BRAVO! Jim Bean and Theresa Pringle, in their separate endorsements of Dave for Belmar Councilman today, each identified qualities, qualifications,and genuineness inherent in Dave, and clearly absent in either of the other candidates. His ongoing interest and involvement in the town obviously goes beyond party politics. He has demonstrated respectfulness and cognizance of individual rights and differences, but advocates government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Add to those endorsements Dave’s own printed letter in the Coast Star outlining some of the reforms he would like to see enacted in Belmar and therein is the outline for a better, hopeful future. His goals look lofty, but living with Belmar’s current political gutter antics, we need his vision and leadership for a better future.
All good letters, but I want to add that Tom Burke should be officially expelled from the
the Belmar Republican party. He is for everything the party is against and against everything the party is for.
Yes I also will vote “NO” and for Dave. Thanks Now some very needed rest.
BRAVO! Jim Bean and Theresa Pringle, in their separate endorsements of Dave for Belmar Councilman today, each identified qualities, qualifications,and genuineness inherent in Dave, and clearly absent in either of the other candidates. His ongoing interest and involvement in the town obviously goes beyond party politics. He has demonstrated respectfulness and cognizance of individual rights and differences, but advocates government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Add to those endorsements Dave’s own printed letter in the Coast Star outlining some of the reforms he would like to see enacted in Belmar and therein is the outline for a better, hopeful future. His goals look lofty, but living with Belmar’s current political gutter antics, we need his vision and leadership for a better future.
All good reasons to vote a write in. Just kidding.
All good letters, but I want to add that Tom Burke should be officially expelled from the
the Belmar Republican party. He is for everything the party is against and against everything the party is for.
#4.Could be said for Rible, Kean, Christie…..
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