Just in time for tomorrow’s Monmouth Dem-Con!
Those personal reasons might have had something to do with her and her husband’s legal problems that were first reported on here.
Anyway, Matt’s new running mate is Brenda “Sue” Fulton from Asbury Park and she has a clean arrest record. She’s also quite an accomplished person and a newsmaker!
Best of luck to Sue Fulton, she is an outstanding candidate for Freeholder. I decided not to run this year because of the time commitment, my youngest daughter is only 6 and they grow up too fast! I will run for Freeholder in the future, stay tuned. And to be clear,it has nothing to do with a parking ticket from 10 years ago – thanks for letting me clarify that.
No problem, Carly.
BTW, I disagree about Fulton being an outstanding candidate. She’s certainly an interesting person but I think that county voters just want a well run county at the lowest cost possible. As we saw with Jim Keady, they tend not to be real excited by crusaders, especially on a hot button issue that many voters may disagree with.
She’ll probably do well in Asbury Park but that was probably going Democratic anyway.
The woman’s a lesbian? Oh boy…
#3 off topic and not important. What is important is she has no local or county experience.
#3 please keep your homophobia to yourself. It’s not welcome on this site or in Belmar at all.
#5 – So you’ve elected yourself arbiter of what’s welcome and what’s not welcome?
#6 I agree with you. Say what you want and let the chips fall where they may.
#6, Yes I have elected myself to not support bigots or bigotry. I have no problem standing up to bullying.
All he said was “oh boy”. Maybe it was a good oh boy.
As an openly gay member of the Belmar “community”. I too #8. will stand up to all bullies. Hence, why I would never vote for Matt Doherty who has bullied me and publically humiliated me since 2013. That aside, while I am pleased that one from my community, has stepped up and wants to run for public office, I too want to know what her qualifications are for such an office. ( Maybe because Doherty’s have been self service and not public service.) But Ms. Fulton ( a good Scottish name) might be just the true outsider to the present Republican cronies to warrant my attention and consideration. I hate phonies. Dave, you were perceptive to bring up Crusader Keady. He kept promising to meet me for beers to discuss gay issues starting in May 2015. As with his campaign he was M.I.A / all talk, no show. Funny Incumbent Serena did the same in 2014.
AQs the only gay person who posts here, I will let you know how it goes when I make contact with Ms. Fulton.
If West Point had been kept as it was originally intendeded to be, an engineering school, extremely few women would have ever qualified to go there.
To the handful of people who read this blog for the sole purpose of finding things to attack me about, I do not agree with the above statement. I will say though, that in general women just don’t seem to be attracted to careers in engineering. One exception is my daughter, who is in the engineering program at Red Bank Regional High School.
“12. Or my niece who graduated Cornel in chemical engineering, or my cousin’s daughter who’s doing a internship at both Exxon in Texas, then Johnson and Johnson before finishing her her last year at University of Maryland. 🙂 no woman at all.
U.S. Army experience:
“The signal officer leads the Signal Corps, which is responsible for the Army’s entire systems of communication. Officers plan and execute all aspects of communication on a mission and are critical to the Army’s continued success…”
Interesting …. Fort Monmouth was the Home of the Signal Corps until Pallone & Lousyberg dropped the ball and the Fort was closed.
12,13 & 14, Just because you sight a few exceptions doesn’t negate he validity of my statement. The chances women being able to qualify for admittance to in West Point had remained an engineering school are slim at best. You can say anything you want about what a bad guy I am but that doesn’t change the facts (facts are stubborn things).
Fact you are dumb and likely have had woman problems all your life. Sorry you never succeeded in becoming an engineer. I did.
There are plenty of examples of women engineers. There is a big problem in the field supported by research that engineering as a professional has a very high rate men who feel threatened by smart women and create real measurable problems for the professional women engineers. Sounds like Joe Goofinoff could have been in the research sample…..
#16 – Well, there’s something we can agree on. I am dumb. But even dumb people are right once in awhile. This particular case being one of those few times I’m right.
#17 – Joe Lewis said of an opponent who was going to jab and move to beat him, “He can run, but he can’t hide.” That’s what you’re doing, trying to run and hide from facts, but every time you turn around they’re gaining on you.
#10 Maybe Serena had something else more important to worry about than gay issues in
2014. That does not have anything to do with her ability to do the job she was elected to do.
Matt is running on property taxes (even though the Republican incumbents are now lowering them). Ms. Fulton and her partner, Ms. Gnesin pay NO PROPRTY TAXES not only in Monmouth Cty but in NJ for that matter. (NJ Property Tax search) Shades of Jim Keady and now Lorna Phillipson who don’t or have ever paid NJ property taxes. While, I don’t believe this should prevent a person from running for an office such as: Freeholder, State Assembly or U.S. Congress, it makes them less credible when arguing for lower property taxes. In the case of Ms. Fulton, she obviously has more Somerset County experience- that is where she has lived these many years. In the case of Congressional candidate Phillipson, she had northern California ties and declared bankruptcy there before moving to her mother’s home in Monmouth. If roots matter, folks need to do more research before voting.
As a former Aerospace Engineering student at Indiana Inst of Tech. let me say there were very few women enrolled in any of the Eng curriculum. They were indeed desired but few enrolled. I applaud women who persue any Eng degrees. and those who succeed should be praised. Women need not be offended by these facts, but rather inspired by the successes of those who succeed in the field.
Even the condo that Brenda Fulton rents in 1501 Ocean, is Tax Exempt. No real estate taxes paid according to NJ Property Tax Search.
Oh so sorry to hear that carly dropped out or pushed out…now she has time to focus on her family’s values, and also she should focus on growing up herself. (Stop the pouting big baby it’s over). “Just a parking ticket”, that wasn’t paid, shows irresponsibility or was it you felt privileged enough you could park where you want or didn’t have to pay for it. Boo hoo… hate to see you go. Don’t let the door hit you!!!
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