Mantoloking to build 15,000 sq ft, 3 story municipal complex with:
Courthouse, police station, all municipal offices and community room.
All for under $5 million, including landscaping, furniture, police equipment!
Story in today’s Asbury Park Press!
Images courtesy of the Coast Star.
From the borough’s website:
Engineering costs $30,299.28 for 5098 sq ft structure. Belmar paying $1 Mil for 2 buildings totaling 9480 sq ft.
Each of the three floors is 5000 sq ft.
“ELECTED” might never form to themselves an interest separate from the ELECTORS. COMMON SENSE
For starters they are not using our engineering company!
Gee maybe we should use their eng. company. Somebody should suggest that to them.
Maybe they “negotiated” and “worked with the democrats”, or maybe they just aren’t corrupt.
Just off the press Belmar runner up
WHAT??? The administration is allowed to tell you how much something will cost and even tell you what is inside. Is that allowed?
Hot off the Press Why I have been saying there will never be a supermarket in Belmar.
Wow. Now that’s a dandy of a building! Imagine that! Open information. Inside design plans. All on mandatory above the flood plane pilings, up to new codes. Humm. Hello? Mayor and council of Belmar? Maybe you guys can call Avon and Mantoloking and ask them how they accomplished all that for so much less than you guys want to spend!! Just sayin!!
#10 Katrina you are asking the council to use common sense????
Maybe they are hiring the Avon By The Sea DPW workers to coordinate their schedules with the General Contractor??
Gorgeous building. Would be nice to have something like that.
Long past the time to get a reasonably priced pavilion building done already.
13 Keep dreaming. They are scheming to figure a way to get what they want built with Union workers.
In the Asbury Park Press.
hey, Avon DPW is a union shop
#16 Yes they are they are paid from the payroll budget i don’t believe there was overtime, and the project was not inflated to make a profit, hence common sense and saving $$$$.
Design efficiency difference …. Mantoloking vs. Belmar …. Mantoloking is appropriately utilizing the ground level …. for parking and assembly uses …. Belmar pavilions would only waste the ground level with combustible storage.
Exactly my point. Avon figured it out long ago. Business administrator vs business administrator, hands down Avon wins
What is the new building being built on the Avon boardwalk? I hope it’s being built with the change from the 1st one.
The fact that there is no alcohol sold in the city of ocean beach certainly gives credit to the town and the beach and being #1 beach in state.
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