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Hot Wheels

Stolen bike abandoned in the wrong place.

Friday morning I was surprised to see a bike chained to the utility pole in front of my house.  When I returned home in the evening it was still there so I called the cops to see if it was possibly stolen.  Turns out it was and the police came, cut the lock and took it away.

(That’s my brother in law’s Audi in my drive.)

Of course nothing escapes the watchful eyes of my high tech security system.

Just before midnight Friday night, north view camera:

The chain and derailleur were all rusty on this bike and must have jammed while he was riding it.  He gives up trying to get it working and chains it to the pole.  He then apparently uses my neighbor’s yard as a latrine and then texts for a ride. South view camera:

Back in view of north view camera:

Was it an Uber that came for him?…or his mother?  Better investigate!


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    It is a high tech age,,, yet criminals are in denial about cameras everywhere. So see, money spent on security is well worth it and provides some amusement too. Sure the owner of the bike will be delighted to get it back.

    Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:58 pm | Permalink
  2. Anonymous wrote:

    Train your cameras so you all have proof for the police because hear no evil see no evil will not speak for you. You are entitled yo peaceful, quiet enjoyment of your properties.

    Make the phone calls to the police department. Redial ready 732.681.1700 extension 0. For yourselves and your neighborhoods.

    Friday, May 26, 2017 at 8:48 am | Permalink

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