible to vote on a very crucial matters. He voted on licenses when he was first on council.
On your second point, I would be totally against any change in government that doesn’t allow for citizen petitions under the Faulkner Act.
#90. Yes, Terry. Would have to be a special election and get 60% of registered voters to vote to change it.
A sitting council member that cant vote on liquor licenses and a Mayor that has to recuse himself on a lot of things too. its a shame we find ourselves in this situation.
#91 I do not know if this town was under the Faulkner Act or not. But I will tell you we had petitions going many times. The election for the 12 o’clock closing was started with a petition and a meeting in the 5th Ave. Pavillion.
Josh- You can start working right now … please review the Payment of Bills List for Tuesday’s public meeting.
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