But he gave us those nifty paper bags, Josh.
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Telling it like it is. Thanks Josh !
Nice to hear from a candidate who isn’t running with a herd.
All of last year’s campaign and the majority of this year, the “Bean was too negative” candidate shifts to criticism as basis for fight for votes. Fascinating major departure. I will be curious to see just which approach was the winning one.
Nice work, Josh, and you spelled your name right!
Yea man
#3. I don’t believe pointing out Toms voting record is negative. It’s the reality. Pointing out Toms inability to vote on liquor licenses making for a disfunctional council isn’t negative campaigning, it’s a fact.
Most importantly, the fact that Belmar needs 4 out of 5 to bond more money is not something a lot of people realize.
All the statements above are true to the best of your knowledge and belief right Josh? If so this is a clear and concise message which is loud and true to all of Belmar. You want to win for the people of Belmar.
You are a thoughtful candidate who clearly wants to serve all the people who actually live in Belmar and not the puppet master whoever she may be.
I can’t wait till Tuesday. Hutchinson’s latest mailer is so ridiculous, its like he wants Tom to lose. And Brennan’s letter makes him look like a cry baby!
Look at the facts people. Give Josh a chance.
Educating the public is vital to recovering from the current administration’s fiscal irresponsibility. We have been saddled with tremendous debt during the last seven (7) years under the mayor’$ guise of no tax increases. Bond debt is real people so remember the tax man cometh no matter whether you like him or not! Your pal the mayor will not be around to pay your bond debt any more than he would be to pay your mortgages.
Vote on November 7th to get rid of the Stranglehold Bond indebtedness caused by the current council member. Your vote will pay off in your future.
Nice mailer Josh…. Keep the pressure on, your almost at the finish line….
Jim only pointed out the facts as well Trina. He was not “negative”. Thanks for pointing out the sarcasm #3
Tracy I agree. Pointing out what people don’t want to hear is a difficult job. Jim was constantly beat up for doing just that.
Brew, brew, bubble & burn puts the incumbent right back on the dais with the mayor.
#12. You’re more than welcome. Too bad she still doesn’t get it. That plus Jim getting a cold shoulder has unfortunately shaded my opinion of “the last hope for Belmar”. Being in the battle is different from viewing it online.
I’ve noticed that Fencegate is heating up before the election. In typical form Brennan states Vallario is against fences. Actually he is being on good behavior. Every election they claim the Republican wants to cut youth and senior programs. Vallario pretends that a councilman would have a say when the bids go out, come in, get awarded and even paid without influence or consent by counsel. In short if elected, he could only vote no on bills paid for the fence bills already paid. #14.There will be plenty of voters voting against. Chill already.
Josh, I love your videos very informative.I share them privately with people in my neighborhood.
Right on, Josh!
Thanks for the support guys!
#16- wrong. At least Josh can question things. Which, by the way, would be one step better than Walsifer. Mark, stop being a yes guy- question Doherty.
With Sandy came a ‘State of Emergency’ and all Belmar polling locations were consolidated at the Borough administration building with political appointee and police presence …. definitely not an ideologically neutral site for free expression of the vote.
Five years since Sandy and Belmar is still under a ‘State of Emergency’
I liked voting at the Firehouse. It was a warm fuzzy civic pride feeling and opportunity to drop a donation.
The question is do we want to go on the way we are or do we want to have some fresh blood and thoughts and answers for the next 3 years. I don’t think we are going to make it the way things are going and we need a change. A shot of fresh air so to speak. We have to stop
Bonding money to do spending where it isn’t necessary. We need to get some of our debt paid off because we have a lot more coming. If we vote for Josh we have a new approach fresh thinking a family man and a resident that wants to live in our town do VOTE FOR VALLARIO.
Brennan is also a family man who wants to live in this town, presumably, but one difference is that he seems to be of the mind that certain “things” should be FREE and that it is ethical to pay to play, and the other knows the reality of economics from practical experience and that eventually someone has to pay for reckless and self-serving spending.
I wonder what the heck does Brennan teach those kids at school. If a kid does not become a rock star, he/she applies for welfare? Nothing is free, especially freedom, but that is my opinion.
Will Colleen be on patrol at Borough Hall on election day? I am scared…
24: Recent finding report shows (snowflake) Millenniuls prefer socialism as a government security blanket form of government.
Can’t make this stuff up
Colleen the misrepresentor has a baby monitor in all rooms at Borough Hall and who knows what the Eye(s) in the sky sees.
Ever notice how employees look furtively to the left right and up when you ask a question? What is that?
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