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How To Vote In A Sham Election



  1. Belle wrote:

    Someone sent me this information from the Save Jersey Facebook page.
    You can also research the information for yourself.

    If you turn in your Mail-in ballot at a polling site, it will be counted as a ‘provisional vote’. Provisional votes are COUNTED LAST and may not be counted for up to two weeks after the election.
    DO NOT mail in your ballot!
    Do NOT turn in your ballot at a polling site!
    BEST option…
    Submit your ballot at a SECURE BOX LOCATION!
    Secure box voting locations will be announced by Gov. Murphy’s office several weeks before Election Day.
    These secure boxes are picked up by a local Democratic AND Rebublican representative and brought to the Board of Elections for each county where they are counted both by machine and hand. They are not opened until the reach the County Board of Elections!
    Secure Box drop off is the BEST and SAFEST option, OR you can hand deliver your ballot directly to
    the Board of Elections.
    DO NOT trust the postal service!
    DO NOT cast a provisional ballot!
    MAKE SURE YOU take your mail-in ballot to a SECURE BOX location!

    Friday, September 11, 2020 at 8:12 am | Permalink
  2. anonymous wrote:

    #1-you are absolutely correct. You can also hand deliver to the Monmouth County Board of elections office.

    Friday, September 11, 2020 at 8:28 am | Permalink
  3. Anonymous wrote:

    Do you believe this crazy Governor depriving New Jersey from individually standing up and voting at the polls? If it’s healthy to go to inside COSTCO or Home Depot where you slide your credit card to pay for purchases amongst patrons with your PPE in place you should be able to use the Voting machine.

    Friday, September 11, 2020 at 9:52 am | Permalink
  4. HEARD ENOUGH wrote:

    We can’t stand in line and vote at the booth, but we can go to the polling place and turn in the ballot? What’s the difference? There will still be people around, maybe having to wait in line anyway to drop the ballot. The line at the DMV is the only example needed to show that we can and should vote in person. Ridiculous.

    Friday, September 11, 2020 at 12:46 pm | Permalink
  5. Anonymous wrote:

    You all know why we can’t go to a voting booth and pull the lever. The Democrats are trying to STEAL the election by cheating. Don’t stand for it. Protest by voting for President Donald Trump. I predict a landslide. People have had enough of this crap from Russia, impeachment, Nancy/Chuck, rioting, looting, the Chinese Flu and thieving Hunter. Someone please give Joe some more Special K, and I don’t mean cereal.

    Friday, September 11, 2020 at 3:35 pm | Permalink
  6. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    #5 – Why would they “STEAL” something they’ve already got in the b∀g in this st∀te? This is the only “republican” Cty. in the entire state. Haven’t you ever heard of such places as Camden, Newark, Trenton, Paterson, Elizabeth, Atlantic city, Etc.? Do you think there’s enough vote in one county to offset all those other entities?

    Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 5:27 am | Permalink

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