George Carlin had his 7 words you could never say on television. Well Belmar had it’s 2 words you could never say at Wednesday’s city council meeting. See, it’s just coincidence that suddenly we need to have more regulation on any enterprise that videotapes in Belmar for commercial purposes. It has nothing, nothing, to do with that reality TV show whose name must never be uttered. It just suddenly dawned on our mayor and council that the residents must be protected from any disruption or inconvenience caused by camera crews. Never mind the huge disruptions caused by the St. Patrick’s day parade, the Seafood Festival, the Fall Festival, the vollyball tournament, and all the various charitable runs Belmar hosts. I was actually physically prevented from driving home from a bagel run to feed my guests breakfast a few years ago because of some K something run. The police made me walk home.
There were four words, however, that everyone was encouraged to say Wednesday night: “It’s not about content.” I’m sure that if Newschannel 12 wanted to do a show called “Great Mayors of NJ” and needed to park a newsvan in front of Mayor Pringle’s house for a few days that we would crack down on those pests with the full force of law. Right.
Actually, I would think that aside from my fictional “Great Mayors” show (if it featured him), that our mayor’s favorite TV show would be that show whose name must never be uttered. I bet he secretly watches it when nobody is looking.
The reason everyone had to repeat the mantra “it’s not about content” is precisely because it is about content. They are pretending that they are not violating the producer’s First Amendment rights when clearly that is their intent.
I don’t really watch TV except for Stossel and Beck. I hate reality shows and I’m sure I would hate that show whose name must never be uttered, if I ever saw it. I, too, would prefer they didn’t come to Belmar next season but the fact is they have every right to do it, even if it brings back memories that the mayor would prefer us to forget.
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