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Oh Dave stop being such a naysayer!
My car wants to know when are we moving to New Hampshire.
Sorry it happened but not surprised. The Unions had a relationship with the Mafia big time before the 90’s, now its the far left loons in the democratic party having a relationship with the Unions.
I think was just one unhinged person who is not a fan.
Also Dave if you need volunteers to very covertly watch your property let us know. They will disappear from here, and not bother you ever.
Thanks but I think we’re ok.
Dave – Tell your car the same people are up there, they just have different bodies.
This is a prime example surrounding the support of posting under an anonymity status on this blog – no matter the speculation that may be derived from this police report filing. – stay safe.
Is it too late to make the blog from anonymous?
That is just BS , but please keep in mind the work you do is amazing and appreciated. On another not seeing how today is cinco de mayo and 10th Ave is having there party ( all for it ) but my question is this say someone falls while drinking in the Town Parking Lot who’s liability is going to cover it ? The Bars doubt it , the towns I don’t know do we have a liqueur Libiltu policy ? Did the town require proof of insurance from the bar that it covered ? Simone should be asking the questions .
Where is Louis Freeh when you need him.
Your neighbors across the street would love you to set up a system on their properties. We could also do a benefit “Belmar free security fund for you fund” for all the other ELEMENTAL NAYSAYERS.
So the Boathouse can’t sell booze on a town approved outside patio during the parade , but 10th Ave can use a public parking lot for a Cinco de Mayo party ? Wow if that doesn’t speak volumes on how this town works . Can’t wait see how big a check the town writes the Harmons after the dust settles .
Dave I believe it was a couple of Union goons. I have had personal experience in this. I cannot tell you how important it is to also file a report with the FBI this no dig to Belmar’s finest, the FBI has much more resources. Please make sure you do it asap this is not someone letting air out of your tires or a neighborly dispute.
And you or your family could have died from the syringe needle that was jammed in your car door lock. You are being victimized by a terrorist Tell the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION now not later. We are all at risk.
Whoever did this probably thinks he or she is helping the mayor, but this makes him look even worse. Attempted murder by rigging a car accident?
Well I noticed something was wrong within a block of the house so I don’t think I was really in danger at any time. The needle was worse, IMO.
There’s a pattern here. Profiling could help catch this psycho whether that person did it on their own or some other psychopaths decided to use a deranged person. Remember Dave other people could be helped from the actions of this pyscho.
I strongly suggest to the Democratic supporters that we will catch you and you will be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law. You snarky kool aid drinkers beware if you know anything, and the individual or individuals implicate you its conspiracy to commit. Wise up.
I still think it was some lone kook.
Dave they tried to harm you twice, three times cannot be their magic number. The authorities have to protect you and all other elements from crazies.
Very informative book.
19 Admin you might be right but more than likely it was someone making a comment complaining about a comment on the blog, and that person mentioned it to someone else and so on. Just like the old saying loose lips sink ships. I don’t think it was a lone wolf it took some thought and time to do what they did. Slashing a tire is easy and quick. I would be careful check all around the car, before using it.
Your so lucky you or your family wasn’t hurt.
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